Doktorgrader, masteroppgaver og rapporter
Doktorgradene, masteroppgavene og rapportene er basert på data fra Den norske mor, far og barn-undersøkelsen.
- Ingeborg Forthun. Socioeconomic inequalities in risk of having a child with cerebral palsy in Denmark and Norway. The roles of parental educational level and body mass index. University of Bergen, 2019.
- Marianne Abel. Iodine nutrition in pregnancy, maternal thyroid function and child development. HiOA 2019.
- Jonas Bacelis. Genetic factors affecting pregnancy duration in humans. Doctoral thesis sahlgremska academy, institute of clinical sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 2018.
- Kam Sripada. Brain development, connectivity, and cognitive skills following preterm birth with very low birth weight: Neuroimaging findings from childhood, early adulthood and the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. NTNU 2018
- Roald Andreas Øien. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Complexities associated with sex-differences, screening and diagnosis. UiT, 2018.
- Tanja Gram Petersen. Risk factors for cerebral palsy in children born in Denmark and Norway; Exploring maternal thyroid disorder, use of analgesics, and ethnicity in association with the risk of cerebral palsy. København Universitet, 2018.
- Liv Kvalvik. Smoking among pregnant women in Norway. Prevalence, self-report validity, and associations to SGA and “early programming” using family and sibling design. UiB 2018.
- Kjell Vegard Fjeldheim Weyde. Road Traffic Noise and Children’s Sleep and Health. UiO, 2018.
- Kari Modalsli Aaberg. Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of childhood epilepsy. UiO, 2018.
- Kristine Vejrup. Prenatal mercury exposure and associations to birth weight and child neurodevelopment. UiO, 2018.
- Jacob Holter Grundt. Biological and behavioral determinants of fetal and childhood growth and risk of developing obesity. UiB, 2017.
- Nicolai Lund-Blix. Early nutrition and risk of type 1 diabetes. UiO, 2017.
- Linda Englund-Øgge. Glycemic properties of maternal diet in relation to perterm devivery and abnormal birth weight. Karolinske Institutt, Sweden, 2017.
- Athanasios Chortatos. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: effects on maternal diet, health, and birth outcomes. An investigation using the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. UiO, 2017.
- Marie Flem Sørbø. Prevalence of abuse reported by pregnant women - impact on postpartum depression and breastfeeding. A prospective population-based analysis in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. NTNU, 2016.
- Alexandra Havdahl. Emotional reactivity, psychiatric symptoms and medication use in children with autism spectrum disorders. UiO, 2016.
- Ida Caspersen. Determinants of early life exposure to dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls and associations with child neurodevelopment. UiO, 2016.
- Bothild Bendiksen. Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder in preschool children: comorbidity patterns, functional impairment and perinatal maternal risk factors. UiO, 2016.
- Sonja Melling. Alkoholbruk, partilfredshet og samlivsstatus. Før, inn i, og etter svangerskapet – korrelater eller konsekvenser? UiB, 2016.
- Anne Elisabeth Sølsnes. IQ, executive functions and brain findings in very low birth weight (VLBW) children and young adults. NTNU, 2015.
- Angela Lupattelli. Safety aspects and patterns of medication use in pregnancy with special focus on psychotropic medication and mental healt”. UiO, 2015.
- Elisabeth Hillesund. Diet and Pregnancy Health. UiA, 2015.
- Lena Henriksen. Sexual violence, pregnancy and childbirth –Studies investigating the association of experienced sexual violence and outcomes in pregnancy and childbirth. UiO, 2015.
- Maria Magnus. Early environmental exposure and childhood respiratory disorders. UiO, 2015.
- Nina Rohrer-Baumgartner. Neurocognitive functions and ADHD symptoms in young preschoolers, with a particular focus on language skills. UiO, 2015.
- Anne Lise Kvalevaag. Fathers’ mental health and child development. The predictive value of fathers’ psychological distress during pregnancy for the social, emotional and behavioural development of their children. UiB, 2014.
- Mari Vaage Wang. Language, motor skills and behavior problems in preschool years. UiO.
- Vigdis Aasheim. Becoming a mother at an advanced age. Pregnancy outcomes, psychological distress, experience of childbirth and satisfaction with life. UiB, 2014.
- Pål Suren. Risk factors for autism spectrum disorders. UiO, 2014
- Mia Myhre. "Infants and toddlers at risk: injuries, abuse and behavioural problems" UiO, 2014.
- Christine Roth. Prenatal exposures and risk of neurodevelopmental disorders. UiO, 2013.
- Øystein Mortensen. Hva skjer med parforholdet når vi får barn? UiB, 2013.
- Solveig Myking. Genetic Association Studies of Spontaneous Preterm Delivery. UiO, 2013.
- Ratib Lekhal. The relationship between children’s attendance in Norwegian childcare centers and language and behavioral development during early childhood. UiO, 2013.
- Unni Mette Stamnes Köpp. Pathways contributing to childhood weight development and overweight in Norway. UiO, 2013.
- Cecilie Knoph. Eating disorder in pregnancy and postpartum. A population based longitudinal pregnancy cohort study. UiO, 2013.
- Maria Teresa Grønning Dale. Well-being among mothers of children with congenital heart defects. UiO, 2012.
- Øivind Solberg. Trajectories of Maternal Mental Health. A prospective study of depression and anxiety symptoms in mothers of infants with congenital heart defects from pregnancy to 36 months postpartum. UiO, 2012.
- Elisabeth Krefting Bjelland. Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain: reproductive risk factors and prognosis. UiO, 2012.
- Mona Bekkhus. Pre- and Postnatal Risk Research and Behaviour Problems in early Childhood. UiO, 2012.
- Katrine Mari Owe. Exercise before and during pregnancy and reproductive outcomes: A population based cohort study. The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study. Norges idrettshøgskole, 2011.
- Tove Wigen. Caries risk indicators in preschool children. Maternal and family conditions in pregnancy and early childhood and dental caries development in preschool children. UiO, 2011.
- Stian Langeland Wesnes. Urinary incontinence during pregnancy and postpartum. Incidence, prevalence and risk factors. UiB, 2011.
- Ragnhild Eek Brandlistuen. Developmental Impairments in Children with Congenital Heart Defects: A prospective case-cohort study. UiO, 2011.
- Dorthe Fuglenes. Cesarean Delivery: Women’s preferences and Doctors’ decisions. UiO 2011.
- Gunn-Mette B. Røsand. Relationship satisfaction, emotional distress, and relationship dissolution: A population-based study on pregnant women and their partners. UiO, 2011.
- Mirjam Lukasse. Childhood abuse – pregnancy and childbirth. UiT, 2011.
- Kim Stene-Larsen. Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Infants and Toddlers with Congenital Heart Defects. A longitudinal study from birth to 36 months of age. UiO, 2011.
- Åse Vikanes. Causes of hyperemesis gravidarum. UiO, 2010
- Roy Miodini Nilsen. Folate and reproductive health - an epidemiologic study of folic acid supplement use and its relation to birth outcomes in Norwegian pregnant women. UiB, 2010.
- Tone Kringeland. Perspective of risk in childbirth, woman’s expressed wishes for mode delivery and how they actually give birth. Nordiska högskolen för folkhälsovetenskap, 2009.
- Yngvild E. Bentdal. Acute otitits media in childhood: Host factors and Parental smoking. UiO, 2009.
- Lill Trogstad. Causes of preeclampsia. UiO, 2009.
- Susan Garthus-Niegel. Weight Development and Feeding in Early Childhood: The Role of Temperament and Behavior Problems. UiO, 2009.
- Eivind Ystrom. The impact of maternal negative affectivity on dietary patterns of 18-month-old children in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. UiO, 2009.
- Siri Håberg. Early life exposures and respiratory health in infancy. UiO, 2008.
- Anne Lise Brantsæter. Validation of dietary data in pregnancy – validation of the food frequency questionnaire developed for the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study (MoBa). UiO, 2007.
- Kristin Øksendal Børresen: Intake of sucrose-sweetened beverages and the risk of developing pharmacologically treated hypertension in women. Master thesis, University of Bergen, 2020.
- Marte Krohn Sjursen, Ida Haugenes Aleksandersen: Analysemetoder for biomarkører i melketenner. Masteroppgave, Universitetet i Bergen, 2019.
- Synnøve Stokke Jensen: MoBaTann: Biobank for humane melketenner innenfor Den norske mor og barn kohort studien (MoBa). Status og validering av målinger per 2016. Hva kan en slik biobank brukes til nå og i fremtiden? Masteroppgave, Universitetet i Bergen, 2017.
- Thea Lervik Myklestad: Effects of dietary patterns on pregnancy outcomes in women with inflammatory bowl disease. Akershus universitetssykehus, 2016.
- Iren Borgen: Preeklampsi og sukker i kostholdet. Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet, 2011.
- Anja Schanke Sundet: Vold og depresjon hos norske småbarnsmødre. Hovedoppgave psykologisk institutt, ved universitet i Oslo, 2009.
- Anne Caroline Fleten: Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, exercise during pregnancy and birth weight: Results from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Master of Science in public health, Institute of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, 2008.
- Suzette Abigail Bylos: Biological vulnerability and developmental resilience in infancy: The influence of temperament, breast feeding and pacifier use. Master thesis, University of Oslo, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept of psychology, 2008.
- Jorid Eide: Abuse in childhood and fear in pregnancy. Master thesis, University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences, 2008.
- Thomas Skjøthaug: Is Caffeine Consumption during Pregnancy Associated with ADHD Symptoms among 18-Month Old Infants? Master thesis, University of Oslo, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept of psychology, 2006. ISBN 82-569-2286-9.
- Kim Stene-Larsen: Does prenatal smoking predict ADHD-related symptoms in 18 months old babies? Master thesis, University of Oslo, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept of psychology, 2006. ISBN 82-569-2290-7.
- Anna-Pia Häggkvist: Ammeforekomst og faktorer som påvirker amming I Den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen. Et utvalg på 19240 mødre i tidsperioden 2001 – 2004. Masteroppgave i helsefagvitenskap, Seksjon for helsefag, Institutt for helsefag og sykepleievitenskap, Medisinsk fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo, 2006.
- Elisabeth Elind: Koffein-inntak under graviditet i relasjon til fødselsvekt i Den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen. Høgskolen i Akershus 2006.
- Olaug Siqveland: Iron bioavailability. An evaluation of iron bioavailability in supplements and foods consumed by 16 466 pregnant women participating in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Univ. i Oslo 2005.
- Brandlistuen, E. R., H. S. Saugestad, L. Evensen, S. Schjølberg, K. Tambs, H. Aase, and W. M. Wang. 2015. Sårbare barn i barnehagen. Betydningen av kvalitet [Vulnerable Children in Preschool. The Importance of Quality], Rapport, 2015: 2. Oslo: Nasjonalt Folkehelseinstitutt.
- Skolestudien : læringsmiljø, skoleferdigheter og utviklingsvansker beskrivelser fra første datainnsamling. Den norske mor og barn-undersøkelsen. Brandlistuen Ragnhild Eek, Schjølberg Synnve, Tambs Kristian, Aase Heidi,Wang Mari Vaage. 2016. Oslo: Nasjonalt Folkehelseinstitutt.