Publikasjonsliste for Norsk overvåkingssystem for antibiotikabruk og helsetjenesteassosierte infeksjoner (NOIS)
Oversikt over artikler i vitenskapelige tidsskrift der data fra NOIS inngår.
Publikasjonslisten er basert på metodiske søk i internasjonale artikkeldatabaser. Den er avhengig av hvordan kildeopplysningene er angitt i artiklene, og kan følgelig være ufullstendig.
Anmerkning 12.02.24: Det har ikke vært publikasjoner fra NOIS siden 2017.
Meijerink H, Lamagni T, Eriksen H., Elgohari S, Harrington P, Kacelnik O. (2017). Is It Valid to Compare Surgical Site Infections Rates Between Countries? Insights From a Study of English and Norwegian Surveillance Systems. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 38(2), 162-171. doi:10.1017/ice.2016.253
Holen O, Alberg T, Blix HS, Smith I, Neteland MI, Eriksen HM. Broad-spectrum antibiotics in Norwegian hospitals. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2017;137(5):362-6.
Tvedt C, Sjetne IS, Helgeland J, Lower HL, Bukholm G. Nurses' reports of staffing adequacy and surgical site infections: A cross-sectional multi-centre study. Int J Nurs Stud 2017;75:58-64.
Alberg T, Holen Ø, Blix HS, Lindbæk M, Bentele H, Eriksen HM. Antibiotic use and infections in nursing homes. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2017; 137: 357-61. DOI: 10.4045/tidsskr.16.0621.
Lower HL, Eriksen HM, Aavitsland P, Skjeldestad FE (2015). The quality of denominator data in surgical site infection surveillance versus administrative data in Norway 2005-2010. BMC Infectious Diseases; 15, 549.
Skjeldestad FE, Bjornholt J , Gran JM, Eriksen HM (2015). The effect of antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines on surgical-site infections associated with cesarean delivery. Int J Gynecol Obstet; 128, 126-130.
Løwer HL, Dale H, Eriksen HM, Aavitsland P, Skjeldestad FE (2015). Surgical site infections after hip arthroplasty in Norway, 2005-2011: influence of duration and intensity of postdischarge surveillance. Am J Infect Control; 43, 323-8.
Lower HL, Eriksen HM, Aavitsland P, Skjeldestad FE (2013). Methodology of the Norwegian Surveillance System for Healthcare-Associated Infections: The value of a mandatory system, automated data collection, and active postdischarge surveillance. Am J Infect Control; 41, 591-596.
Dyrkorn OA, Kristoffersen M, Walberg M. BMJ Qual Saf. (2012). Reducing post-caesarean surgical wound infection rate: an improvement project in a Norwegian maternity clinic. BMJ Qual Saf; 21, 206-10.
Dale H, Skråmm I, Løwer HL, Eriksen HM, Espehaug B, Furnes O, Skjeldestad FE, Havelin LI, Engesæter LB (2011). Infection after primary hip arthroplasty. Acta Orthop; 82, 646-54.
Eriksen HM, Sæther AR, Okland I, Langen E, Sandness Y, Bødtker A, Skjeldestad FE (2011). Antibiotics prophylaxis in connection with caecarean section - guidelines at Norwegian maternity departments. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen; 131, 2355-2358.
Berg TC, Kjørstad KE, Akselsen PE, Seim BE, Løwer HL, Stenvik MN, Sorknes NK, Eriksen HM (2011). National surveillance of surgical site infections after coronary artery bypass grafting in Norway: incidence and risk factors.Eur J Cardiothorac Surg; 40, 1291-1297.
Hajdu A, Eriksen HM, Sorknes NK, Hauge SH, Loewer HL, Iversen BG, Aavitsland P (2011). Evaluation of the national surveillance system for point-prevalence of healthcare-associated infections in hospitals and in long-term care facilities for elderly in Norway, 2002-2008. BMC Public Health; 13, 923.
2010 og tidligere
Baatrup G, Nilsen RM, Svensen R, Akselsen PE (2009). Increased incidence of postoperative infections during prophylaxis with cephalothin compared to doxycycline in intestinal surgery. BMC Surg, 9, 17.
Eriksen H, Sæther AR, Løwer HL,Vangen S, Hjetland R, Lundmark H, Aavitsland P (2009). Infeksjoner etter keisersnitt. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen, 129, 618-22.
Bruun T, Loewer HL (2007). Prevalence surveillance system of nosocomial infections in Norway. Euro Surveill; 12, 3258.
Eriksen HM, Iversen BG, Aavitsland P (2005). Prevalence of nosocomial infections in hospitals in Norway, 2002 and 2003. J Hosp Infect; 60, 40-5. Review.
Eriksen HM, Iversen BG, Aavitsland P (2002). Sykehusinfeksjoner i Norge 1999 og 2000. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen; 122, 2440-3.
Bucher A, Sorknes N, Lundqvist K, Rønning K (2001). Infeksjoner og antibiotikabehandling ved sykehjem. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen; 121, 827-30.
Scheel O, Stormark M (1999). National prevalence survey on hospital infections in Norway. J Hosp Infect; 41, 331-5.