Liste over prosjekter som låner data fra MoBa
Denne listen viser en oversikt over alle prosjekter som låner data fra Den norske mor, far og barn-undersøkelsen (MoBa).
Vær oppmerksom på at det vil være noen prosjekter i listen som ikke er aktive forskningsprosjekter. Ønsker du mer informasjon om et aktuelt prosjekt kan du ta kontakt med MoBa administrasjonen.
DÅR= Dødsårsaksregisteret
FHR = Forsvarets helseregister
FREG = Folkeregisteret
HUNT = Helseundersøkelsen i Trøndelag
HUSK = Helseundersøkelsen i Hordaland
Kreftreg = Kreftregisteret
KPR = Kommunalt pasientregister
KUHR = KUHR-databasen
LMR = Legemiddelregisteret
MFR = Medisinsk fødselsregister
MoBa = Den norske mor, far og barn-undersøkelsen
MoBa Bio = Biologisk materiale fra MoBa
MoBa EWAS = metyleringsdata fra MoBa
MoBa Gen = MoBa Genetics
MoBa inn = egen innsamling av data og/eller biologisk materiale fra deltakerne
MoBa Miljø = Miljøbiobanken
MSIS = Meldingssystemer for smittsomme sykdommer
NPR = Norsk pasientregister
NTR = Nasjonalt Tvillingregister
Reseptr = Reseptregisteret
SSB = Statistisk sentralbyrå
SYSVAK = Nasjonalt vaksinasjonsregister
Tromsø = Tromsøundersøkelsen
Bruk CTRL+F for å søke i tabellen.
År | Prosjekttittel | Prosjektleder | Tilhørighet | Nr. | Register | Behandlings-grunnlag |
2024 | Mapping the influences of Endocrine disruptive chemicals (EDCs) on pubertal development and body composition in Norwegian children - The Bergen Growth Study 2 | Pétur Juliusson | Haukeland Universitets-sykehus | 3405 | MoBa, MoBa bio, Bergen Growth Study (BGS2) | 6.1a) og e), 9.2a) og j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9 og helseforskningsloven §15. |
2024 | Muskelskjelettproblematikk i svangerskap og assosiasjon til fødselsutfall | Hilde Stendal Robinson | UiO | D-831-1 | MoBa | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9. |
2024 | Interaksjoner mellom miljøfaktorer og X-koblede gener for utvikling av nærsynthet og langsynthet: en kohortstudie |
Rigmor Baraas |
Uni. i Sørøst-Norge |
D-785-2 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa bio, FHR | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9. |
2024 | MoBaCancer | Eivind Hovig | OUS | 3417 | DÅR, MoBa, HUNT-1, Kreftreg, Tromsø, HUSK, NPR, MoBa Gen, LMR | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2024 | Genetiske faktorer involvert i autisme, andre nevroutviklingstilstander og trekk | Alexandra Saasen-Havdahl | FHI | 3412 | MFR, MoBa, NPR, MoBa Gen, MoBa Bio | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | Epigenetiske modifikasjoner assosiert med miljørisikofaktorer for psykiske lidelser ved fødsel | Stephanie Le Hellard | UiB | 3402 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa EWAS | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | Antioksidanter og utvikling av leukemi hos barn | Ida Caspersen | FHI | 3398 | MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg, MoBa Bio | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | Hvordan flerspråklighet påvirker oppmerksomhetsnivå og ADHD diagnose hos barn: Evidens fra en norsk kohortstudie | Franziska Maria Köder | UiO | 3394 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | MoBa og kreft - Årsaker til og konsekvenser av kreft hos mødre, fedre og deres barn | Dana Kristjansson | FHI | 3392 | MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg, FREG, MoBa Gen, MoBa EWAS | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | MoBa-PlastChem: Prenatal eksponering for plast-kjemikalier og reproduktiv helse hos barn og unge | Gro Villanger | FHI | 3386 | MFR, MoBa, NPR, MoBa Bio | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | Betydning av tidlige erfaringer i barnehage og skole for senere utvikling og utdanning (MoBaEarlyEd) | Ragnhild Eek Brandlistuen | FHI | 3379 | MFR, MoBa, SSB, NPR, MoBa Gen, KPR | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | Quality of Life in Families | Espen Røysamb | UiO | 3346 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | Kjønnsdysfori - forekomst og årsaker | Per Magnus | FHI | 3334 | MoBa, NPR, KUHR | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | Epigenetiske forandringer som mekanisme for leukemi hos barn | Per Magnus | FHI | 3245 | MoBa, Kreftreg | 6.1a) og e), 9.2 a) og j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | Longitudinell invarians av barndomsatferd og temperament: løsrive endringer, tilstander, egenskaper og målefeil | Hugo Cogo Moreira |
Høgskolen i Østfold |
3373 | MoBa | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | Epigenetiske effekter av prenatal eksponering for legemidler | Kristina Gervin | UiO | 3307 | MoBa, FREG, KUHR, Ledd-protese-registeret, MFR, NPR, SSB | 6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2023 | Studie av multippel sklerose blant deltakere i mor og barn studien | Trond Riise | UiB | 3213 | MoBa, NPR | 6.1a) og e), 9.2 a) og j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysnings-loven §§ 8 og 9. |
2022 | KidImmune - Immunologiske mekanismer i barnekreft | Per Magnus | FHI | 3206 | Kreftreg, MoBa, MoBa Bio | |
2022 | Psychotropics including ADHD medication use in pregnancy - insights from the MoBa study | Jacqueline Cohen | FHI | 3194 | MFR, MoBa, Reseptr, SSB | |
2021 | Kvinners fruktbarhet og helse. Vitenskapelig tittel: Fertilitet og helse gjennom livsløpet | Siri Håberg | FHI | 3195 | MFR, MoBa, NPR, KUHR | |
2021 | Pre- og postnatale miljø- og genetiske faktorer i relasjon til hjerneutvikling (ernæring) | Kristine B. Walhovd | UiO | 3193 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2021 | HEIDMED-Norway | Lars Christian Stene | FHI | 3164 | MoBa | |
2021 | Åsaker til svangerskapskvalme | Per Magnus | FHI | 3158 | MoBa, MoBa Genetics | |
2021 | Sosial ulikhet, miljøgifter og helseeffekter knyttet til hjerneutvikling i barn (NeuroTox-CHAIN) | Heidi Aase | FHI | 3144 | MFR, MoBa, SSB, NPR, MoBa inn | |
2021 | Genetiske årsaker til supraventrikulære arytmier I MoBa undersøkelsen | Per Magnus | FHI | 3134 | MoBa, NPR, KUHR | |
2021 | Prevent IBD. Tidlige miljøfaktorer ved betennelsesaktige tarmsykdommer hos barn - prosjektbeskrivelse | Ketil Størdal | UiO | 3132 | Reseptr, MoBa, NPR, MoBa Bio | |
2021 | BRCA1 methyleringstatus i navlestrengsblod hos nyfødte jenter og gutter i forhold til svangerskapslengde - tvillinger | Per Eystein Lønning | UiB | 3102 | MFR, MoBa | |
2021 | Den maternelle effekten på barneastma - Telomerlengde | Per Magnus | FHI | 3066 | MoBa, MoBa Bio | |
2021 | Pre- og postnatale miljømessige og genetiske faktorer i relasjon til hjerneutvikling i Den norske mor og barn-undersøkelsen | Kristine B. Walhovd | UiO | 3110 | MoBa, egne data, MFR, MoBa inn. | |
2021 | TeraEpi: Teratogene effekter av legemidler mot epilepsi i svangerskapet - hvilken rolle spiller epigenetikk og folsyretilskudd? | Kaja Kristine Selmer | OUS | 3096 | MoBa, MoBa Gen, MFR, SSB | |
2021 | DNA metylering i psykiske lidelser | Stephanie Le Hellard | UiB | 3079 | MFR, MoBa | |
2021 | Den maternelle effekten på barneastma. | Per Magnus | FHI | 3060 | Reseptreg, MoBa, NTR, NPR | |
2021 | NordicWelfAir - Luftforurensing og barneastma | Bente Oftedal | FHI | 2582 | Reseptr, MoBa, NPR | |
2021 | NordicWelfAir - Luftforurensing og fødselsutfall | Bente Oftedal | FHI | 2579 | MFR, MoBa, SSB | |
2020 | Human miljøbiobank Norge del 3 - Ny innsamling | Line Småstuen Haug | FHI | 2985 | MoBa, MoBa Miljø, MoBa inn | |
2020 | Ny-tenking om programmeringshypotesen: Prenatal mors stress, DNA-metylering og barnepsykopatologi | Mona Bekkhus | UiO | 2982 | MFR, MoBa | |
2020 | MoBaTann biobank. Humane melketenner som biomarkører for miljøeksponering, ernæringsmessige forhold og sykdommer. | Kristin Klock | UiB | 2972 | MoBa | |
2020 | Barn med CHD på barneskolen: Forekomst og atferdsløp og kognitive problemer | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 2965 | MFR, MoBa, BERTE | |
2020 | HBM4EU Aligned studien – eksponering for miljøgifter og risiko for uhelse hos barn og tenåringer - del II (HMB + MoBa) | Line Småstuen Haug | FHI | 2964 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Miljø | |
2020 | Forløp av symptomer på angst og depresjon hos barn med og uten ADHD fra førskole til skolealder | Heidi Aase | FHI | 2961 | MFR, MoBa | |
2020 | Antropometri hos nyfødte av mødre med polycystisk ovariesyndrom sammenlignet med standardpopulasjon | Eszter Vanky | NTNU | 2945 | MoBa | |
2020 | Genome-wide association study av essensielle og ikke-essensielle sporstoffer | Kristian Hveem | NTNU | 2944 | MFR, MoBa, HUNT-1, MoBa Gen | |
2020 | Kjønnshormoner i svangerskapet og barns risiko for autisme | Pål Suren | FHI | 2934 | MFR, MoBa | |
2020 | Barneepilepsistudien (videreføring av EPYC 1195) | Pål Suren | FHI | 2933 | MoBa, Egne data, NPR, MoBa Inn | |
2020 | HBM4EU Aligned studien – eksponering for miljøgifter og risiko | Line Småstuen Haug | FHI | 2894 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Miljø, MoBa Etox | |
2020 | Perfluoralkylerte stoffer i plasma hos gravide kvinner og varighet av amming etter fødsel | Line Småstuen Haug | FHI | 2888 | MFR, MoBa | |
2020 | Utvikling og validering av en prediksjonsmodell for vitamin D-nivåer i svangerskapet i MoBa | Pål Suren | FHI | 2850 | MoBa | |
2020 | MoBaRheuma - Identifisering av risiko og protektive faktorer (genetiske og miljøfaktorer) for utvikling av revmatisk sykdom | Helga Sanner | OUS - Ullevål | 2836 | Reseptr, MoBa, NPR. SYSVAK, Egne data, MoBa Gen | |
2020 | HEALTHX2 - Effekt og sikkerhet av antidepressiva blant gravide og nybakte mødre | Angela Lupatelli | UiO | 2835 | MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, NPR, MoBa Gen | |
2020 | Effekter av farmakologisk behandling og spesialundervisning på skoleprestasjoner hos barn med ADHD | Guido Biele | FHI | 2833 | MFR, KUHR, Reseptr, MoBa, SSB, FREG, NPR | |
2020 | Bruk av den norske mor-, far- og barnkullstudien (MoBa) til å forstå spredningen av COVID-19-epidemien i Norge | Per Magnus | FHI | 2824 | Reseptregisteret, MoBa, MSIS, NPR, KUHR, MoBa Gen | |
2020 | Athlete-Avanserte verktøy for å studere eksposomet i tidlig leveår og forstå årsakssammenhenger med ikke-smittsomme sykdommer | Kristine B. Gutzkow | FHI | 2815 | MoBa, Egne data, MoBa inn | |
2020 | Reproduksjon, samlivbrudd og helse | Per Magnus | FHI | 2809 | DÅR, MFR, CONOR, MoBa, HUNT, KUHR, Kreftreg, NPR, FD-Trygd | |
2020 | Samfunnsmessig åpenhet, normativ flyt og sosial modifisering av arvelighet | Torkild Lyngstad | UiO | 2796 | MFR, MoBa, NTR, HUNT-1, SSB - sos.øk./trygd, MoBa Gen | |
2020 | BRAINMINT: Hjernefunksjon og mental helse i ungdomsårene | Lars Tjelta Westlye | UiO | 2786 | MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK, SSB, Folkereg, NPR, MoBa Gen, MoBa inn | |
2020 | Probiotisk inntak og effekt på immunforsvaret, graviditet og barnet | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska US/ Östra | 2777 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2019 | Nye verktøy for tidlig barndoms predisposisjon for fedme og diabetes (ERC AdG - HARVEST) - DNA metylering | Pål Rasmus Njølstad | UiB | 3049 | MoBa | |
2019 | Spontan for tidlig fødsel - videreføring av PDB 540 for bruk av kun data | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska Universitets-sjukhuset/Östra | 2776 | MFR, MoBa | |
2019 | ECHIG - meta-analyse | Line Småstuen Haug | FHI | 2771 | MFR, MoBa | |
2019 | Genetisk sårbarhet for psykiske lidelser i en fødselskohort, utvidelse del 2 | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 2768 | MFR, MoBa, SSB, NPR, KUHR, MoBa Gen, FD-Trygd | |
2019 | Påvirker mors vitamin D-status under graviditet barnets helse | Anne Lise Brantsæter |
Gøteborgs universitet |
2759 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Etox | |
2019 | Prenatal metylkviksølveksponering og avkomvekt i Norge og Kina | Anne Lise Brantsæter | FHI | 2736 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Etox | |
2019 | Genetisk variasjon og inntak av alkohol i svangerskapet | Per Magnus | FHI | 2735 | MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2019 | Maternale kostholdsmønstre under graviditet og vedvarende hormonforstyrrende kjemikalier | Anne Lise Brantsæter | FHI | 2711 | MFR, MoBa | |
2019 | MoBa Ung Pilot | Ragnhild Eek Brandlistuen | FHI | 2696 | MoBa | |
2019 | Genetiske studier av inntekt for å forstå sosial ulikhet i helse | Per Magnus | FHI | 2688 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2019 | En retrospektiv vurdering av beskyttende GBS-kapsulære polysakkaridnivåer hos nyfødte norske spedbarn som deltar i MoBa | Claus Klingenberg | UNN | 2686 | MoBa, MSIS | |
2019 | Plasmakonsentrasjoner av poly- og perfluoralkylstoffer (PFAS) hos gravide kvinner og assosiasjonen med barns prenatal og postnatal vekst -HBM4EU Danmark | Line Småstuen Haug | FHI | 2681 | MFR, MoBa | |
2019 | Sosioøkonomiske ulikheter i tilbud og opptak av fødselspleie | Anne Reneflot | FHI | 2680 | MoBa | |
2019 | Frafall i den Norske mor og barn-undersøkelsen | Per Magnus | FHI | 2676 | MFR, MoBa | |
2019 | Er telomerlengde hos nyfødte påvirket av risikofaktorer i livmoren? | Per Magnus | FHI | 2670 | MFR, MoBa | |
2019 | Genetisk sårbarhet for psykiske lidelser i en fødselskohort, utvidelse del 1 | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 2668 | MFR, MoBa, KUHR, MoBa Gen | |
2019 | Assosiasjon mellom infeksjon i livmoren og leukemi hos barn | Per Magnus | FHI | 2666 | MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2019 | Keisersnitt og infeksjoner hos barn | Maria Christine Magnus | FHI | 2646 | MFR, MoBa, Reseptr. SSB, NPR, NUDB | |
2019 | MoBaKinder | Mari Vaage Wang | FHI | 2643 | MFR, MoBa, SSB, NPR, MoBa inn | |
2019 | HbA1c målinger hos mor i svangerskapet og svangerskaps- og fødselsutfall | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 2623 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Miljø | |
2019 | Inntak av flerumettede fettsyrer (n-6 og n-3) i svangerskapet og betydning for svangerskapsdiabetes, preeklampsi og for tidlig fødsel i Den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen | Jan Alexander | FHI | 2545 | MFR, Reseptr, MoBa | |
2019 | Prenatal eksponering for akrylamid og effekt på nevroutvikling hos barn i den Norske mor og barn undersøkelsen | Jan Alexander | FHI | 2544 | MFR, MoBa | |
2018 | Sammenligning av DNA -metylering på tvers av forskjellige teknologier - pilot | Siri Håberg | FHI | 2617 | MoBa | |
2018 | Determinanter for ungdoms energibalanse-relaterte atferd-forskjeller etter sosioøkonomisk posisjon og miljøets rolle. | Mekdes Gebremariam | UiO | 2611 | MoBa | |
2018 | Sosial ulikhet i Norge og barns psykiske utvikling | Eivind Ystrøm | FHI | 2601 | MoBa, NUDB, NTR, SSB, MoBa Gen, Folkereg | |
2018 | NON-PROTECTED: Virkningen av perfluorerte giftstoffer og tarmmikrobiomet på vaksineresponser hos barn. | Merethe Eggesbø | FHI | 2596 | MoBa, SYSVAK, HUMIS, MoBa Miljø | |
2018 | SAMBA -studien. Å vokse opp i Arktis. | Siv Kvernmo | UiT | 2575 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa inn | |
2018 | Utvidelse av HUMIS -studien og validering av eksponeringsvurdering | Merethe Eggesbø | FHI | 2574 | MoBa | |
2018 | VKM - inntak av energidrikker hos 13-åringer | FHI | 2573 | MoBa | ||
2018 | Prognostisk modellering for fedme hos barn | Janet Wojcicki | UCLA | 2572 | MFR, MoBa | |
2018 | Utvikling av ADHD fra førskole til tidlig skoleår | Guido Biele | FHI | 2565 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2018 | NON-PROTECTED. Virkningen av perfluorerte giftstoffer og tarmmikrobiomet på vaksineresponser hos barn. | Merethe Eggesbø | FHI | 2564 | MoBa, HUMIS, SYSVAK, MoBa Miljø | |
2018 | Søvn, stillesittende aktivitet og vektutvikling hos barn | Ingunn Holden Bergh | FHI | 2563 | MFR, MoBa | |
2018 | Intrauterine miljøeksponeringer og svangerskapsutfall | Maria Christine Magnus | FHI | 2552 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2018 | Genetikk for hyperaktivitet/impulsivitet og uoppmerksomhet | Stefan Johansson | UiB | 2550 | MoBa, NPR, MoBa Gen | |
2018 | Metabolomics, IVF og svangerskapsutfall | Siri Håberg | Univ. Bristol | 2535 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2018 | Forholdet mellom kosthold, atferd og skoleresultater | Tonje Holte Stea | UiAgder | 2524 | MoBa | |
2018 | Spebarns vektøkning sett i lys av mors røykevaner og ammemønster | Hanne Stensheim | Kreftreg | 2523 | MoBa | |
2018 | Miljømessige og genetiske årsaker til migrene hos barn og unge | Bendik Slagsvold Winsvold | OUS -Ullevål | 2513 | MoBa, KUHR, MoBa Gen | |
2018 | LifeCycle - Tidlige stressorer og helseutfall | Jennifer R. Harris | FHI | 2512 | MFR, MoBa | |
2018 | Pre- og postnatal eksponering for perfluorerte alkylforbindelser (PFAS) og barns vekst | Line Småstuen Haug | FHI | 2460 | MFR, MoBa | |
2018 | Tidlig barnevekt, baner i spiseforstyrrelser | Deborah Lynn Reas | OUS HF | 2456 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2018 | Hvilke tilleggsfaktorer påvirker risiko for forsinket språkutvikling og autistiske trekk etter eksponering for antiepileptika i fosterlivet? En prospektiv kontrollert kohortstudie av barn av mødre med epilepsi | Marte Helene Bjørk | UiB | 2452 | MoBa | |
2018 | BRCA1 methyleringstatus i navlestrengsblod hos nyfødte jenter og gutter i forhold til svangerskapslengde | Per Eystein Lønning | Haukeland US | 2448 | MoBa | |
2018 | MoBa Psychiatric Genetics. Identifisere manglende arvelighet av psykiatriske lidelser som kombinerer sykehus- og populasjonsprøver og utnytter nye analytiske verktøy | Ole A. Andreassen | OUS -Ullevål | 2445 | MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK, SSB, NPR, KUHR, NUDB, MoBa Gen, FD-Trygd | |
2018 | Barnemishandling og graviditetsplanlegging i MoBa | Elisabeth Krefting Bjelland | Ahus | 2444 | MFR, MoBa | |
2018 | Språk- og læringsstudien del II | Mari Vaage Wang | FHI | 2443 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa inn | |
2018 | Infeksjon og immunitet og ADHD (Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder) | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 2429 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2018 | Genetiske faktorer assosiert med feberkramper i barn. | Stefan Johansson | UiB | 2426 | MFR, MoBa, NPR, MoBa Gen | |
2018 | SAMBA studien | Siv Kvernmo | UiT | 2400 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2018 | DNA-metylering hos nyfødte i forhold til i utero-eksponeringer og helseutfall hos barn | Per Magnus | FHI | 2393 | MFR, MoBa Reseptr, | |
2018 | Sosioøkonomiske forskjeller i vektutvikling hos ungdom: trender, mekanismer og potensielle intervensjoner - prosjektbeskrivelse | Mekdes Gebremariam | UiO | 2365 | MFR, MoBa | |
2017 | Sammenheng mellom luftforurensning og helse og velferd i nordiske land (NordicWelfAir) | Bente Oftedal | FHI | 2435 | DÅR, MFR, Reseptr, NPR, MoBa, CONOR, SSB, FREG | |
2017 | Spedbarnsgråt og søvnproblemer. Kort- og langtidsperspektiver | Randi Andenæs | Høgskolen i Akershus | 2404 | MoBa | |
2017 | Mors angst/depresjon og diett under graviditet og barnutfall: Gen-haplotypeassosiasjoner i foreldre-barn-trioer | Mona Bekkhus | UiO | 2401 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2017 | CASPAR | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 2391 | MFR, Reseptr. MoBa, MoBa inn | |
2017 | Studie av assistert reproduktiv teknologi (START) - epigenetiske mekanismer | Siri Håberg | FHI | 2374 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2017 | Genetiske studier av svangerskapskvalme | Per Magnus | FHI | 2368 | MoBa, MoBa Gen, MFR, MoBa, | |
2017 | Sammenheng mellom perinatal lysinntrykk av døgnklokker og system og kreft i barndommen (PLICCS) | Per Magnus | FHI | 2364 | Kreftreg, MFR, MoBa, | |
2017 | Mellom generasjonell overføring av utdanning og helse: Bevis fra Moleculær genomikk | Alexandra Saasen-Havdahl | FHI | 2350 | SSB, NPR, MoBa Gen | |
2017 | CATCH-UP-prosjektet: Virkningen av pre- og postnatal eksponering for blandinger av miljøgiftstoffer på vekst, fedme og kardiometabolisk helse hos barn | Anne Lise Brantsæter | FHI | 2349 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Miljø | |
2017 | Mors graviditetshyperkolesterolemi og kardiovaskulær risiko hos avkom: undergruppe i MoBa | Kirsten Holven | UiO | 2333 | MoBa, Egne data, MoBa inn | |
2017 | Tvilling-familiestudie av psykiske lidelser i MoBa - ITOR-II (MOBA GEN) | Eivind Ystrøm | FHI | 2330 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, MoBa Gen | |
2017 | Telomerlengde, epigenetisk alder og T -celler hos kvinner som føder | Per Magnus | FHI | 2327 | MFR, MoBa | |
2017 | Hofteleddsdysplasi - genetikk | Karen Rosendahl | Haukeland US | 2325 | MoBa, NTR, Egne data, NPR, MoBa Gen | |
2017 | Prenatal eksponering for giftstoffer og nevroutviklingsforstyrrelser i barndommen og kognitive funksjoner (NEUROTOX) - FASE II av pdb 1606 | Heidi Aase | FHI | 2322 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR | |
2017 | Pediatrisk vekst og risiko for akutt lymfoblastisk leukemi, International Childhood Cancer Cohort Consortium (I4C) | Per Magnus | FHI | 2318 | MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2017 | Mors probiotiske inntak under graviditet og amming | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska US/Östra | 2317 | MFR, MoBa | |
2017 | Forholdet mellom mors svangerskapshyperkolesterolemi og kolesterolnivået for avkom: Bruk av data fra den norske mor- og barnkohortstudien (MoBa) | Kirsten Holven | UiO | 2315 | MFR, MoBa | |
2017 | Bruk av kosttilskudd blant barn i Den norske mor og barn | Ida Caspersen | FHI | 2309 | MFR, MoBa | |
2017 | Sjelden MoBa pilot | Michael B. Lensing | OUS- Ullevål | 2307 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2017 | Genetisk sårbarhet for psykiske lidelser i en fødselskohort | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 2306 | MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, SSB, NPR, MoBa Gen, FD-Trygd | |
2017 | Diett før unnfangelse for helse i neste generasjon - et nytt mål innen folkehelse? (PRECONDIET) | Nina C. Øverby | UiA | 2297 | MFR, MoBa | |
2017 | Mors høyde og preeklampsi | Per Magnus | FHI | 2293 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2017 | Helse- og miljømessige assosiasjoner basert på store befolkninger (HEALS) | Isabella Annesi-Maesano | FHI | 2251 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2017 | Perfluoralkylstoffer i mors plasma under graviditet og ammingsvarighet | Anne Lise Brantsæter | NIEHS | 2249 | MFR, MoBa | |
2017 | Gunstig effekt av amming på avkommets langsiktige helse: konsekvens eller mors eksisterende risikoprofil? | Eszter Vanky | NTNU | 2247 | MFR, MoBa | |
2017 | Epigenetiske effekter av medisiner under graviditet og risiko for nevroutviklingsforstyrrelser i barndommen - Del to | Robert Lyle | OUS- Ullevål | 2240 | MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, NPR | |
2017 | Sosio -emosjonelle problemer hos barn med språkforstyrrelser: Risiko, beskyttende og modererende faktorer | Espen Røysamb | FHI | 2222 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2016 | Fase II - Utfall av IBD og miljømessige risikofaktorer | Morten Vatn | UiO | 2217 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2016 | Påvirkningen av makronæringsstoffer i kostholdet på graviditetsvekten (BBMRI-LPC) | Janet E. Cade | Univ. Leeds | 2206 | MoBa | |
2016 | Lang og kortere effekt av prenatal eksponering for mors angst på barns oppførsel. En ny undersøkelse ved bruk av et søskendesign. | Mona Bekkhus | UiO | 2194 | MFR, MoBa | |
2016 | Mobbing og sårbare barn - en kvantitativ undersøkelse av forekomst og utvikling | Mari Vaage Wang | FHI | 2186 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2016 | Telomerer og fruktbarhet | Per Magnus | Rutgers Univ. | 2170 | MFR, MoBa | |
2016 | Mors seleninntak og selenstatus under graviditet i forhold til graviditetsutfall, neonatale utfall og barnehelse | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska US/Östra | 2143 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2016 | Folsyretilskudd, paracetamol og feber under graviditet og IQ, arbeidsminne og språkutvikling hos avkom | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 2115 | MFR, MoBa, ABC, Egne data, NorFlu | |
2016 | CASPAR - ved bruk av data innsamlet i substudie BRAPUST | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 2114 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2016 | Betydningen av prenatal og postnatal jernstatus for ADHD og kognitive funksjoner hos barn | Heidi Aase | FHI | 2100 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR | |
2016 | Nye metoder for bruk av observasjonsstudier for å undersøke sikkerhet og effekt av bruk av psykotrope medisiner under graviditet | Hedvig Nordeng | UiO | 2096 | MFR, MoBa | |
2016 | Hyperemesis gravidarum og kardiovaskulær sykdom; effekt på barnets vekst | Øyvind Næss | FHI | 2092 | MFR, MoBa | |
2016 | Mors vitamin D-nivåer under graviditet og preeklampsi i 3 fødselskohorter (metaanalyse) | Maria Christine Magnus | Univ. Bristol | 2084 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2016 | Immunogenetikk for fødselsvekt og preeklampsi i en norsk kohort | Ashley Moffett | Univ. Cambridge | 2082 | MFR, MoBa | |
2016 | Telomerer og autisme: en studie av barn og foreldre i Den norske mor og barn-undersøkelsen | Abraham Aviv | Rutgers Univ. | 2062 | MoBa, ABC, NPR | |
2016 | Characteristics of a health promoting childhood environment | Geir Aamodt | NMBU | 2030 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2016 | Langsiktig innvirkning av kroppsmasseindeks og vektendring før graviditet på barndommens vekt, hjerne og kognitiv funksjon | Unni Mette Stamnes Køpp | Sørlandet syk. | 2026 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2016 | Blandingseksponering av miljøgifter før og etter fødsel og vektutvikling | Anne Lise Brantsæter | FHI | 2022 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2016 | Assosiasjon mellom BMI før graviditet og vektøkning i svangerskapet med utfall av graviditet og vektoppbevaring etter fødselen | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 2020 | MoBa | |
2016 | Betydningen av prenatal og postnatal ernæring for ADHD og kognitive funksjoner hos barn | Heidi Aase | FHI | 2014 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR | |
2016 | Prenatal og postnatal miljømessige determinanter | Natalie Shaw | NIEHS | 2003 | MFR, MoBa | |
2016 | Naturlig forløp av preeklampsi | Kari Klungsøyr | UiB | 1817 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Faderlig fedme-assosiert DNA-metylering: en undersøkelse av reproduserbarhet, reversibilitet og assosiasjon med fostervekstbegrensning | Per Magnus | UCL Hospital | 2138 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, MoBa Gen | |
2015 | Hvilken betydning har mors svangerskap og fødsel for datterens livskvalitet som voksen? | Kjell Haug | UiB | 1993 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | Nevroutvikling av barn utsatt i livmoren for smertestillende midler og legemidler mot migrene - oppdatert prosjekt | Hedvig Nordeng | UiO | 1992 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | 12 år - feilfrie tenner? | Nina J. Wang | UiO | 1967 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Nye metoder for å vurdere tilstedeværelse av gjenværende konfusjon ved å vurdere fedres medisinbruk | Hedvig Nordeng | UiO | 1966 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa | |
2015 | Genetiske årsaker til vekstutvikling hos barn (deltagelse i EGG) | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska US/Östra | 1963 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | Genetiske årsaker til vekstutvikling hos barn (Deltagelse i EGG consortia - HARVEST) | Pål Rasmus Njølstad | UiB | 1962 | MFR, MoBa , MoBa Gen | |
2015 | Validering av spørreskjemaet om matfrekvens - resultater fra MoBa | Anne Lise Brantsæter | FHI | 1957 | MoBa | |
2015 | Utforske genetikken til irritabel tarmsyndrom: Bellygenes-initiativet (BBMRI-LPC) | FHI | 1952 | MoBa, Egne data, NPR | ||
2015 | Biomarkører for HPV-infeksjon og to økende kreftformer (BBMRI-LPC) | Per Magnus | FHI | 1943 | MoBa, Kreftreg, Egne data | |
2015 | Biomarkører for iskemisk slag i potensielle kohorter- BiSTROKE (BBMRI-LPC) | Per Magnus | FHI | 1941 | MoBa, Egne data, HKR, NNr. | |
2015 | Effekt av eksponering for luftforurensning i livmor og etter fødselen: rollen som oksidativt stress i barns helseutfall ved hjelp av HELIX DNA -prøver | Kristine B. Gutzkow | FHI | 1929 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Telomerer i svangerskapsforgiftning: rollene for foreldres og nyfødtes telomer lengder. | Per Magnus | FHI | 1928 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | Identifisere genetiske risikofaktorer ved psykiatriske lidelser som utnytter nye statistiske metoder og long range phasing - HARVEST | Ole A. Andreassen | OUS- Ullevål | 1917 | MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2015 | Mors påvirkning på ernæringsstatus og betennelsesmarkører tidlig i svangerskapet | Anne Lise Bjørke Monsen | FHI | 1906 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | IPPIC Nettverk av svangerskapsforgiftning og dødfødsel | John Allotey | Barts and the London Sch. Med. Dent. | 1889 | MFR, MoBa, | |
2015 | Søvnutvikling hos barn med ADHD | Børge Sivertsen | FHI | 1882 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2015 | Foreldrenes yrkesmessige eksponering for benzen som en risikofaktor for leukemi hos barn - en prospektiv studie i Norwegian Mother and Child Study | Jorunn Kirkeleit | UiB | 1854 | MoBa, Kreftreg, SSB | |
2015 | PAGE - basert på Q og samarbeid med BSMB | Lars Christian Stene | FHI | 1853 | MFR, MoBa, NPR, Barne-diabreg | |
2015 | Familier i Norge: Foreldreskap, Samhold og Konflikt | Espen Røysamb | FHI | 1851 | MoBa, SSB, Egne data, Folkereg | |
2015 | Plantefôr og risiko for graviditetsutfall i Norsk Mor og Barn -kull | Serena Tonstad | UiO | 1850 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | Hele korn- og nøtteforbruket og årsaksspesifikk dødelighet og kreftforekomst i MoBa-studien | Serena Tonstad | UiO | 1849 | DÅR, MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2015 | Barnepass og fedme i MoBa | Sara Benjamin Neelon | Johns Hopkins Sch. Public Health | 1848 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | Perinatale og langsiktige nevroutviklingsresultater hos barn utsatt under graviditet for medisinsk og ikke medisinert mors hypothyroidisme - en studie fra den norske mor- og barnkohortstudien | Hedvig Nordeng | UiO | 1845 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, NPR | |
2015 | Personskader i Norge | Eyvind Ohm | FHI | 1838 | DÅR, CONOR, MoBa, SSB, Ung.-under-søk, FREG, NPR | |
2015 | Maternal use of analgesics during pregnancy and risk of CP in the offspring | Katrine Strandberg-Larsen | FHI | 1834 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Mors skjoldbruskfunksjon og risiko for CP og relatert nevroutviklingsutfall hos avkom | Anne Marie Nybo Andersen | FHI | 1833 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Intrauterin vekst og risiko for CP | Pål Surén | FHI | 1832 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Effekt av samspillet mellom perinatale inflammatoriske hendelser og mors forbruk av flerumettede fettsyrer på risiko for cerebral parese hos avkom | Diana Haggerty | FHI | 1831 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Mors autoimmune sykdommer og risiko for CP hos avkom | Mette C. Tollånes | Kreftreg | 1830 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Mors feber og infeksjoner og risiko for CP hos avkom | Dag Moster | FHI | 1829 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Mors forbruk av kaffe og koffeinholdige drikker og CP i en fødselskohort | Katrine Strandberg-Larsen | FHI | 1828 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Sammenheng mellom fedme hos mor og risiko for CP hos avkom | Dag Moster | FHI | 1827 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Foreldres sosioøkonomiske status og risiko for CP hos avkom | Dag Moster | FHI | 1826 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Sammenheng mellom kvalme hos mor tidlig i svangerskapet og CP hos avkom | Dag Moster | FHI | 1825 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Tidlige tegn på CP | Dag Moster | FHI | 1824 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Persepsjonell bruk av multivitaminer og folsyretilskudd og risiko for cerebral parese | Katrine Strandberg-Larsen | FHI | 1823 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Genotyping av høyde, BMI og vekt hos GIANT (Genetic Investigation of ANthropometric Traits) (HARVEST/NJØLSTAD) | Pål Rasmus Njølstad | UiB | 1822 | MoBa | |
2015 | Prenatal eksponering for gjenopprettende materialer for tann og mulige utviklingseffekter hos barn | Lars Björkman | Uni Health/Uni Research AS | 1821 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | Språk og læring: Innflytelse fra hjemmet og barnepass | Mari Vaage Wang | FHI | 1820 | MoBa, SSB, NPR | |
2015 | EUROMIX | Trine Husøy | FHI | 1818 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Livskvalitet hos mor 18 måneder etter fødselen | Kjell Haug | UiB | 1808 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | Mors fedme og konsekvenser hos avkom | Per Magnus | FHI | 1807 | MoBa | |
2015 | Søvn, sovemidler og psykisk sykdom | Jørgen Gustav Bramness | UiO | 1804 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | Human Miljøbiobank II | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 1803 | MoBa, Egne data, MoBa inn | |
2015 | Metabolske veier for nyrecellekarsinom-MetKid-prosjektet (BBMRI-LPC) | Mattias Johansson | IARC | 1792 | DÅR, MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2015 | Epigenetiske analyser i ABC -studien | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 1791 | MFR, MoBa, ABC, NPR | |
2015 | Tidspunkt for probiotisk forbruk under graviditet og dens effekt på forekomsten av preeklampsi og prematur fødsel: en prospektiv observasjonell kohortstudie | Bo Jacobsson | FHI | 1787 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | Hyperemesis gravidarum og kardiovaskulær sykdom (MoBa og CONOR) | Sigrun Halvorsen | OUS- Ullevål | 1785 | MFR, CONOR, MoBa | |
2015 | Fars mentale helse og barns sosiale- emosjonelle og atferdsmessige | Eva Kristin Hope Aaker Biringer | Helse Fonna HF | 1766 | MoBa | |
2015 | Analyse i fullblod. Pilotstudie på Mor og Barn materiale. | FHI | 1764 | MoBa | ||
2015 | Bruk av angstdempende midler og sovemedisin hos gravide - uønskede svangerskapsutfall og fødselsutfall | Marte Handal | FHI | 1759 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | Bruk av illegale rusmidler hos gravide | Svetlana Skurtveit | FHI | 1758 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | Språk-8: Utviklingsbaner for språkbarring i barndommen; Forstå rollen til atferdsmessige og biologiske markører | Ragnhild Bang Nes | FHI | 1757 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2015 | Plasmakonsentrasjon av perfluoralkylstoffer (PFAS) i forhold til menstruasjonsegenskaper | Line Småstuen Haug | FHI | 1731 | MFR, MoBa | |
2015 | PD-PDD modellen for å begrense progresjon av Parkinson demens | Per Magnus | FHI | 1545 | MFR, Reseptr. , CONOR, MoBa, NPR, MoBa | |
2014 | MoBa Genetics | FHI | 2363 | |||
2014 | The Global Pregnancy CoLaboratory (CoLab) - for å undersøke for tidlig diagnose av preeklampsi (pilot) | James M. Roberts | Univ. Pittsburgh | 1770 | MoBa | |
2014 | Genomic methods to investigate human gestational age and fetal/neonatal maturation (HARVEST) | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska US/Östra | 1724 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, MoBa Gen | |
2014 | The influence of environmental factors in the first years of life on the occuReseptr. ence of type 1 diabetes and celiac disease in children and adolescents | Ketil Størdal | FHI | 1723 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, NPR | |
2014 | Mild- to moderate iodine deficiency in pregnancy and early age and risk of impaired neuropsychological development | Anne Lise Brantsæter | FHI | 1717 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2014 | Maternal intergenerational effects on the gestational age (metaanalysis) | Bo Jacobsson | FHI | 1713 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2014 | Risk of cardiovascular complications after use of antidepressants in pregnancy: a study from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Hedvig Nordeng | UiO | 1712 | MFR, MoBa | |
2014 | Multi-site/country data pooling of different ASD screening instruments: A joint effort towards early detection in Europe | Ricardo Bedia Canal | Univ. Salamanca | 1711 | MFR, MoBa, ABC | |
2014 | Konsekvenser av multippel sklerose for svangerskap og fødsel | Marte Helene Bjørk | Haukeland US | 1691 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR | |
2014 | Maternal pregnancy BMI and core blood methylation - PACE consortium | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 1688 | MoBa | |
2014 | Pre- and postnatal environmental and genetic factors in relation to brain development | Kristine B. Walhovd | UiO | 1683 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2014 | Impact of the diet consumed in pregnancy on offspring risk of cancer | Sjúrdur Fróđi Olsen | SSI, Danmark | 1681 | MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg, Egne data | |
2014 | Body image, postpartum weight gain, and depression: Evidence from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Alexandra Brewis | Arizona State Univ | 1663 | MoBa | |
2014 | Neonatal presence of cancer dispositions in children who later develop childhood cancer - "omics" | Monica Munthe-Kaas | FHI | 1660 | MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg, Egne data | |
2014 | Perfluoroalkyl substances and neuropsychological development | Merethe Eggesbø | FHI | 1659 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2014 | Eye-tracking protocol development through data analysis of M-CHAT/ESAT data – ABC study | Roald Øien | UiTromsø | 1658 | MoBa, ABC | |
2014 | Continuity and discontinuity in Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in preschool children | Pål Zeiner | OUS- Ullevål | 1655 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2014 | Fruit and vegetable intake and all-cause and cause-specific mortality and cancer incidence in the MoBa study | Serena Tonstad | UiO | 1644 | DÅR, MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2014 | ART registerstudien | Siri Håberg | FHI | 1643 | MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK, NPR, KUHR | |
2014 | Exposure to psychotropic drugs during fetal life and ADHD in children | Marte Handal | FHI | 1635 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, NPR | |
2014 | Infection and immunity and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) -PILOT | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 1634 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, NPR | |
2014 | Burden of varicella-zoster virus infections in Norway | Elmira Flem | FHI | 1625 | DÅR, MFR, MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, NPR, KUHR | |
2014 | Prenatal exposure to organic and inorganic neurotoxic compounds and relationship with ADHD symptoms and diagnosis in Norwegian children | Gro Villanger | FHI | 1606 | MFR, MoBa | |
2014 | Potential early markers of ADHD: Analysis of miRNA and DNA methylation status in ADHD triads | Nur Duale | FHI | 1605 | MoBa, NPR | |
2014 | Is exposure to perfluorinated alkyl substances during pregnancy associated with the development of type 1 diabetes in the child? | Johanna Bodin | FHI | 1604 | MoBa, MIDIA, Egne data | |
2014 | Placenta: does physical activity influence the variation in size? | Elisabeth Bjelland | FHI | 1595 | MFR, MoBa | |
2014 | GRIT: Genetic risk factors of Hormone Related Venous Thrombosis | Anders Erik Astrup Dahm | Ahus | 1593 | MoBa | |
2014 | Consequences of foetal exposure to NSAIDs - a study among 30 000 siblings in Norway. | Katerina Nezvalova Henriksen | UiO | 1592 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2014 | Using polygenic risk profiles to predict restrictive eating in childhood | Cynthia M. Bulik | UNC | 1586 | MFR, MoBa | |
2014 | Recreational activity and spontaneous preterm as well as early term delivery and neonatal outcome | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska US/Östra | 1581 | MFR, MoBa | |
2014 | Measurements of cell type specific DNA methylation patterns in cord blood - A sub study of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study (MoBa)» | Robert Lyle | OUS- Ullevål | 1576 | MoBa | |
2014 | Etiology of monogenic and complex eye disorders - pilot prosjekt | Eivind Rødahl | Haukeland US | 1575 | MoBa, NPR | |
2014 | Environmental noise and children`s sleep and health - using the MoBa Cohort | Gunn Marit Aasvang | FHI | 1569 | MoBa, SSB - | |
2014 | Prenatal and perinatal paracetamol eksponering og foreningen til Autism Spectrum Disorder og Aspergers syndrom: et søsken kontrollert cohort study | Manuel Cifuentes | Univ. Massachusetts- Lowell | 1568 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, NPR | |
2014 | Early onset psychoses and psychotic like experiences in a population-based birth cohort | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 1567 | MoBa, NPR | |
2014 | Uncovering prenatal and early childhood environmental risk factors for ADHD using a novel exposure biomarker | Annet | 1559 | MFR, MoBa | ||
2014 | Adherence to the New Nordic Diet during pregnancy and its association with maternal long-term weight retention and infant postnatal growth, psychomotor and mental development. | Nina C. Øverby | UiAgder | 1554 | MFR, MoBa | |
2014 | Developmental psychopathology of restrictive and binge eating in childhood in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Cynthia M. Bulik | UNC | 1551 | MoBa | |
2014 | Parent of origin effects (POE) in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder traits (HARVEST). | Stefan Johansson | UiB | 1542 | MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2014 | Epilepsy, pregnancy and conditions concerning medication, diet and eating disorders. | Marte Helene Bjørk | UiB | 1541 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2014 | Genetic overlap in nausea and vomiting in pregnancy in relation to spontaneous preterm delivery | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska US/Östra | 1529 | MFR, MoBa | |
2014 | Hyperemesis gravidarum: betydningen av angst og depresjon | Malin M C Eberhard-Gran | FHI | 1527 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa | |
2014 | The development of self-esteem during the transition to motherhood | Wiebke Bleidorn | Tilburg Univ. | 1519 | MoBa | |
2014 | Validation of 5 year questionnaire. An extended data collection of Språk 8 | Ragnhild Bang Nes | FHI | 1518 | MoBa | |
2014 | Full breastfeeding, weaning time and risk of infections. | Ketil Størdal | FHI | 1502 | MFR, MoBa | |
2014 | Maternal and paternal diabetes and risk of congenital malformations in a large Norwegian pregnancy cohort | Roy Miodini Nilsen | UiB | 1500 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Varicella-zoster virusinfeksjoner hos gravide i Norge (MoBa) - del II av pdb 1070 | Birgitte Freiesleben de Blasio | FHI | 1755 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Maternal caffeine consumption and childhood growth, neurocognitive development and behaviour problems in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (DATA) | Bo Jacobsson | FHI | 1555 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Childhood PFAS exposure | Unni Cecilie Nygaard | NIEHS | 1503 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Maternal occupational exposure to potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals across Europe and pregnancy outcomes | Martine Vrijheid | CREAL | 1486 | MoBa | |
2013 | Prenatal environmental risk factors for Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a population-based birth cohort | Ted Reichborn- Kjennerud | FHI | 1483 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2013 | Effect of antiepileptic drugs on maternal and fetal weight gain and the potential long-term neurodevelopmental consequences for the infant. | Sonia Hernadez- Diaz | Harvard Sch. Public Health | 1482 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2013 | In-Utero beta blocker exposure, fetal weight gain, and long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes. | Brian T. Bateman | Harvard Med School | 1481 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2013 | Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy and neurodevelopment in the offspring | Helga Zoega | Univ. Iceland, Reykjavík | 1480 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2013 | Identifying genetic risk factors in psychiatric disorders leveraging new statistical methods and long range phasing | Ole A. Andreassen | FHI | 1479 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR | |
2013 | Socioemotional problems in children with language disorders: Risk, protective and moderating factors | Espen Røysamb | FHI | 1474 | MoBa | |
2013 | Psykiatriske symptomer, andre diagnoser og medikamentbruk blant barn med autisme- spekterforstyrrelser (ASD) | Pål Surén | FHI | 1467 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, ABC, NPR | |
2013 | Early life determinants of sedentary behaviour and physical activity | Ulf Eklund | Norges idrettshøgsk. | 1464 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2013 | Immunotoxic effects of prenatal and childhood exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances - PFAS-ImmTox | Berit Granum | FHI | 1460 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2013 | Immunotoxic effects of prenatal and childhood exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances | Berit Granum | FHI | 1454 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2013 | Generalised EMF Research using Novel Methods – an integrated approach: from research to risk assessment and support to risk management -Geronimo | Jan Alexander | FHI | 1451 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Health and Environment-wide Associations based on Large populations Surveys | Isabella Annesi-Maesano | Universite Pierr. et Marie Curie | 1445 | MoBa, NTR | |
2013 | Human miljøbiobank, del I: Betydningen av ernæringsstatus for effekten av tungmetaller på helsen til mødre og deres barn (MoBa-ETox) | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 1440 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2013 | Better Health by harvesting biobank (HARVEST PARAPLY) | Per Magnus | FHI | 1438 | CONOR, MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2013 | Exposure of the father and implications for the child: Analysis of genetic and epigenetic changes in triads. | Kristine B. Gutzkow | FHI | 1432 | MoBa | |
2013 | Preconceptional paternal exposure: Analysis of the epigenetic status in children, mother and father (triads) from MoBa. Supplement to HELIX | Gunnar Brunborg | FHI | 1431 | MoBa | |
2013 | Maternal occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and electrical shocks and reproductive outcomes | Anke Huss | Utrecht Univ. | 1430 | MoBa | |
2013 | Bilingualism and language delay | Fufen Jin | FHI | 1424 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Phase III: Nutrition and DNA methylation - Genome-wide association and lipidomics in the MoBa Methylation Project | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 1423 | MFR, Reseptr, MoBa | |
2013 | INTERESSESØKNAD: Maternally acting gene alleles as contributors to IUGR | William G. Johnson | Univ. Med. Dent. New Jersey | 1422 | MoBa | |
2013 | Mental health and psychosocial characteristics of cosmetic breast surgery patients: a study using data from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Tilmann von Soest | UiO | 1418 | MoBa | |
2013 | Et helhetssyn på fisk og sjømat i norsk kosthold | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 1413 | MoBa | |
2013 | Evaluering av potensielle mottakelighetsgener felles for brystkreft og preeklampsi | Linda Tømmerdal Roten | NTNU | 1402 | MFR, CONOR, MoBa | |
2013 | Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) - fetal exposure to A-vitamins, alcohol and smoking. A population based case-cohort study. | Maria Teresa Grønning Dale | FHI | 1400 | DÅR, MFR, MoBa, BERTE, Egne data | |
2013 | Grandmaternal smoking and grandchild birth weight | George Davey-Smith | FHI | 1398 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Genetic causes of hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) | Per Magnus | FHI | 1391 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Folate and fatty acids in early life and neurodevelopmental disorders: developmental language delay as an early marker - utvidelse av 165 | Per Magnus | FHI | 1390 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Common and rare genetic risk factors for ADHD | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 1382 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2013 | Maternal smoking during pregnancy and childhood ADHD | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 1381 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2013 | Maternal use of folate supplement and iodine during pregnancy and childhood ADHD | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 1380 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2013 | Subsequent pregnancy and delivery of a live-born baby after stillbirth | Per Morten Sandset | OUS- Riks | 1379 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | The Human Early-Life Exposome (HELIX) – novel tools for integrating early-life environmental exposures and child health across Europe | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 1376 | MFR, MoBa, SSB, Egne data, MoBa inn | |
2013 | Work-home strains, psychological distress and sickness absence among mothers- A prospective study of mechanisms and protective factors | Wendy Nilsen | UiO | 1361 | MoBa, SSB | |
2013 | Maternal use of folic acid supplements during pregnancy and child emotional and behavior problems: a sibling discordance study | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 1360 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Maternal SSRI use during pregnancy: Effects on child cognitive development | Annika Melinder | UiO | 1359 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2013 | Prenatal health of female cancer survivors and the physical and mental development of the offspring of cancer survivors – data from the Norwegian MoBa study. | Inga MR Johannesdottir | OUS- Radiumhosp. | 1358 | MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2013 | Hypertensjon etter svangerskap: Identifisering av kvinner som har høy risiko under svangerskapet | Grace Egeland | FHI | 1357 | MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, Folkereg | |
2013 | Identify putative novel biomarkers/risk factors and mechanisms for gestational diabetes (GDM) | Agneta Holmäng | Univ. Göteborg | 1355 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2013 | Nausea and Vomiting during pregnancy: dietary modifications and birth outcomes – a study performed in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Marit Veierød | UiO | 1354 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Cerebral parese i de norske og danske mor og barn-kohortene (CP-studien) | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 1352 | DÅR, MFR, SSB, NPR, MoBa, | |
2013 | Colab fetal gender study - pre-eclampsia | Per Magnus | FHI | 1338 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Co-occuReseptr. ing use of alcohol and psychotropic drugs during pregnancy: developmental outcomes in children at 36 months | Ingunn Olea Lund | SIRUS | 1337 | MoBa | |
2013 | Is adherence to a New Nordic Diet during pregnancy associated with reduced risk of preeclampsia and preterm delivery? | Nina C. Øverby | UiAgder | 1336 | MFR, MoBa | |
2013 | Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in young adults in Norway | Pål Zeiner | OUS HF | 1324 | MoBa, NPR | |
2013 | Long term health effects of cesarean delivery in children: food allergy, celiac disease, growth/obesity, rate of infectious diseases and neuropsychological development and the underlying characteristics in gut microbiota | Merethe Eggesbø | FHI | 1322 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2013 | Glycotoxins from food and their impact on widespread lifestyle diseases | Trine Husøy | FHI | 1318 | MoBa, Egne data, Vannverksreg | |
2013 | Zygosity of MoBa twins | Eivind Ystrøm | FHI | 1316 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Early biomarkers of autism and other neuro-developmental disorders | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 1466 | MoBa, ABC | |
2012 | Metabolic traits and risk of preeclampsia: a Mendelian randomization study | Roberta B. Ness | Univ. Texas Sch. Public Health | 1317 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Epigenetic effects of paracetamol during pregnancy and the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD) in childhood | Robert Lyle | OUS- Ullevål | 1299 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2012 | Developmental epidemiology of anxiety and depressive disorders | Jack Hettema | FHI | 1298 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2012 | Pelvic girdle pain after delivery: prognostic factors and consequences | Malin M C Eberhard-Gran | FHI | 1295 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa | |
2012 | Samarbeid mellom Den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen (MoBa) og den danske undersøkelsen Bedre sundhed for mor og barn (DNBC) angående kostholdsfaktorer og fødselsutfall | Thorhallur Ingi Halldorsson | FHI | 1293 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Autism Birth Cohort: Gastrointestinal symptoms and autism | Michaeline Bresnahan | Columbia Univ. | 1288 | MFR, MoBa, ABC, NPR | |
2012 | Validation of CEBQ | Leila Torgersen | FHI | 1285 | MoBa | |
2012 | Temperament/personlighet som prediktor av overvekt og vektøkning mellom 3 og 8 år | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 1278 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Postnatal use of maternal medications and breastfeeding outcomes | Lisa Amir | La Trobe Univ. | 1273 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Plural birth and maternal mental health | Eivind Ystrøm | FHI | 1272 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Validation of the Norwegian Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children (HIPIC): Full and short versions | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 1263 | MoBa | |
2012 | The association between alcohol drinking in pregnancy and candidate genes for alcohol dependence | Per Magnus | FHI | 1254 | MoBa | |
2012 | The effects of preterm status and psychosocial risk factors on behavior problems and communication problems | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 1245 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Maternal excessive weight gain during and after pregnancy | Tilmann von Soest | UiO | 1243 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Contribution of in utero exposure to maternal & paternal smoking maternal nicotine placement therapy and parental smoking in infancy to the development of depression and anxiety symptoms in children | Steven Moylan | Deakin Univ. | 1242 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Adherence to a New Nordic Diet during pregnancy and risk of excessive weight gain in mother and child | Nina C. Øverby | UiAgder | 1233 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Romantic relationship quality across the transition to parenthood and its effects on pregnancy outcome and child development. | Jared A. Durtschi | Kansas Univ. | 1229 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | The effect on mother´s mental health, life satisfaction and self-esteem of having a child with ADHD or behavior problems in the study S-07281a ADHD in preschool age | Heidi Aase | FHI | 1228 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2012 | The development of internalizing problems from infancy to early childhood: the importance of comorbid problems in the child and the parents | Leila Torgersen | FHI | 1227 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2012 | Added sugar, sugar-sweetened beverages and birth weight | Trond Markestad | UiB | 1226 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | PARAPLY: Risk factors and biomarkers for Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a population based birth cohort | Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud | FHI | 1223 | MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, NPR | |
2012 | Maternal intake of sugar in pregnancy and risk of gestational diabetes. | Anne Kjersti N. Daltveit | UiB | 1221 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | The transition to parenthood: Couple Relationship Quality and Health. | Frode Thuen | Høgskolen i Bergen | 1220 | Reseptr. MoBa, Egne data | |
2012 | Validation of SMFQ and SCARED | Leila Torgersen | FHI | 1218 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Prediction of autoimmune diabetes and celiac disease in childhood by Genes and perinatal Environment (PAGE) | Lars Christian Stene | FHI | 1207 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR, Barne-diabreg | |
2012 | The Norwegian Childhood Vaccination Program- predictors for vaccine uptake | Lill Iren Trogstad | FHI | 1204 | MFR, MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, NPR, KUHR | |
2012 | Anal incontinence during pregnancy and the postpartum period: risk factors and familial predisposition | Elham Baghestan | Haukeland US | 1203 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | In utero exposure to pharmacologic sex hormones and birth outcomes | Per Magnus | NIEHS | 1202 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa | |
2012 | Reproductive history and the risk of adverse pregnancy outcome | Gordon CS Smith | Univ. Cambridge | 1201 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Epilepsy in young children - a study based on The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort | Pål Surén | FHI | 1195 | MoBa, Egne data, NPR, MoBa inn | |
2012 | Prenatal exposure to perfluorinated compounds (PFC) and immune-related health effects in childhood | Unni Cecilie Nygaard | FHI | 1185 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Sleep medication in toddlers and young children | Leila Torgersen | FHI | 1176 | MFR, Reseptr, MoBa | |
2012 | Associations of light and moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy with risk of severe language delay in children | Per Magnus | FHI | 1174 | MoBa | |
2012 | Young parenthood and psychological distress | Anne Reneflot | FHI | 1173 | MFR, MoBa, SSB | |
2012 | Perifluorinated alkyl levels in plasma in relation to preeclampsia, and validation of physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model of perifluorinated compounds in pregnancy. | Merethe Eggesbø | NIEHS | 1169 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Vitamin D and growth: Intrauterine, post-natally and early school age | Ketil Størdal | FHI | 1165 | MFR, MoBa | |
2012 | Paraply - Cøliaki | FHI | 1164 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR | ||
2012 | Methylmercury exposure in early life; the cost – benefit effect of maternal seafood consumption during pregnancy on language and motor developmental in pre-school children | Kristine Vejrup | FHI | 1124 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Genetic causes of ADHD in preschool children (GWAs) | Gun Peggy Knudsen | FHI | 1412 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2011 | Phase II - ADHD in early school age - The follow-up study | Heidi Aase | FHI | 1252 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2011 | Exploring BRCA1 promoter methylation in umbilical cord, maternal and paternal peripheral blood cells | Per Eystein Lønning | UiB | 1159 | MoBa | |
2011 | Maternal probiotic use in pregnancy and early childhood respiratory health | Stephanie J. London | NIEHS | 1158 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Outcomes of pregnancy in IBD and environmental risk factors | Morten Vatn | Ahus | 1153 | MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, Egne data, NPR, Vann-verksreg, MoBa inn | |
2011 | Neonatal presence of cancer dispositions (by epigenetic profiles or presence of pre-leukemic cells) in children who later develop childhood cancer (I4C project) | Monica Munthe-Kaas | FHI | 1152 | MoBa, Kreftreg, Egne data | |
2011 | Yearly trends and cohort effects within MoBa | Per Nafstad | UiO | 1151 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Validation of height and weight at age 3 in the MoBa cohort | Matthew P. Longnecker | NIEHS | 1150 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2011 | CHICOS case-study: Effects of socio-economic status and alcohol drinking during pregnancy on birth outcomes | Katrine Strandberg-Larsen | Københavns universitet | 1149 | MoBa | |
2011 | Undiagnosed celiac disease in pregnancy part 2; a risk for celiac disease in the child? | Ketil Størdal | FHI | 1148 | MoBa, NPR | |
2011 | Undiagnosed celiac disease in pregnancy (part 1); a risk for intrauterine growth restriction? | Ketil Størdal | FHI | 1147 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | In utero exposure to pharmacologic sex hormones and obesity at age 36 months | Per Magnus | FHI | 1145 | Reseptr. MoBa | |
2011 | Celiac disease and risk factors in a Norwegian birth cohort (data) | Ketil Størdal | FHI | 1144 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2011 | Trans-generational risk for eating disorders: A MoBa Generation-Study | Leila Torgersen | FHI | 1141 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Phase one: Reliability of free and total BPA analyte measures in MoBa | Stephanie M. Engel | UNC | 1129 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Sleep problems in toddlers and young children – prevalence, risk factors and consequences | Børge Sivertsen | FHI | 1125 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | The influence of maternal diet during pregnancy and the child’s diet on the development of food allergy in early childhood | Berit Granum | FHI | 1123 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Prøveforbytting i MoBa-prosjektet | Trine Waagsbø Skjerden | FHI | 1116 | MoBa | |
2011 | Co-occuReseptr. ence of ASD and ADHD symptoms in children participating in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 1112 | MFR, MoBa, ABC, NPR | |
2011 | Mothers with epilepsy: Why do some children of mothers with epilepsy suffer from adverse development and neuropsychiatric disease? | Nils Erik Gilhus | UiB | 1111 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, MoBa Gen | |
2011 | Case Study: Fish intake during pregnancy and birth outcomes - a chicos project | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 1110 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Abuse and breastfeeding | Mirjam Lukasse | NTNU | 1099 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Validity of ADHD Rating Scale in Norway | Heidi Aase | FHI | 1094 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2011 | Prevalence, refeReseptr. al and treatment of children with ADHD in Norway | Heidi Aase | FHI | 1093 | Reseptr. MoBa, NPR | |
2011 | The Norwegian Longitudinal ADHD Cohort Study – Phase II: Early school-aged children. | Heidi Aase | FHI | 1092 | MFR, Reseptr. MoBa, Egne data, NPR | |
2011 | An epidemiologic study of cerebral palsy in the Norwegian and Danish Birth Cohorts | Pål Surén | FHI | 1090 | DÅR, MoBa, MFR, SSB, NPR, Egne data, | |
2011 | Genetic studies of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a genome-wide analysis in preschool children | Pål Zeiner | OUS- Ullevål | 1089 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2011 | Maternal infection and obstetric complications in the etiology of schizophrenia: A follow-up of the MoBa study. | Bjørn Rishovd Rund | UiO | 1088 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR | |
2011 | C-reactive protein and physical activity during pregnancy in a sub-sample of the MoBa Cohort | Matthew P. Longnecker | NIEHS | 1086 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Tracking of food pattern and overweight in the MoBa study from age (0) 1. 5 yr to 7 yr | Lene Frost Andersen | UiO | 1079 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | The potential effect of the pneumococcal vaccine on respiratory infections and asthma in early childhood | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 1077 | MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK | |
2011 | Intrauterine infections and risk of stillbirths and delayed language development | Susanne G. Dudman | FHI | 1070 | MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK, MoBa inn | |
2011 | Breech presentation at term, cesarean section or vaginal birth, which gives better outcome? | Jon Øyvind Odland | UiTromsø | 1055 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Clubfoot etiology: a prospective cohort study from the Norwegian Mother Child Study | Emily Ruth Dodwell | Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto | 1054 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Case study: Combined analysis of maternal occupation and the risk of adverse birth outcomes across CHICOS birth cohorts | Mark Nieuwenhuijsen | CREAL | 1047 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2011 | Cumulative stress and impact on breastfeeding outcomes | Katherine P. Theall | Tulane Univ, New Orleans | 1045 | MoBa | |
2011 | The effect of prenatal exposure to dietary toxicants on the incidence of infections and the development of allergy- and asthma-related health outcomes in childhood - a follow-up of the NewGeneris project | Berit Granum | FHI | 1041 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Prenatal Phthalate, Phenol and organophosphate (OPs) exposure and symptoms of ADHD in Norway | Heidi Aase | FHI | 1040 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR | |
2011 | Test-retest reliabilitet av The Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment (PAPA)i studien ADHD i førskolealder | Heidi Aase | FHI | 1037 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2011 | Sweet beverages, dietary patterns, glycemic properties and risk of preterm delivery. | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska US/Östra | 1036 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Environmental contaminants and effects on reproduction in MoBa children (part of a CoE application) | Ann-Karin Olsen | FHI | 1035 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Environmental contaminants, immunotoxicity and respiratory outcomes in MoBa children (part of CoE application) | Berit Granum | FHI | 1034 | MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK | |
2011 | Environmental contaminants and overweight, obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in MoBa children (part of CoE application). | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 1033 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | PARAPLY "Folat-forskningsfilen i MoBa" | Stein Emil Vollset | FHI | 1023 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Spontaneous preterm delivery: a system biology approach in the MoBa -part 2 PROTEOMICS | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska US/Östra | 1019 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | The impact of maternal factors on nutritional status (B vitamins and related amino acids) and inflammation markers in pregnancy | Stein Emil Vollset | UiB | 1017 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Prenatal parental, and birth, biomarkers predictive of a later diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder. | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 1002 | MoBa, ABC | |
2011 | Prevalence, predictors and prognosis of depression during and after pregnancy in mothers with epilepsy. Data from the prospective and controlled Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study | Nils Erik Gilhus | UiB | 1000 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Parental use of mobile phone and reproductive outcomes | Bente E. Moen | UiB | 999 | MFR, MoBa | |
2011 | Perinatal outcomes and children's health after prenatal exposure to influenza and influenza vaccination | Lill Iren Trogstad | FHI | 996 | MFR, MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, Egne data, NPR, NorFlu | |
2011 | Anxiety for pandemic influenza infection and influenza vaccination in pregnancy and birth complications | Jorid Eide | FHI | 986 | MFR, MoBa, NorFlu | |
2011 | Intergenerational transmission of risk for common mental disorders: A longitudinal extended children-of-twins cohort study (ITOR study) | Eivind Ystrøm | FHI | 981 | MFR, MoBa, Tvilling | |
2011 | Harmful substances and birth outcomes in the NewGeneris project | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 976 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2011 | When do Norwegian children learn to walk, and does it matter which prewalking strategy they use? Does late onset of walking or alternative prewalking strategies give any woReseptr. ies concerning a child's development? | Grete Helene Bratberg | NTNU | 968 | MoBa | |
2011 | Phase III Asthma Group - Genetics (UTGÅTT) | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 965 | MoBa | |
2011 | Maternal caffeine intake and pregnancy outcome as well as childhood development and health | Bo Jacobsson | FHI | 636 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Phase 1: Prenatal alcohol exposure, childhood development and teenage drinking: a study of trans-generational effects (DATA) | George D. Smith | Univ. Bristol | 1095 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | The associations between maternal heavy drinking and psychosocial adjustment and development in their offspring | Leila Torgersen | FHI | 960 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Gender based violence and childbirth - analyzing data from European cohort studies | Mirjam Lukasse | NTNU | 959 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Språkutvikling og læringsutbytte fra 6 mnd til 8 år - påvirkning fra hjem, barnehage og skole | Mari Vaage Wang | FHI | 955 | MoBa | |
2010 | Neurodevelopment of children exposed in utero to analgesics and anti-migraine drugs - a population-based cohort study | Hedvig Nordeng | UiO | 928 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Work participation and work-related health: a life course perspective | Petter Kristensen | STAMI | 924 | DÅR, MFR, MoBa, SSB | |
2010 | Risk factors for childhood obesity among siblings in MoBa | Matthew P. Longnecker | NIEHS | 918 | MoBa | |
2010 | Physical activity during pregnancy and fetal death | Mette Juhl | Københavns universitet | 917 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2010 | Clinical features of autism spectrum disorders | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 913 | MoBa, ABC | |
2010 | Safety of herbal drugs during pregnancy | Hedvig Nordeng | FHI | 911 | MoBa | |
2010 | Genetic studies of preeclampsia in Central Asian and European populations (InterPregGen) | Linda Morgan | Univ. Nottingham | 909 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Option: Biomarkers in preeclampsia and childhood disorders: a prospective study | Roy Miodini Nilsen | UiB | 905 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | NorFlu | Lill Iren Trogstad | FHI | 902 | MFR, MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, NorFlu, KUHR | |
2010 | Hyperemesis gravidarum: Risikofaktorer og svangerskapsutfall | Per Magnus | FHI | 896 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | IgG and IgG subclasses in pregnant women and immune response after pandemic vaccination and infection | Lisbeth M. Næss | FHI | 889 | MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, NorFlu | |
2010 | Prevalence of antibodies to the pandemic influenza virus in mothers and children in the NorFlu study | Olav Hungnes | FHI | 888 | MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, NorFlu | |
2010 | Validation of a questionnaire based parental checklist for identifying children at 3 years with delayed language development. A population based questionnaire validated in two clinical samples (ABC & ADHD) | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 883 | MFR, MoBa, ABC, Egne data | |
2010 | GWAS of homogenous subsets of preterm birth | David A. Savitz | FHI | 882 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Immunity to pandemic influenza: risk factors for severe infections, and implications for preventive measures. | Siri Mjaaland | FHI | 880 | MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, Egne data, NorFlu | |
2010 | Risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in relation to prenatal iodine and iron nutrition | Anne Lise Brantsæter | FHI | 877 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Why do women continue to smoke during pregnancy or relapse after birth? A study in 90 000 mothers from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 876 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Why do pregnant women drink alcohol? The role of mental health, stress and personality | Kim Stene-Larsen | FHI | 875 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Time-to-pregnancy and folate receptor blocking autoantibodies | Abee L. Boyles | NIEHS | 874 | MoBa | |
2010 | Prenatal alcohol exposure, childhood development and teenage drinking: a study of trans-generational effects | George Davey-Smith | Univ. Bristol | 873 | MoBa | |
2010 | Neurodevelopment of children exposed in utero to psychotropic drugs - a population-based cohort study | Hedvig Nordeng | FHI | 861 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | The influence of prenatal and postnatal exposure to dioxins and PCBs on ADHD related behaviour in Norwegian children | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 854 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Anxiety: Investigating causal factors suggested by an evolutionary approach | Bjørn Grinde | FHI | 852 | MoBa | |
2010 | Components of the metabolic syndrome and early life exposure to tobacco smoking in the MoBa mothers | Matthew P. Longnecker | NIEHS | 851 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Role of early life factors in epilepsy (REaLEpi) | Maura Pugliatti | UiB | 850 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2010 | Women exposed to violence at Hordaland county – identifying risk factors, pattern of lesions and incidence. | Inge Morild | UiB | 849 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2010 | Outcome in children born to mothers with epilepsy - validation study | Nils Erik Gilhus | UiB | 838 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2010 | Altered food preferences during pregnancy of women experiencing nausea and vomiting and their influences upon pregnancy weight change, gestational length and child birthweight. | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 837 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Samliv og helse. 2. delprosjekt; rusmidler og samliv | Frode Thuen | Høgskolen i Bergen | 836 | MoBa | |
2010 | Emotional disorders in 3-4 year olds with symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) | Heidi Aase | FHI | 812 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2010 | The impact of a child’s special health care needs on maternal sickness and work participation | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 790 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, SSB | |
2010 | The Norwegian Influenza Cohort Study (NorFlu) | Lill Iren Trogstad | FHI | 789 | MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, MSIS, Egne data | |
2010 | The impact of maternal diet and infant and child feeding practices on weight development, overweight and obesity, at age 3 and 7 years | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 788 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Assessment of paternal dietary habits in relation to socioeconomic status and children's development. A project in the Norwegian mother and child cohort study | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 783 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Pre- and postnatal environmental and genetic factors in relation to brain development in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Kristine B. Walhovd | UiO | 782 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2010 | ADHD in preschool children: The relation between behavioural and neuropsychological characteristics | Heidi Aase | FHI | 771 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2010 | Influence of in utero exposure to perfluorinated components on the immune status in 3 year old children | Berit Granum | FHI | 768 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2010 | Validation of mothers' reports of their child's weight and height for the MoBa questionnaires at child age 5, 7, and 8 years | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 766 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2010 | Epilepsy; Psychiatric and social aspects in females and males with epilepsy as examined by the MoBa-database | Nils Erik Gilhus | UiB | 759 | MFR, MoBa | |
2010 | Disruptive behaviour disorders in 3-4 year olds with symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) | Heidi Aase | FHI | 716 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2009 | Phase II: Biological mechanisms underlying the increased risk in Breast Cancer Following Pregnancy. | Rebecca Troisi | OUS- Ullevål | 762 | MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2009 | Folic acid in pregnancy - prevention of congenital heart defects? | Nina Øyen | UiB | 757 | DÅR, MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2009 | Mutasjonsanalyse av DNA-minisatelitter fra triader inkludert i BraMiljø - en sub-cohort til MoBa | Gunnar Brunborg | FHI | 756 | MFR, MoBa, | |
2009 | Duration of breastfeeding and health effects | Merete Eggesbø | FHI | 751 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Family, health and social benefits. Advantages of center-based childcare on language and social adaptation. | Arnstein Mykletun | FHI | 748 | MFR, MoBa, | |
2009 | Co-occuReseptr. ing problems with developmental language delay | Kristin S Mathiesen | FHI | 747 | MoBa | |
2009 | From early social skills and communication to later language outcome and the effects of child and family related factors. | Kristin S Mathiesen | FHI | 746 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Parent’s choice of day care solution and children’s development | Kristin S Mathiesen | FHI | 745 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Feeding difficulties in children with CHD: The Norwegian Mother and Child Study. | Ingrid Helland | OUS- Riks | 740 | MFR, MoBa, | |
2009 | Preschool ADHD: Altered learning mechanisms and increased movement variability as early behavioural markers for ADHD? | Heidi Aase | FHI | 737 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2009 | Causes of autism spectrum disorders | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 728 | MFR, MoBa, ABC | |
2009 | Contribution of early life nutritional exposures to the development of depression and anxiety symptoms in children | Felice N Jacka | Deakin Univ. | 721 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Kobling av ABC og NPR - utgått, se PDB 141 | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 720 | MoBa, NPR | |
2009 | Diabetes and time to pregnancy in MoBa | Matthew P. Longnecker | NIEHS | 713 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Fathers’ mental health and socio-emotional and behavioral development in their children | Eva Kristin Hope Aaker Biringer | Helse Fonna HF | 712 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | The mental health of young mothers | Anne Reneflot | FHI | 711 | MoBa | |
2009 | Investigating the role of preconceptional, first and second trimester folate intake and spontaneous preterm birth using data from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Bo Jacobsson | FHI | 703 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Mental distress and partner factors as predictors of workforce participation and sickness leave in mothers of preschool-aged children | Ragnhild E. Ørstavik | FHI | 700 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Mental health during pregnancy and obstetric outcome | Malin M C Eberhard-Gran | FHI | 698 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Paternal age and childhood cancer- The I4C Cancer Consortium | Siri Håberg | FHI | 686 | MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2009 | The epidemiology of multiple births. | Rolv Skjærven | UiB | 682 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Prenatal environmental exposures associated with childhood cancers: The I4C Cancer Consortium. | TeReseptr. y Dwyer | Murdoch Childrens Research Inst. | 679 | MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2009 | Obesity, motherhood, and work participation | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 678 | MoBa, SSB | |
2009 | Epigenetic profiles of ART babies | Karin B. Michels | HarvardMed School | 677 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | LINE-1 methylation in folate-related congenital birth defects | Abee L. Boyles | NIEHS | 676 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Childhood epilepsy: incidence, aetiology, genetics, prenatal anxiety as a risk factor and associated morbidities | Richard FM Chin | Neurosciences Unit and MRC Centre of Epid. | 670 | MoBa, ABC, NPR | |
2009 | Effects of maternal use of prescribed psychotropics during pregnancy and lactation on child behavior outcomes | Marte Handal | FHI | 668 | MFR, Reseptr, MoBa | |
2009 | Forprosjekt - Pre- and postnatal environmental and genetic factors in relation to brain development in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Kristine B. Walhovd | UiO | 667 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2009 | Biomonitoring levels of PFC in a small mother-child cohort study | Gunnar Brunborg | FHI | 651 | MoBa | |
2009 | Language skills and neuropsychological functioning in preschool children with ADHD symptoms | Heidi Aase | FHI | 647 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2009 | Perfluorinated alkyl levels in plasma in relation to time-to-pregnancy | Merethe Eggesbø | NIEHS | 646 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Validering av gravides røykevaner i den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen | Kjell Haug | UiB | 640 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Assosiasjonen mellom for tidlig fødsel og språkforsinkelse hos tre-åringer målt ved Ages and Stages Questionnaires" | Per Magnus | FHI | 637 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Identifying causal determinants of adiposity in childhood - A family based approach to study early life determinants based on the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Øyvind Næss | FHI | 629 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Violence against women, reproductive and perinatal health outcomes | Berit Schei | NTNU | 622 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | The effect of smoking on the risk of hyperemesis | Per Magnus | FHI | 621 | MoBa | |
2009 | Longitudinal effect of active and passive smoking on risk for preeclampsia among singleton pregnancies in the MoBa cohort | Stephanie M. Engel | New York Univ. | 618 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Delaying childbirth - Risk factors for preterm birth in older women | Dag Moster | Karolinska institutet | 617 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Postponing parenthood-Associations between high parental age and infant development and daily life. | Ulla Waldenstrøm | Karolinska institutet | 616 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Psychological aspects of becoming a mother in late reproductive life | Ulla Waldenstrøm | Karolinska institutet | 599 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Delaying childbirth: Postnatal experiences such as experience of childbirth, duration of breastfeeding and breastfeeding complications in older first-time mothers | Ulla Waldenstrøm | Karolinska institutet | 598 | MFR, MoBa | |
2009 | Factors associated with high maternal and paternal age when having the first baby | Ulla Waldenstrøm | Karolinska institutet | 563 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | The role of Killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) and HLA-C-genes in reproductive success | Ashley Moffett | Univ. Cambridge | 612 | MoBa | |
2008 | Partners of women with eating disorders | Cynthia M. Bulik | FHI | 611 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | B vitamins and deregulation of imprinted genes. | Anne Kjersti N. Daltveit | UiB | 601 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Epigenetic, genetic and environmental risk factors of childhood leukemia – a nested case-control study in the Norwegian Mother and Child cohort | Jorunn Kirkeleit | UiB | 597 | DÅR, MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2008 | Prospective study of risk factors for multiple sclerosis | Trond Riise | UiB | 596 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2008 | Phase II MoBa Asthma Group - Follow-up ages 7-10 years (UTGÅTT) | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 595 | MoBa | |
2008 | Phase I MoBa Asthma Group - Pregnancy and Early childhood respiratory and allergic outcomes | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 594 | MFR, MoBa Reseptr, | |
2008 | Maternal obesity and underweight: pregnancy, delivery and neonatal outcome among participators in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort (MoBa) study | Nils-Halvdan Morken | UiB | 591 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Språkutvikling hos premature barn | Christine Roth | FHI | 586 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Exposure to folic acid antagonists during pregnancy and the risk of neurological abnormalities: present at birth or manifesting later in childhood. | Per Magnus | FHI | 585 | MFR, MoBa, Reseptr, BERTE | |
2008 | Risk factors for respiratory diseases, asthma and atopy | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 583 | MoBa, NPR SYSVAK, Egne data | |
2008 | A pilot analysis of levels of metabolites of organophosphate (OP) pesticides, phthalates, and bisphenol A (BPA) in pooled urine specimens from pregnant women participating in MoBa | Matthew P. Longnecker | NIEHS | 578 | MoBa | |
2008 | Consumption of Omega-3 during the pregnancy and how it spreads/ distributes in the socioeconomic groups. | Tonje Braaten | UiTromsø | 574 | MoBa | |
2008 | Pre-pregnant body mass index (BMI) and weight gain in pregnancy in relation to pregnancy outcome. | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 569 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Is there agreement between information in MoBa and the MBRN for the same variables? - a quality control project | Kari Klungsøyr | FHI | 552 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Job adjustment during pregnancy and perinatal health | Karl-Christian Nordby | STAMI | 551 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Maternal prenatal alcohol consumption and infant sleep | Lisa DeRoo | NIEHS | 549 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Maternal prenatal alcohol consumption and risk of fetal death | Lisa DeRoo | NIEHS | 548 | MoBa | |
2008 | Maternal alcohol consumption and obstetric complications | Lisa DeRoo | NIEHS | 547 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy: concuReseptr. ent vs. retrospective reports and the influence of partner substance use | Lisa DeRoo | NIEHS | 546 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Predictors of maternal child-feeding style at 36 months: maternal and child characteristics | Leila Torgersen | FHI | 545 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | The emergence of eating problems in 36 month children of the MoBa Cohort | Leila Torgersen | FHI | 544 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | The emergence of eating problems and eating disorder related behaviours in 7 year old children of the MoBa Cohort | Cynthia M. Bulik | FHI | 543 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Spontaneous preterm birth: a systems biology approach (genomics, proteomics and metabolomics) in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska US /Östra | 540 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Reliability of daughters' reports on their mother's smoking during pregnancy among subjects in MoBa | Matthew P. Longnecker | NIEHS | 533 | MoBa | |
2008 | Prescription and use of asthma medication - Forskrivning og bruk av astmamedisiner | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 532 | Reseptr, MoBa, Egne data | |
2008 | Temporal variability of prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and bisphenol A in the MoBa cohort | Matthew P. Longnecker | NIEHS | 531 | MoBa | |
2008 | Selected environmental risk factors, genetic risk factors and gene-environment interactions for oral clefts | Rolv Terje Lie | UiB | 508 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Prospective study of risk factors for multiple sclerosis (Bio) | Trond Riise | FHI | 501 | MoBa | |
2008 | An epidemiological and epigenetic approach to understanding outcomes in assisted reproductive technology | Robert Lyle | FHI | 496 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Intergenerational transmission of obesity risk from the mother to the child: the role of individual differences | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 495 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Folate, Paternal Age and De Novo Genetic and Epigenetic Events - genetiske faktorer i autisme- spekterforstyrrelser (ASD kasus og deres foreldre) - et delprosjekt av ABC studien | Gun Peggy Knudsen | FHI | 492 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Forskrivning og bruk av legemidler - Kobling MoBa og RESEPTR. | Per Magnus | FHI | 485 | Reseptr, MoBa, Egne data | |
2008 | Effects of maternal substance use during pregnancy on child behavioral outcomes | Carol Prescott | Univ. Bristol S. California | 469 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Infections, contagion and respiratory diseases | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 468 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2008 | PEARL - linkage between registry data and birth cohorts - ALSPAC, MoBa etc. | John Mcleod | Univ. | 466 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | The association of pregnancy hypertension and blood pressure increases in otherwise normotensive pregnancies with maternal breast cancer risk: The role of angiogenic factor concentrations | Rebecca Troisi | NCI, USA | 456 | MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2008 | Longitudinal study of the molecular genetics of anxiety and mood disorders in children | Kenneth S. Kendler | Virginia Commonwealth Univ. | 445 | MoBa | |
2008 | The effect of recuReseptr. ent spontaneous abortions and infertility on fetal growth in offspring of nulliparous women | Per Magnus | FHI | 444 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Språk og læringsstudien, SOL | Mari Vaage Wang | FHI | 439 | MFR, MoBa, NPR, MoBa inn | |
2008 | Maternal and fetal genes, tobacco exposure, and intrauterine growth restriction | David A. Savitz | New York Univ | 435 | MoBa | |
2008 | Paraply -The International Childhood Cancer Cohort Consortium (I4C) | TeReseptr. y Dwyer | Murdoch Childrens Research Inst. | 430 | MoBa, Kreftreg | |
2008 | The role of maternal and offspring metabolic and anthropometric gene variants in fetal and childhood growth | Timothy Frayling | PeninsulaMed School | 414 | MoBa | |
2008 | The relationship between emotion regulation and language and social competence in 3 year olds | Synnve Schjølberg | FHI | 409 | MoBa | |
2008 | Early life exposure to tobacco smoke and subsequent reproduction in MoBa mothers | Matthew P. Longnecker | NIEHS | 408 | MFR, MoBa | |
2008 | Systematic eReseptr. ors in the attribution of gestational age | Olga Basso | NIEHS | 403 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Genome-wide association screening for maternal and fetal susceptibility genes for pre-eclampsia | Linda Morgan | Univ. Nottingham | 431 | MoBa | |
2007 | Diet and LDL cholesterol and spontaneous preterm birth | Janette Jamil Khoury | OUS-Ullevål | 401 | MoBa | |
2007 | Prenatal smoking, maternal and fetal genetic variation, & risk of preeclampsia | Stephanie M. Engel | UNC | 392 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Foetal life and lung diseases. A validation study. Fosterlivet og lungesykdommer. Delprosjekt - valideringsstudie av luftveissykdommer. | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 378 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2007 | Breastfeeding in infants with congenital heart disease (CHD) | Henrik Holmstrøm | OUS- Riks | 374 | MoBa, BERTE | |
2007 | Autismedatabasen | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 370 | MFR, MoBa, NPR | |
2007 | Genetic epidemiology of pre-eclampsia | Rigmor Austgulen | NTNU | 368 | MoBa | |
2007 | Betydningen av amming for mors vektretensjon | Anne Lise Brantsæter | FHI | 367 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Influence of maternal dietary habits on maternal weight gain during pregnancy | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 366 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | European diet in pregnancy project (EARNEST study) | Michelle A. Mendez | IMIM, Barcelona | 358 | MoBa | |
2007 | Sex ratio of offspring in women with eating disorders-(PDB 35) | Cynthia M. Bulik | FHI | 355 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | The Reliability Study / "Gjentagelsesstudien" | Merethe Eggesbø | FHI | 352 | MoBa | |
2007 | Cerebral palsy in a joint Norwegian and Danish Birth Cohort (CP-NODA) | Allen J. Wilcox | NIEHS | 347 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2007 | The identification of genetic variants associated with mate choice and offspring sex-ratio: A replication study in MoBa | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 346 | MoBa | |
2007 | Maternal BMI, maternal weight changes during pregnancy and the child's weight development predicted by sleep habits | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 345 | MoBa | |
2007 | Mothers of children with congenital heart disease (CHD): psychosocial problems from pregnancy through child age 3 years | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 329 | MFR, MoBa, BERTE | |
2007 | Nye verktøy for tidlig predisposisjon til overvekt | Pål Rasmus Njølstad | UiB | 315 | DÅR, MFR, MoBa, HUNT, SSB, MoBa Gen Barne-diabreg, | |
2007 | Characteristics of young children with injuries | Grete Dyb | NKVTS | 312 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Generations, reproduction and birth outcome | Rolv Skjærven | FHI | 310 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Paraply; Research file for generation studies -"Forskningsfil for generasjonsstudier" | Per Magnus | FHI | 309 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Exposure to potentially traumatic events: Effects on mother’s mental health and life satisfaction, and on mental health and adjustment in the child. | Siri Thoresen | NKVTS | 307 | MoBa | |
2007 | Sleeping position in early life as risk factor for infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis and intussusception | Robert Biggar | SSI, Danmark | 306 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Healthy environment and children’s health. NewGeneris / "BraMiljø –Barnets helse" WP11 | Gunnar Brunborg | FHI | 300 | MFR, MoBa, MoBa inn | |
2007 | ADHD-studien: Preschool AD/HD: Early characteristics, developmental trajectories, risk and protective factors in a prospective birth cohort (Phase I of The ADHD Study) | Heidi Aase | FHI | 299 | MoBa, Egne data, MoBa inn | |
2007 | Caffeine intake in relation to pregnancy and birth outcomes in The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 298 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Validation of the Food Frequency Questionnaire to be used in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 297 | MoBa | |
2007 | Mother's physical activity during pregnancy and fetal loss | Matthew P. Longnecker | NIEHS | 296 | MoBa | |
2007 | Phase I: Nutrients, genes and epigenetic modification of DNA in relation to asthma and atopy (UTGÅTT) | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 291 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | B; The association between polymorphisms in the VNTR-Insulin gene and the risk of pre-eclampsia | Dag Undlien | UiO | 290 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Feeding styles in mothers with eating disorders - (PDB 35) | Cynthia M. Bulik | UNC | 287 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Gestational diabetes in women with eating disorders symptom - (PDB 35) | Cynthia M. Bulik | UNC | 286 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Developmental factors associated with variations in the serotonin transporter gene and the FTO gene in children | Cynthia M. Bulik | UNC | 285 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Perinatal health among Pakistan women in Norway | Babill Stray-Pedersen | OUS-Riks | 284 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Risk and protection factors related to the mental well-being of mothers during pregnancy and early childhood years – importance of family life. | Kristian Tambs | FHI | 283 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | MOBADIA – Nutrition and infections in utero and during early childhood years as a risk factor of type 1 diabetes | Lars Christian Stene | FHI | 278 | MFR, MoBa, Barne-diabreg | |
2007 | Pelvic floor muscle training during pregnancy makes labour more difficult. Myth or reality? | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 277 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Angiogenic associated factors in urine and serum in second trimester as predictors for preeclampsia/Angiogenetiske faktorer i urin og serum i andre trimester som prediktorer for preeklampsi. | Anne Cathrine Staff | OUS- Ullevål | 270 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Use of food supplements and birth outcome in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 269 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Dietary patterns/indexes and pregnancy outcome (MoBa) | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 268 | MFR, MoBa | |
2007 | Pregnancy outcomes and mental health | Eva Kristin Hope Aaker Biringer | Helse Fonna HF | 156 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Anxiety during pregnancy and method of delivery | Malin M C Eberhard-Gran | FHI | 267 | MoBa | |
2006 | Violence and traumatic stress, (data from MoBa) | Line Schou | FHI | 266 | MoBa | |
2006 | Predictors for transition in smoking behaviour in the reproductive periode. | Ragnhild Hovengen | FHI | 261 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Predictors for childhood weight development | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 260 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy: Risk factors and prognostic factors | Malin M C Eberhard-Gran | FHI | 259 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Physical abuse and pregnancy outcome | Berit Schei | NTNU | 257 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Physical activity and preeclampsia | Per Magnus | FHI | 253 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Physical activity in pregnancy and infant neurodevelopment | Anne Marie Jukic | NIEHS | 251 | MoBa | |
2006 | GAIN - Whole genome association study of low birth weight | Robert Lyle | FHI | 250 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Can co morbidity between language impairment and emotional problems be detected in 3 year old children | Synnve Schjølberg | FHI | 249 | MFR, MoBa, ABC | |
2006 | Does developmental language disorder (DLD) relate to other neuropsychiatric or neurodevelopmental disorders (NPD/NND) at 3 years | Synnve Schjølberg | FHI | 248 | MFR, MoBa, ABC | |
2006 | Communicative interactions between children with language impairments and their mothers | Synnve Schjølberg | FHI | 247 | MFR, MoBa, ABC | |
2006 | Prenatal biomarkers for delayed language development and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) | Camilla Stoltenberg | FHI | 243 | MFR, MoBa, ABC | |
2006 | Biomarkers of immunotoxic risk in newborns - BraMat - et delprosjekt (Workpackage 9) under EU-prosjektet NewGeneris | Berit Granum | Janssen-CilagAS | 241 | MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK, MoBa inn | |
2006 | Outcome in children born to mothers with epilepsy | Nils Erik Gilhus | UiB | 236 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Prososial atferd hos tre år gamle barn av mødre som rapporterer om angst og depresjon i barnas første leveår | Stephen von Tetzchner | UiO | 235 | MoBa | |
2006 | Pair relation and health | Frode Thuen | UiB | 233 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2006 | Prediction of dental caries in small children | Nina J. Wang | UiO | 231 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Mental health and development in children with congenital heart disease | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 230 | MFR, MoBa, BERTE | |
2006 | Dietary intake and gestational diabetes | Tina Marie Saldana | NIEHS | 229 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Can the mother’s anxiety and depression in pregnancy affect the child’s behaviour at 6 months of age? | Rannveig Nordhagen | FHI | 228 | MoBa | |
2006 | The influence of maternal dietary habits during pregnancy with maternal weight gain and birth size? | Lene Frost Andersen | UiO | 218 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | CYP1A2 gene and caffeine metabolism: effects on fetal growth | Michael B. Bracken | Yale Univ | 214 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Biomarkers of immunotoxic risk in newborns, - et delprosjekt (Workpackage 9) under EU-prosjektet NewGeneris | Martinus Løvik | FHI | 198 | MoBa | |
2006 | Angst og depresjon gjennom svangerskap og barsel (se 267) | Malin M C Eberhard-Gran | FHI | 194 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Mother’s dietary exposure to dioxins, PCBs, PBDEs and mercury – relation to foetal growth and thyroid hormone status of the child. | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 193 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Genes and gene-environment interactions in failed rescue by birth in stillbirths | Frederik Frøen | FHI | 191 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Teeth in MoBa | Kristin Klock | UiB | 189 | MoBa, MoBa inn | |
2006 | Maternal psychological characteristics and caesarean section. | Lorentz M. Irgens | FHI | 188 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Comparing dental caries among twins in Brazil to twins in Norway based on molecular genetic analysis | Jørn A. Aas | UiO | 187 | MoBa | |
2006 | UTGÅTT: Putting the Norwegian health surveys on the map: Assessing air-pollution and water quality using GIS | Geir Aamodt | FHI | 186 | CONOR, MoBa | |
2006 | Cerebral palsy in the Norwegian National Mother-and-Child cohort | Kari Kveim Lie | FHI | 185 | MoBa, ABC | |
2006 | Prenatal folate metabolism and postnatal neurodevelopment | Ezra Susser | Columbia Univ | 184 | MoBa, ABC | |
2006 | An MRI investigation of brain development in young children with autism within the Autism Birth Cohort (ABC) The-MRI study | Einar Heiervang | Haukeland US | 183 | MoBa, ABC | |
2006 | The contribution nutrition and LDL-cholesterol level in early pregnancy to premature birth | Janette Jamil Khoury | OUS- Riks | 170 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Pregnancy, one-carbon metabolism and related single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) | Stein Emil Vollset | FHI | 168 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Influence of maternal KIR and fetal HLA-C genes on pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction and reproductive success | Ashley Moffett | Univ. Cambridge | 167 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Does cytomegalovirus infection contribute to development of preeclampsia? | Rigmor Austgulen | NTNU | 166 | MFR, MoBa, Egne data | |
2006 | Folate and fatty acids in early life and neurodevelopmental disorders: developmental language delay as an early marker | Per Magnus | FHI | 165 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Recruiting analysis | Roy Miodini Nilsen | FHI | 164 | MFR, MoBa, SSB | |
2006 | M-CHAT and ESAT screening questionnaires at 18 months: issues of overlap and external validity | Synnve Schjølberg | FHI | 163 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Comparison of the level of anxiety and depression, as measured by questionnaire responses in MoBa, in women who participate or do not participate in MIDIA. | Per Magnus | FHI | 162 | MFR, MoBa, MIDIA | |
2006 | Short time effects of maternal use of alcohol during pregnancy based on the Norwegian Mother and child cohort study | Per Magnus | FHI | 157 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy: The effect of life style on birth outcome | Nils Erik Gilhus | UiB | 155 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Biological and social pathways from maternal fetal life to pregnancy outcome: secondary analysis of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (NMCCS) | Nick Spencer | Univ. Warwick | 154 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Natural trajectories, gene-environment interactions and AD/HD pathogenesis in a prospective birth cohort (se 299) | Heidi Aase | FHI | 152 | MFR, MoBa, ABC | |
2006 | Gene-environment interactions in an Autism Birth Cohort: The Autism Birth Cohort (ABC)- study | Pål Surén | FHI | 141 | MFR, MoBa, ABC, MoBa inn | |
2006 | Stomach aches in 6 year olds in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Per Olav Vandvik | Sykehuset innlandet | 139 | MoBa | |
2006 | Organic food, pregnancy and health | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 138 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | Birth anxiety related to physical abuse during the mother's childhood | Rannveig Nordhagen | FHI | 129 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | NewGeneris | Jan Alexander | FHI | 128 | MoBa, Egne data | |
2006 | Prenatal maternal stress and anxiety and infant outcomes | Kari Slinning | FHI | 127 | MFR, MoBa | |
2006 | (ESCAPE MoBa) The impact of ambient air pollution on pregnancy outcomes | Per Nafstad | FHI | 117 | DÅR, MoBa, SSB | |
2006 | Healthy eating patterns and indexes and pregnancy outcome (se268) | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 109 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Pregnancy, safety and health in a gender perspective | Anne Kjersti N. Daltveit | UiB | 301 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Spontaneous preterm birth: genetics and proteins | Bo Jacobsson | Univ. Göteborg | 289 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Long term health effects of Cesarean delivery and antibiotics in children: food allergy, growth/obesity, antibiotic and rate of infectious diseases | Merete Eggesbø | FHI | 252 | MoBa | |
2005 | Effekt av ulike folatberikningsstrategier på folatinntaket hos barn og voksne | Margaretha Haugen | FHI | 202 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Social determinants, individual preferences and caesarean section | Grete Botten | UiO | 195 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Coffee, caffeine, methylxantines and gestational length and birth weight | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 192 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Occasional smokers in pregnancy are different from pre pregnancy occasional smokers | Ragnhild Hovengen | FHI | 182 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Sick leave during pregnancy | Rannveig Nordhagen | FHI | 180 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Fødselsasfyksi og inflammatoriske mediatorer hos barn født til termin | Alf Meberg | Sykehuset i Vestfold HF | 171 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | The role of genetic polymorphism in genes on the IGF axis in the development of fetal growth restriction | Phillip Baker | FHI | 169 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Effects of prenatal mercury exposure from dental amalgam fillings | Lars Björkman | Uni Health/Uni Research | 160 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | The association between baby swimming and infections | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 116 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Spontaneous preterm birth and genetics (289) | Bo Jacobsson | Sahlgrenska US/ Östra | 114 | MoBa | |
2005 | X chromosome inactivation pattern in patients with pre-eclampsia | Karen Helene Ørstavik | OUS- Riks | 113 | DÅR, MoBa, Abort-reg | |
2005 | Reported alcohol use during pregnancy and mental health. | Kari Slinning | FHI | 37 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Eating disorders and pregnancy outcome in 100 000 births | Cynthia M. Bulik | UNC | 35 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Fertility of couples in the developed world | Donna D. Baird | NIEHS | 32 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Psychobiological interaction effects. Can problems with attention or hyperactivity related to ADHD be observed in a child’s second year of life? | Anne Inger Helmen Borge | UiO | 31 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Children’s temperament and overweight | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 30 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Mothers impulsivity, negative way of upbringing, and overweight in children | Margarete Erika Vollrath | FHI | 29 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Stability and change in subjective well being | Espen Røysamb | FHI | 28 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Natures draw, resources or behaviour? What is the relationship between health at birth and the socio-economic position of parents? | Astrid Grasdal | UiB | 27 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Subgroups of preterm birth and infectious risk factors of spontaneous preterm birth in the Norwegian Mother and Child cohort study. | Nils-Halvdan Morken | Sykehuset i Telemark | 26 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Acute infectious inflammation in pregnancy – a link to preeclampsia? | Lill Iren Trogstad | FHI | 25 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Contraceptive practices- relations to preeclampsia. | Lill Iren Trogstad | FHI | 24 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Hyperemesis gravidarum and diet | Per Magnus | FHI | 23 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Maternal morbidity and pregnancy outcomes among pregnant women with respiratory symptoms and asthma | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 21 | MFR, MoBa | |
2005 | Foetal life and lung diseases. Does development of lung disease begin during foetal life? | Per Nafstad | FHI | 16 | MFR, MoBa | |
2004 | Developmental psychopathology in infants and support systems (early childcare) | Mona Bekkhus | UiO | 242 | MFR, MoBa | |
2004 | Urinary incontinence during pregnancy | Steinar Hunskår | UiB | 212 | MFR, MoBa | |
2004 | Maternal autoantibodies against folate receptors: A risk factor for folate sensitive birth defects? | Abee L. Boyles | NIEHS | 136 | MFR, MoBa | |
2004 | HUMIS: Mat og miljøgifter. Risikable kostvaner til hvilken pris? Effekten av miljøgifter på barns helse. | Merethe Eggesbø | FHI | 52 | MFR, MoBa, HUMIS | |
2004 | Pharmacoepidemiologic study of medication use during pregnancy | Hedvig Nordeng | FHI | 38 | MFR, MoBa | |
2004 | Psykisk helse blant mødre gjennom svangerskap og fødselsfasen - en prospektiv kohortstudie | Kari Slinning | FHI | 36 | MoBa | |
2004 | Subfertilitet og eksposisjoner i Mor-barn undersøkelsen | Johanne Sundby | UiO | 34 | MoBa | |
2004 | Does atopic status decrease with subsequent pregnancies? | Stephanie J. London | FHI | 33 | MFR, MoBa | |
2004 | Biotilgjengelighet av et utvalg mineraler i kosttilskudd brukt i Den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen. | Olaug Siqveland | FHI | 22 | MFR, MoBa | |
2004 | Physical activity, pregnancy and birth | Wenche Nystad | FHI | 17 | MFR, MoBa | |
2004 | Which factors are associated with breastfeeding during the first six months? | Helle Margrete Meltzer | FHI | 15 | MFR, MoBa |