Forebygging av nyresvikt
I forbindelse med utarbeidelse av Handlingsplan mot nyresvikt ble Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten bedt av Helsedirektoratet, avdeling for sykehustjenester, om å finne systematisk oppsummert forskning med relevans for forebygging av nyresvikt.
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In the ongoing work preparing a national plan for prevention of kidney failure, we were asked by the Norwegian Directorate of Health to identify and sort relevant summarised evidence. We limited our search to systematic reviews and reports indexed with the medical subject heading (MesH) kidney diseases in the databases Cochrane database of systematic review (CDSR), Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database. In addition, we searched for relevant reports amongst our own publications. The search was performed in October 2009.
In total we found 336 unique references of systematic reviews and HTAs. In total we identified 156 references of possible relevance based on title and abstract.
The references were sorted to one of five categories:
1. Diagnosis of early kidney disease and identification of patients with increased risk for developing kidney failure.
2. Predisposing factors for chronic kidney disease or failure.
3. Prevention and early intervention against chronic kidney disease.
4. Conservative treatment of chronic kidney disease.
5. Integrated services in the follow-up of patients with chronic kidney disease.
We sorted 12 references to category one and two, 102 to category three, 38 to category four and 4 to category five.
We have neither evaluated the evidence nor the quality of the identified reviews and reports.