PsychGen Centre for Genetic Epidemiology and Mental Health
An interdisciplinary research centre for knowledge about how mental health develops and progresses throughout life.
Research themes
Research themes
The PsychGen centre has six main research themes
About the PsychGen centre
About the PsychGen centre
Values and principles
Values and principles
- Covid-19 and impact on mental health: a longitudinal, multi-national study (C-Me)
- PsychGen core project: Genetic epidemiology studies of neurodevelopment and mental health
- Infection and Immunity and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in a Population-Based Birth Cohort
- Post-pandemic mental health: Risk and resilience in young people (covidmentYOUNG)
- Covidment, mental morbidity trajectories in covid-19 across risk populations of five nations
- FAMILY - Understanding and predicting the intergenerational transmission of mental illness
- Intergenerational Transmission of Risk for Common Mental Disorders: A Longitudinal Extended Children-of-Twins Cohort Study
- Intergenerational Transmission of Internalizing and Externalizing Psychopathological Spectra: A Genome-Wide Complex Trait Study
- Pathways from Normal and Disordered Personality to Substance Use Disorders
- Neurodevelopmental cascades and resilience in the context of the family environment
- Gene-Environment interactions in an Autism Birh Cohort
- Kjønnshormoner i svangerskapet og barns risiko for autisme
- Forståelse av de genetiske faktorene som spiller en rolle for nevropsykologisk utvikling
- Exploring the progression of mental illness: Identifying predictors of recovery
- Examining long-term trajectories and outcomes of children at genetic risk for neurodevelopmental disorders (EXTEND)
- Understanding the aetiology of childhood self-harm in the general population: An epidemiological approach
- Psychiatric Genetic Epidemiology (PaGE) group: Integrating causally informative designs and large data resources to understand the development of psychiatric disorders
- Exploring multimorbidity in early-life through genetic epidemiology (EMERGENT)
- Causes, development and consequences of sleep problems and fatigue: The SAFE project
- Same genes, different disorders: understanding the developmental emergence of different psychiatric problems in the context of common genetic liabilities (MoBa-Dev)
- Understanding the development of mental disorders: How does genetic risk manifest across age, gender and environmental factors? (MoBa-Psych)
- How do maternal lifestyle and health-related exposures during pregnancy affect child neurodevelopment? (MoBa-Preg)
- Manifestations of genetic risk and intergenerational transmission of risk for eating disorders (MoBa-Eat)
For researchers in MoBa: MoBaPsychGen pipeline v.1
For researchers in MoBa: MoBaPsychGen pipeline v.1
The PsychGen project has performed a comprehensive quality control of the genetic data in MoBa. This work is ongoing, led by Elizabeth Corfield and a collaboration between the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and NORMENT. The first version of qua...