Webinar om nasjonale folkehelseinstitutters rolle i å adressere sosial ulikhet i helse
Fredag 24. juni 2022 organiserte FHI v/klynge for global helse et webinar om nasjonale folkehelseinstitutters rolle i å adressere sosial ulikhet i helse under Covid19-pandemien.
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Covid19-pandemien har rammet allerede sårbare grupper og land hardest, både direkte gjennom økt sårbarhet for smitte og alvorlig sykdom, og indirekte gjennom samfunnsinngripende smittevernstiltak. Nasjonale folkehelseinstitutter kan spille en viktig rolle i å bidra til å begrense ulikhetene, for eksempel gjennom å bidra med data om hvordan ulike grupper rammes, forskning på effekt av smitteverntiltak, og gjennom samarbeid med ulike sektorer, lokale myndigheter og befolkningsgrupper.
Webinaret ble organisert i samarbeid med The International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI), og med støtte fra Verdens Helseorganisasjons (WHO) Department for Social Determinants of Health Equity.
Representanter fra folkehelsemyndigheter i en rekke ulike land deltok: Brasil, Canada, Finland, India, Sør-Afrika, Tunisia, Tyskland, og USA.
Diskusjonene på webinaret vil bidra til WHOs pågående utarbeidelse av: «The World Report on Social Determinants of Health Equity» som skal være klar i januar 2023.
14:00 Welcome and introductions
Dr Trygve Ottersen, Executive Director, Division of Infection Control, NIPH.
Dr. Frode Forland – chair and specialist director for infectious diseases and global health, NIPH.
14:10 Reflections on COVID-19, health equity and the work of NPHIs.
Dr. Camilla Stoltenberg, Director-General, NIPH.
14:15 Updates about the World Report on Social Determinants of Health Equity.
Dr. Sudhvir Singh, Technical Officer, Equity and Health, Department of Social Determinants of Health, WHO HQ.
14:25 Discussion (4 min. intervention per participant followed by guided discussion).
(1) How did health inequities feature in the response to COVID-19 in your jurisdiction? What were the key actions for addressing health inequities that the institute/health department promoted (e.g., by putting forward evidence or in other ways recommending actions to policy makers) and what challenges were revealed?
(2) How did other sectors contribute to minimizing the health inequity impact of the pandemic and through what mechanisms did the health sector engage with these sectors?
(3) In what ways have the institute/health department sought to address social determinants of health equity through collaboration with other sectors? What challenges have you faced working with other sectors?
15:20 Summary by chair and next steps by the WHO.
15:30 Closing
Country |
Institution/affiliation |
Participant |
1 |
US Center for Disease Control |
Shelly Bratton, Lead, National Public Health Institute Program, Workforce and Institute Development Branch, CDC Jacob Clemente, Public Health Analyst, Workforce and Institute Development Branch, CDC |
2 |
Brazil |
Fiocruz |
Dr. Felix Rosenberg. Director of Forum Itaborai/Fiocruz and chairperson of IANPHI’s Latin-Amerika network. |
3 |
South Africa |
National Institute of Communicable Diseases, South Africa |
Dr. Natalie Mayet Deputy Director of the National Institute of Communicable Diseases |
4 |
Finland |
The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare |
Dr. Markku Tervahauta Director General for the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare |
5 |
Kerala, India |
Former adviser to the Chief Minister of Kerala on COVID 19 management |
Rajeev Sadanandan Chief Executive Officer, Health Systems Transformation Platform - HSTP |
6 |
Tunisia |
National Health Institute of Tunisia |
Professor Hajer Aounallah-Skhiri. Head of the National Health Institute. |
7 |
Québec, Canada |
Institut national de santé publique du Québec |
Dr. Francois Desbiens Vice-président aux affaires scientifices |
8 |
Germany |
Robert Koch Institute |
Professor Johanna Hanefeld, head of the Center for International Health Protection, RKI. Claudia Hövener, in charge of SDH at RKI. |