Cancer patient pathways: Baseline measurement based on surveys among the population, patients and general practitioners
Key message
In 2014/2015 The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (NOKC) conducted a baseline measurement in conjunction with the implementation of Cancer Patient Pathways in Norway. The aim was to examine how the population, patients and general practitioners (GP’s) considered various conditions and challenges around the provision of health care that cancer patients receive prior to the implementation of the pathways. Themes addressed were information, waiting times and interaction through assessment and treatment.
The areas that received the best assessments in the population survey:
- 74 percent replied «quite agree» or «strongly agree» to the statement that cancer treatment has high quality
- 67 percent replied «quite agree» or «strongly agree» to the statement that health services put cancer patients at the centre of care
The areas with the largest potential for improvement in the population survey:
- 57 percent replied «strongly disagree» or «quite disagree» or «either or» to the statement that health services are available when patients need them
- 44 percent replied «strongly disagree» or «quite disagree» or «either or» to the statement that the information given about how cancer can be prevented is good
- 40 percent said that they «not at all», «to a small extent» or «to some extent» felt confident that they would get the best treatment available
- 39 percent had the impression that health services for cancer patients in Norway are «very poor», «pretty poor» or «either or»
The areas that received the best assessments in the patient experience survey:
- 82 percent replied «to a very large extent» or «to a large extent» to the question if assessment and treatment all in all was satisfactory
- 81 percent assessed the cooperation internally at the hospital as «to a large extent» or «to a very large extent» satisfactory
The areas with the largest potential for improvement in the patient experience survey:
- 63 percent said that the GP’s information regarding treatment was «not at all», «to a small extent» or «to some extent» satisfactory
- 55 percent said that the GP’s information regarding assessment was «not at all», «to a small extent» or «to some extent» satisfactory
The area that received the best assessments in the GP survey:
- 66 percent reported that the waiting time from referral of patients to hospital till the initial consultation «often» or «always» is satisfactory
The area with the largest potential for improvement in the GP survey:
- 47 percent reported that the dialogue with hospital after the patient is discharged «never», «seldom» or «sometimes» is satisfactory
The results showed that background variables explain very little of the variation in the responses from the three surveys.