Publikasjonsliste for Dødsårsaksregisteret
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Dette er en oversikt over artikler fra forskning hvor helseregistre er brukt som datakilde, publisert i vitenskapelige tidsskrift. Listene er basert på metodiske søk i internasjonale artikkeldatabaser. De vil kunne være ufullstendige, avhengig av hvordan kildeopplysningene er angitt i artiklene.
Strøm MS, Sveen KA, Raknes G, Slungård GF, Fagerås SJ. Dødsårsaksregisteret - Dødsårsaker i Norge 2022. Rapport. Folkehelseinstituttet, Bergen, 8. juni 2023.
Sveen KA, Fagerås SJ, Strøm MS, Lillesund B. Dødsfall i Norge blant ikke-bosatte 2019. Rapport. ISBN: 978-82-8406-348-5. Folkehelseinstituttet, Område for helsedata og digitalisering, Dødsårsaksregisteret, Bergen, 2023.
Sveen KA, Fagerås SJ, Strøm MS, Lillesund B. Dødsfall i Norge blant ikke-bosatte 2020. Rapport. ISBN: 978-82-8406-349-2. Folkehelseinstituttet, Område for helsedata og digitalisering, Dødsårsaksregisteret, Bergen, 2023.
Knudsen AKS, Madsen C, Forthun I, Tvedten HM, Dahl J, Lyngstad TM, Strøm MS, Fagerås SJ, Tapia G, Schwinger C, Aavitsland P, Paulsen TH, Kløvstad H, Baravelli C, Sveen KA, Zahl PH, Júliússon PB, Gulseth HL. Dødelighet i Norge under koronapandemien 2020–2022. Rapport. [Mortality in Norway during the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-2022. Report]. ISBN: 9788284063843. Folkehelseinstituttet, 2023.
Kløvstad H, Blindheim MI, Skullerud KH, Dalgard O, Midgard H, Wüsthoff LEC, Kielland KB, Hauge J, Whittaker R. Statusrapport om eliminasjon av hepatitt B og C som folkehelseproblem i Norge. Oppfølging av den nasjonale strategien mot virale hepatitter. [Status report on the elimination of hepatitis B and C as a public health threat in Norway]. Folkehelseinstituttet, Oslo, 2023.
Kringeland EA, Slungård GF, Forster RB, Akerkar RR, Eriksen SHW. Hjerte- og karregisteret - Rapport for 2022. (The Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry – Report for 2022). ISBN: 9788284064048. Folkehelseinstituttet. Område for helsedata og digitalisering, 2023.
Myklestad I, Stene-Larsen K, Reneflot A. En kartlegging av publisert forskning og kunnskapsmangler på selvmordsfeltet i Norge. Rapport. ISBN: 978-82-8406-419-2. Folkehelseinstituttet. Område for psykisk og fysisk helse, 2023.
Hungnes O, Paulsen TH, Rohringer A, Seppälä EM, Bøås H, Dahl J, Fossum E, Stålcrantz J, Klüwer B, Rydland KM, Aune T, Bragstad K. Influenza Virological and Epidemiological season report, October 2023. ISBN: 978-82-8406-406-2. Folkehelseinstituttet. Område for smittevern, Oslo, 2023.
Hungnes O, Paulsen TH, Rohringer A, Seppälä EM, Tønnessen R, Bøås H, Dahl J, Fossum E, Stålcrantz J, Klüwer B, Rydland KM, Aune T, Bragstad K. Interim Influenza Virological and Epidemiological season report prepared for the WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for the Northern Hemisphere 2023/2024. ISBN: 978-82-8406-360-7. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Division of Infection Control / Folkehelseinstituttet, 2023.
Stoltenberg C. Erfaringer fra koronapandemien – lærdommer og anbefalinger for FHI og den nasjonale beredskapen. Rapport. ISBN: 978-82-8406-381-2. Folkehelseinstituttet, Oslo, 2023.
Stoltenberg C, et al. Folkehelseinstituttet - Årsrapport 2022. Våre folk, vår kunnskap og våre tjenester er sterkt etterspurt, selv om finansieringen er vanskeligere. Folkehelseinstituttet, Oslo, 2023.
Ellingsen D. Living conditions of Norwegian war children - A register-based study. Report. Statistics Norway, Oslo, 2023.
Hovland S, Skåre K, Autenried MG, Rotevatn S. Norsk Register For Invasiv Kardiologi (NORIC) - Årsrapport for 2022 med plan for forbedringstiltak. Haukeland universitetssjukehus, Hjerteavdelingen, Bergen, 2023.
Lægran M, Slind EK, Ingul CB, Eriksen-Volnes T, Bach C, Blindheimsvik M, Myhre PL, Ørn S, Hole T, Gullestad L, Larsby K, Mo R, Norekvål T, Kjelås H. Norsk hjertesviktregister - Årsrapport 2022 - Med plan for forbedringstiltak. St. Olavs hospital HF, Seksjon for medisinske kvalitetsregistre, Trondheim, 2023.
Tjelmeland I, Kramer-Johansen J, Nilsen JE, Andersson L-J, Hafstad AK, Haug B, Jortveit J, Larsen AI, Lindner T, Olasveengen T, Andersen T, Skogvoll E. Norsk hjertestansregister - Et register over personer i Norge som er forsøkt gjenopplivet - Årsrapport for 2022 med plan for forbedringstiltak. Oslo universitetssykehus HF - Ullevål, Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for prehospital akuttmedisin Oslo, 2023.
Avhandlinger - PhD, Master og Bachelor
Andersen N-VJ. Overvekt/fedme i ung alder og risiko for utvikling av kolorektalkreft senere i livet: Kvinner og kreft-studien. Thesis [Master]. Tromsø: Norges arktiske universitet, UiT; 2023.
Baiju N. Gene expression in blood and cancer risk factors – Investigating associations of blood gene expression with Smoking, BMI, and Menopause in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) postgenome cohort. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: University of Tromsø - UiT - The Arctic University of Norway; 2023.
Breen JM, Breen JM, Universitetet i Oslo Institutt for klinisk m, Universitetet i Oslo Det medisinske f. Fatalities and severely injured occupants in motor vehicle collisions : the causation, injury mechanisms and the significance of safety measures : thesis based on a prospective study of young adults involved in severe motor vehicle collisions and retrospective review of autopsy records. Thesis. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2023.
Chen SLF. A healthy lifestyle index and cancer: Using a multifactor lifestyle exposure to estimate cancer incidence and survival among Norwegian women. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2023.
Ellingsen CL. Quality aspects of the Norwegian cause of death statistics. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2023.
Fagerli TLL, Asheim A. Analysing Associations with Hospital Length of Stay. Thesis [Master]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2023.
Guldvik IJ, Guldvik IJ, Oslo Ui. Lrg1 as a non-invasive biomarker for improved precision in prostate cancer assessment. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2023.
Hagen AN. Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment, total risk, and primary prevention in the general population. Insights from the Tromsø Study. Insights from the population-based Tromsø Study. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: The Arctic University of Norway, UiT; 2023.
Hamdan B, Benjaminsen A. Do patients with seizure disorders have an increased risk of suicidal behavior after discharge from acute psychiatric care? Thesis [Master]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2023.
Houge IS, Videm V, Hoff M. The burden of rheumatoid arthritis - physical fitness, function, and mortality. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2023.
Jordan A, Tverborgvik T. Rus- og psykiske diagnoser blant mennesker fylt 50 eller eldre som sitter i fengsel for første gang. Thesis [Master]. Stavanger: Universitetet i Stavanger; 2023.
Karadakic R. Essays on economic inequality and mobility. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: Norwegian School of Economics 2023.
Kaur J. Helseeffekter av oljekrisen i 2014. Thesis [Master]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2023.
Klepp K. Demens som dødsårsak: en analyse av utviklingen i Norge de siste 50 årene (1971-2020). Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2023.
Løkken BI. Engagement in cultural activity and public health: The HUNT Study, Norway. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2023.
Marjerrison N, Marjerrison N, Universitetet i Oslo Institutt for klinisk m, Universitetet i Oslo Det medisinske f. Cancer risk among men in the Norwegian Fire Departments Cohort. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo; 2023.
Møller CT, Møller CT, Universitetet i Oslo Institutt for klinisk m, Universitetet i Oslo Det medisinske f. Treatment and survival of patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a nationwide register-based approach. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2023.
Nordeide S, Asheim A. Analysing multimorbidity using registry data. Thesis [Master]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2023.
Oppen K. Iron‐Related Biomarkers as Predictors of Etiology and Prognosis in Pneumonia. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2023.
Partanen V-M. Cervical cancer screening in the Nordic countries: Comparing the performance of screening programmes in transition from cytology to HPV-based screening. Thesis [PhD]. Helsinki: University of Helsinki; 2023.
Pretorius M. Management of mild primary hyperparathyroidism. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2023.
Rognan SE. Clinical risk factors, and barriers in medication communication – A contribution to better patient care. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2023.
Rønningen PS. Left atrial volumes in the Akershus cardiac examination 1950 study : relation to antecedent blood pressure and prediction of incident atrial fibrillation. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2023.
Shu L-WJ. Geographical study of the stroke incidence and mortality rates using Bayesian analysis. Thesis [Master]. Tromsø: The Arctic University of Norway; 2023.
Svensson KKEM. Understanding the role of urban green space impact on cardiopulmonary mortality in Oslo. Thesis [Master]. Ås: Norwegian University of Life Sciences; 2023.
Trewin-Nybråten CB. Changing socioeconomic patterns of breast cancer incidence, mortality and survival in Norway. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2023.
Widding-Havnerås T. Effect of ADHD Medication on Criminality and Injuries: Quasi-Experimental Evidence for Patients on the Margin of Treatment. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2023.
Østbø NM. Geographic Variations in Home-based Care and Hospital Use in End-of-Life Cancer Care in Norway: a Registry-based Study. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2023.
Tidsskriftartikler publisert i 2023
Se artikler som kun ble e-publisert i 2023 lenger nede (fikk ikke volum/utgavenr. og sidetall i 2023).
Ahimbisibwe A, Valberg M, Green AC, Ghiasvand R, Rueegg CS, Rimal R, Weiderpass E, Sandanger TM, Robsahm TE, Veierød MB. Nevus Count, Pigmentary Characteristics, and Melanoma-specific Mortality among Norwegian Women with Melanoma >1.0 mm Thick. Acta Derm Venereol. 2023;103:adv4403.
Albrektsen G, Wilsgaard T, Heuch I, Løchen ML, Thelle DS, Njølstad I, Grimsgaard S, Bønaa KH. Lipid Levels During Adult Lifetime in Men and Women With and Without a Subsequent Incident Myocardial Infarction: A Longitudinal Analysis of Data From the Tromsø Study 1974 to 2016. J Am Heart Assoc. 2023;12(14):e030010.
Alm-Kruse K, Tjelmeland I, Reiner A, Kvåle R, Kramer-Johansen J. Use of healthcare services before and after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2023:109805.
Alsing CL, Nystad TW, Igland J, Gjesdal CG, Midtbø H, Tell GS, Fevang BT. Trends in the occurrence of ischaemic heart disease over time in rheumatoid arthritis: 1821 patients from 1972 to 2017. Scand J Rheumatol. 2023;52(3):233-42.
Amundsen EJ, Melsom A-KM, Eriksen BO, Løchen M-L. No decline in drug overdose deaths in Norway: An ecological approach to understanding at-risk groups and the impact of interventions. Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift : NAT. 2023.
Askim T, Hokstad A, Bergh E, Døhl Ø, Ellekjær H, Ihle-Hansen H, Indredavik B, Leer ASM, Lydersen S, Saltvedt I, Seljeseth Y, Thommessen B. Multimodal individualised intervention to prevent functional decline after stroke: protocol of a randomised controlled trial on long-term follow-up after stroke (LAST-long). BMJ Open. 2023;13(5):e069656.
Basnet P, Skjaerven R, Sørbye LM, Morken NH, Klungsøyr K, Singh A, Mannseth J, Harmon QE, Kvalvik LG. Long-term cardiovascular mortality in women with twin pregnancies by lifetime reproductive history. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2023;37(1):19-27.
Berg ES, Tegn NK, Abdelnoor M, Røysland K, Ryalen PC, Aaberge L, Eek C, Øie E, Juliebø V, Gjertsen E, Ranhoff AH, Gullestad L, Nordstrand N, Bendz B. Long-Term Outcomes of Invasive vs Conservative Strategies for Older Patients With Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2023;82(21):2021-30.
Berge LAM, Liu FC, Grimsrud TK, Babigumira R, Støer NC, Kjærheim K, Robsahm TE, Ghiasvand R, Hosgood HD, Samuelsen SO, Silverman DT, Friesen MC, Shala NK, Veierød MB, Stenehjem JS. Night shift work and risk of aggressive prostate cancer in the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers (NOPW) cohort. Int J Epidemiol. 2023;52(4):1003-14.
Bjørnelv G, Asheim A, Nilsen SM, Anthun KS, Carlsen F, Aam S, Kimbell EA, Bjørngaard JH. Mortality and subsequent healthcare use among older patients discharged to a municipality with excess demand for elderly care. Nordic journal of health economics. 2023;6(1):28-44.
Bjørnøy Urke E, Igland J, Mundal LJ, Holven KB, Retterstøl K, Svendsen K. Individuals with familial hypercholesterolemia have excess risk of eating disorders: a prospectively matched cohort study. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2023;30(4):e13-e5.
Bogaard M, Skotheim RI, Maltau AV, Kidd SG, Lothe RA, Axcrona K, Axcrona U. 'High proliferative cribriform prostate cancer' defines a patient subgroup with an inferior prognosis. Histopathology. 2023;83(6):853-69.
Bramness JG, Heiberg IH, Høye A, Rossow I. Mortality and alcohol-related morbidity in patients with delirium tremens, alcohol withdrawal state or alcohol dependence in Norway: A register-based prospective cohort study. Addiction. 2023;118(12):2352-9.
Brekke LK, Assmus J, Fevang BS. Factors predicting death and cancer in patients with giant cell arteritis in Western Norway 1972-2012: a retrospective observational cohort study. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023;10:1243791.
Brenn HH, Robsahm TE, Dørum LM, Svendsen HL. Nasjonalt kvalitetsregister for melanom bidrar til å styrke kvaliteten på helsehjelpen som gis til melanompasienter. Norsk epidemiologi. 2023;31(1-2):35-71.
Bröms G, Hernandez-Diaz S, Huybrechts KF, Bateman BT, Kristiansen EB, Einarsdóttir K, Engeland A, Furu K, Gissler M, Karlsson P, Klungsøyr K, Lahesmaa-Korpinen AM, Mogun H, Nørgaard M, Reutfors J, Sørensen HT, Zoega H, Kieler H. Atomoxetine in Early Pregnancy and the Prevalence of Major Congenital Malformations: A Multinational Study. J Clin Psychiatry. 2023;84(1):22m14430.
Busund M, Ursin G, Lund E, Wilsgaard T, Rylander C. Trajectories of body mass index in adulthood and risk of subtypes of postmenopausal breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res. 2023;25(1):130.
Børkja MLB, Giambelluca MS, Ytterhus B, Prestvik WS, Bjørkøy G, Bofin AM. S100A8 gene copy number and protein expression in breast cancer: associations with proliferation, histopathological grade and molecular subtypes. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2023;201(2):339-50.
Cestelli L, Gulsvik A, Johannessen A, Stavem K, Nielsen R. Reduced lung function and cause-specific mortality: A population-based study of Norwegian men followed for 26 years. Respir Med. 2023;219:107421.
Chen J, Braun D, Christidis T, Cork M, Rodopoulou S, Samoli E, Stafoggia M, Wolf K, Wu X, Yuchi W, Andersen ZJ, Atkinson R, Bauwelinck M, de Hoogh K, Janssen NAH, Katsouyanni K, Klompmaker JO, Kristoffersen DT, Lim YH, Oftedal B, Strak M, Vienneau D, Zhang J, Burnett RT, Hoek G, Dominici F, Brauer M, Brunekreef B. Long-Term Exposure to Low-Level PM2.5 and Mortality: Investigation of Heterogeneity by Harmonizing Analyses in Large Cohort Studies in Canada, United States, and Europe. Environ Health Perspect. 2023;131(12):127003.
Chen SLF, Nøst TH, Botteri E, Ferrari P, Braaten T, Sandanger TM, Borch KB. Overall lifestyle changes in adulthood are associated with cancer incidence in the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC) - a prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2023;23(1):633.
Choi HJ, LeBlanc M, Moger TA, Valberg M, Page CM, Aamodt G, Næss Ø. Geographical variation in cardiovascular disease mortality in Norway: The role of life course socioeconomic position and parental health. Health Place. 2023;83:103095.
Cohen JM, Alvestad S, Cesta CE, Bjørk MH, Leinonen MK, Nørgaard M, Einarsdóttir K, Engeland A, Gissler M, Karlstad Ø, Klungsøyr K, Odsbu I, Reutfors J, Selmer RM, Tomson T, Ulrichsen SP, Zoega H, Furu K. Comparative Safety of Antiseizure Medication Monotherapy for Major Malformations. Ann Neurol. 2023;93(3):551-62.
Daltveit DS, Klungsøyr K, Engeland A, Ekbom A, Gissler M, Glimelius I, Grotmol T, Madanat-Harjuoja L, Ording AG, Sørensen HT, Troisi R, Bjørge T. Cancer risk in the siblings of individuals with major birth defects: a large Nordic population-based case-control study. Int J Epidemiol. 2023;52(6):1826-35.
Delgado AB, Tylden ES, Lukic M, Moi L, Busund LR, Lund E, Olsen KS. Cohort profile: The Clinical and Multi-omic (CAMO) cohort, part of the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) study. PLoS One. 2023;18(2):e0281218.
Dhar I, Lysne V, Ulvik A, Svingen GFT, Pedersen ER, Bjørnestad E, Olsen T, Borsholm R, Laupsa-Borge J, Ueland PM, Tell GS, Berge RK, Mellgren G, Bønaa KH, Nygård OK. Plasma methylmalonic acid predicts risk of acute myocardial infarction and mortality in patients with coronary heart disease: A prospective 2-cohort study. J Intern Med. 2023;293(4):508-19.
Dhar I, Svingen GF, Bjørnestad E, Ulvik A, Saeed S, Nygård OK. B-vitamin Treatment Modifies the Mortality Risk Associated with Calcium Channel Blockers in Patients with Suspected Stable Angina Pectoris: A Prospective Cohort Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2023;118(1):77-84.
Eide D, Skurtveit S, Clausen T, Hesse M, Mravčík V, Nechanská B, Rolova G, Thylstrup B, Tjagvad C, Seid AK, Odsbu I, Gabrhelík R. Cause-Specific Mortality among Patients in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Multiple Settings: A Prospective Comparative Cohort Study. Eur Addict Res. 2023;29(4):272-84.
Falch CM, Olarescu NC, Bollerslev J, Dekkers OM, Heck A. Trends in incidence and mortality risk for acromegaly in Norway: a cohort study. Endocrine. 2023;80(1):152-9.
Follin-Arbelet B, Cvancarova Smastuen M, Hovde Ø, Jelsness-Jørgensen LP, Moum B. Mortality in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Results from 30 years of follow-up in a Norwegian inception cohort (the IBSEN study). J Crohns Colitis. 2023;17(4):497-503.
Forster RB, Kjellstadli C, Myklebust T, Egeland G, Sulo G, Bjørge T, Bønaa KH, Juliusson PB, Kvåle R. Treatment and 30-day mortality after myocardial infarction in prostate cancer patients: A population-based study from Norway. Cardiology. 2023;148(1):83-92.
Friedman J, Gjersing L. Increases in drug overdose deaths in Norway and the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scand J Public Health. 2023;51(1):53-7.
Gjerde LC, Skurtveit S, Handal M, Nesvåg R, Clausen T, Lid TG, Hamina A, Borchgrevink PC, Odsbu I. Mental disorder prevalence in chronic pain patients using opioid versus non-opioid analgesics: A registry-linkage study. Eur J Pain. 2023;27(7):884-95.
Gjersvik P, Falk RS, Roscher I, Rizvi SMH, Mjøen G, Gude E, Leuckfeld I, Boberg KM, Veierød MB, Robsahm TE. Rates of Second Tumor, Metastasis, and Death From Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Patients With and Without Transplant-Associated Immunosuppression. JAMA Dermatol. 2023;159(9):923-9.
Gouliaev A, Rasmussen TR, Malila N, Fjellbirkeland L, Löfling L, Jakobsen E, Dalton SO, Christensen NL. Lung cancer registries in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden: a comparison and proposal for harmonization. Acta Oncol. 2023;62(1):1-7.
Gravningen K, Nymark P, Wyller TB, Kacelnik O. A new automated national register-based surveillance system for outbreaks in long-term care facilities in Norway detected three times more severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) clusters than traditional methods. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2023;44(9):1451-7.
Grytten N, Myhr KM, Celius EG, Benjaminsen E, Midgard R, Vatne A, Aarseth JH, Mannseth J, Torkildsen Ø. Cancer related mortality in multiple sclerosis. A population based cohort study. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2023;69:104417.
Gutacker N, Kinge JM, Olsen JA. Inequality in quality-adjusted life expectancy by educational attainment in Norway: an observational study. BMC Public Health. 2023;23(1):805.
Hansen KL, Fluke J, Gesink D, Friborg O, Sørlie T, Merkel-Holguin L, Martinussen M. Study Protocol: The Arctic Childhood Study: a Study of Violence and Health in Indigenous Sámi and Non-Sámi Children and Youth in Arctic Norway—a Mixed Methods Cohort Study Design. International journal on child maltreatment : research, policy and practice. 2023;6(2):165-203.
Hart RK, Christiansen SG, Reneflot A, Hauge LJ. Adolescents' primary care consultations before and after parental suicide: evidence from population-wide data. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023;32(12):2453-62.
Helland Å, Myklebust T, Conte S, Frederiksen LE, Aarøe J, Enerly E. EGFR-mutation testing, treatment patterns and clinical outcomes in patients with stage IB-IIIA non-small cell lung cancer in Norway-a nationwide cohort study. Cancer Treat Res Commun. 2023;38:100785.
Hetlevik Ø, Wensaas KA, Baste V, Emberland KE, Özgümüs T, Håberg SE, Rortveit G. Prevalence and predictors of post-COVID-19 symptoms in general practice - a registry-based nationwide study. BMC Infect Dis. 2023;23(1):721.
Hofmann B, Haug ES, Andersen ER, Kjelle E. Increased magnetic resonance imaging in prostate cancer management - What are the outcomes? J Eval Clin Pract. 2023;29(6):893-902.
Hofstad T, Nyttingnes O, Markussen S, Johnsen E, Killackey E, McDaid D, Rinaldi M, Dean K, Brinchmann B, Douglas K, Gröning L, Bjørkly S, Palmstierna T, Strømme MF, Blindheim A, Rugkåsa J, Hofmann BM, Pedersen R, Widding-Havneraas T, Rypdal K, Mykletun A. Long term outcomes and causal modelling of compulsory inpatient and outpatient mental health care using Norwegian registry data: Protocol for a controversies in psychiatry research project. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 2023;33(1):e1980.
Hollung SJ, Jahnsen R, Klevberg GL, Kløve N, Andersen GL. The impact of longitudinal surveillance of individuals with cerebral palsy in Norway; a 20-year quality registry and follow-up program perspective. Norsk epidemiologi. 2023;31(1-2):15-23.
Holvik K, Ellingsen CL, Solbakken SM, Finnes TE, Talsnes O, Grimnes G, Tell GS, Søgaard AJ, Meyer HE. Cause-specific excess mortality after hip fracture: the Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS). BMC Geriatr. 2023;23(1):201.
Huybrechts KF, Straub L, Karlsson P, Pazzagli L, Furu K, Gissler M, Hernandez-Diaz S, Nørgaard M, Zoega H, Bateman BT, Cesta CE, Cohen JM, Leinonen MK, Reutfors J, Selmer RM, Suarez EA, Ulrichsen SP, Kieler H. Association of In Utero Antipsychotic Medication Exposure With Risk of Congenital Malformations in Nordic Countries and the US. JAMA Psychiatry. 2023;80(2):156-66.
Ihle-Hansen H, Bøås H, Tapia G, Hagberg G, Ihle-Hansen H, Berild JD, Selmer R, Karlstad Ø, Gulseth HL, Ariansen I. Stroke After SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine: A Nationwide Registry Study. Stroke. 2023;54(5):e190-e3.
Ihle-Hansen H, Vigen T, Berge T, Walle-Hansen MM, Hagberg G, Ihle-Hansen H, Thommessen B, Ariansen I, Røsjø H, Rønning OM, Tveit A, Lyngbakken M. Carotid Plaque Score for Stroke and Cardiovascular Risk Prediction in a Middle-Aged Cohort From the General Population. J Am Heart Assoc. 2023;12(17):e030739.
Jamt REG, Bukten A, Stavseth MR, Bogstrand ST, Tverborgvik T. All-cause and cause-specific mortality among individuals imprisoned for driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs in Norway (2000-2016): a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2023;13(12):e078848.
Jodal HC, Akwiwu EU, Lemmens M, Delis-van Diemen PM, Klotz D, Leon LG, Lakbir S, de Wit M, Fijneman RJA, van Leerdam ME, Dekker E, Spaander MCW, Meijer GA, Løberg M, Coupé VMH, Kalager M, Carvalho B. Risk Prediction of Metachronous Colorectal Cancer from Molecular Features of Adenomas: A Nested Case-Control Study. Cancer Res Commun. 2023;3(11):2292-301.
Jodal HC, Wieszczy-Szczepanik P, Klotz D, Herfindal M, Barua I, Tag P, Helsingen LM, Refsum E, Holme Ø, Adami HO, Bretthauer M, Kalager M, Løberg M. A Comparison of Risk Classification Systems of Colorectal Adenomas: A Case-Cohort Study. Gastroenterology. 2023;165(2):483-91.e7.
Johansen KR, Ranhoff AH, Sørensen E, Nes BM, Bucher-Sandbakk S, Wilsgaard T, Løchen ML, Thelle DS, Morseth B, Myrstad M. Ten-year mortality among older male recreational endurance athletes in the Birkebeiner Aging Study in comparison with older men from the Tromsø Study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2023;33(8):1541-51.
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Kjerpeseth LJ, Cesta CE, Furu K, Engeland A, Gissler M, Gulseth HL, Karlstad Ø, Leinonen MK, Pazzagli L, Zoega H, Cohen JM. Metformin Versus Insulin and Risk of Major Congenital Malformations in Pregnancies With Type 2 Diabetes: A Nordic Register-Based Cohort Study. Diabetes Care. 2023;46(8):1556-64.
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Lyngbakken MN, Kimenai DM, Hveem K, Dalen H, Røsjø H, Omland T. Patterns of Cardiac Troponin I Concentrations as Risk Predictors of Cardiovascular Disease and Death: The Trøndelag Health Study. Am J Med. 2023;136(9):902-9.e4.
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Lyngbakken MN, Rønningen PS, Solberg MG, Berge T, Brynildsen J, Aagaard EN, Kvisvik B, Røsjø H, Steine K, Tveit A, Omland T. Prediction of incident atrial fibrillation with cardiac biomarkers and left atrial volumes. Heart. 2023;109(5):356-63.
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Rolová G, Eide D, Gabrhelík R, Odsbu I, Clausen T, Skurtveit S. Gender differences in physical morbidity in opioid agonist treatment patients: population-based cohort studies from the Czech Republic and Norway. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2023;18(1):47.
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Tidsskriftartikler e-publisert i 2023 (eller tidligere) – «ferdig» publisert i 2024
(Dvs. de som mangler volum/utgavenr. og sidetall vil antakelig bli ferdig-publisert i løpet av 2024)
Amundsen EJ, Melsom A-KM, Eriksen BO, Løchen M-L. No decline in drug overdose deaths in Norway: An ecological approach to understanding at-risk groups and the impact of interventions. Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift: NAT. 2024;41(1):111-30.
Anjum M, Ariansen I, Hjellvik V, Selmer R, Kjerpeseth LJ, Skovlund E, Myrstad M, Ellekjær H, Christophersen IE, Tveit A, Berge T. Stroke and bleeding risk in atrial fibrillation with CHA2DS2-VASC risk score of one: the Norwegian AFNOR study. Eur Heart J. 2024;45(1):57-66.
Breidablik HJ, Hufthammer KO, Rangul V, Andersen JR, Meland E, Hetlevik Ø, Vie TL. Lower levels of physical activity volume are beneficial, and it's never too late to start: Results from the HUNT Study, Norway. Scand J Public Health. 2024:14034948231162729.
Cohen JM, Alvestad S, Suarez EA, Schaffer A, Selmer RM, Havard A, Bateman BT, Cesta CE, Zoega H, Odsbu I, Huybrechts KF, Kjerpeseth LJ, Straub L, Leinonen MK, Bjørk MH, Nørgaard M, Gissler M, Ulrichsen SP, Hernandez-Diaz S, Tomson T, Furu K. Comparative Risk of Major Congenital Malformations With Antiseizure Medication Combinations vs Valproate Monotherapy in Pregnancy. Neurology. 2024;102(2):e207996.
Eide D, McDonald R, Hamina A, Clausen T, Odsbu I, Skurtveit S. Prescription high-risk polysubstance use among opioid maintenance treatment patients. Int J Drug Policy. 2024:104196.
Eng HM, C LE, Pedersen AG, Alfsen GC. Cause of death certificates in nursing homes: Does quality matter? A retrospective review from two counties in Norway. Scand J Public Health. 2024:14034948231187512.
Evensen M, Klitkou ST, Tollånes MC, Júlíusson PB, Kravdal Ø. Parental income gradients in child and adolescent mortality: Norwegian trends over half a century. Scand J Public Health. 2024.
Hamina A, Odsbu I, Hjellvik V, Lid TG, Clausen T, Skurtveit S. Fatal drug overdoses in individuals treated pharmacologically for chronic pain: a nationwide register-based study. Br J Anaesth. 2024;132(1):86-95.
Hemmingsen D, Moster D, Engdahl B, Klingenberg C. Hearing impairment after asphyxia and neonatal encephalopathy: a Norwegian population-based study. Eur J Pediatr. 2024;183(3):1163-72.
Jakobsen MD, Braaten T. Labour market status and mortality risk: the Finnmark cohort study 1987-2017. Scand J Public Health. 2024:14034948231174668.
Kinge JM, de Linde A, Dieleman JL, Vollset SE, Knudsen AK, Aas E. GBD 2019: Production losses from morbidity and mortality by disease, age and sex in Norway. Scand J Public Health. 2024:14034948231188237.
Kvarstein G, Kindlundh-Högberg AM, Ould Setti M, Namane R, Muzwidzwa R, Richter H, Hakkarainen KM. An observational post-authorization safety study (PASS) of naloxegol drug utilization in four European countries. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2024;33(1):e5710.
Lia K, Jørgensen RRK, B LW, Fluge Ø, Fagerli UM, Bersvendsen H, Bø IB, Bhargava S, Fosså A. Overall survival and causes of death in elderly patients with Hodgkin lymphoma: a Norwegian population-based case-control study. Haematologica. 2024.
Magnus MC, Håberg SE, Rönö K, Romundstad LB, Bergh C, Spangmose AL, Pinborg A, Gissler M, Wennerholm UB, Opdahl S. Risk of stroke the year following a delivery after using assisted reproductive technologies. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2024;38(3):197-201.
Moen CA, Falkenthal TE, Thorkelsen TK, Hopland A, Rio OE, Honoré A, Juliebø-Jones P, Dongre HN, Costea DE, Bostad L, Brennan P, Johansson M, Ferreiro-Iglesias A, Brenner N, Waterboer T, Nygård M, Beisland C. Penile Cancers Attributed to Human Papillomavirus Are Associated with Improved Survival for Node-positive Patients. Findings from a Norwegian Cohort Study Spanning 50 Years. Eur Urol Oncol. 2024.
Moshina N, Backmann HA, Skaane P, Hofvind S. Mammographic features and risk of breast cancer death among women with invasive screen-detected cancer in BreastScreen Norway 1996-2020. Eur Radiol. 2024.
Mynarek M, Vik T, Andersen GL, Brigtsen AK, Hollung SJ, Larose TL, Lydersen S, Olsen LC, Strøm MS, Afset JE. Mortality and neurodevelopmental outcome after invasive group B streptococcal infection in infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2024;66(1):125-33.
Myrmel GMS, Steiro OT, Tjora HL, Langørgen J, Bjørneklett RO, Skadberg Ø, Bonarjee VVS, Mjelva Ø R, Pedersen ER, Vikenes K, Omland T, Aakre KM. Prognostic value of growth differentiation factor-15 3 months after an acute chest pain admission. Heart. 2024;110(7):508-16.
Nestvold HH, Skurtveit SS, Hamina A, Hjellvik V, Odsbu I. Socioeconomic risk factors for long-term opioid use: A national registry-linkage study. Eur J Pain. 2024;28(1):95-104.
Skjesol I, Ursin G, Tritter J. Learning to live with COVID-19 in Norway: Moving from a pandemic to an endemic state. Health policy and technology. 2024;13(1):100815.
Steiro OT, Langørgen J, Tjora HL, Bjørneklett RO, Skadberg Ø, Bonarjee VVS, Mjelva Ø R, Steinsvik T, Lindahl B, Omland T, Aakre KM, Vikenes K. Prognostic significance of chronic myocardial injury diagnosed by three different cardiac troponin assays in patients admitted with suspected acute coronary syndrome. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2024;62(4):729-39.
Saastad SA, Skjervold AH, Ytterhus B, Engstrøm MJ, Bofin AM. PD-L1 protein expression in breast cancer. J Clin Pathol. 2024.
Tsuruda KM, Hoff SR, Akslen LA, Hofvind S. Fatal and non-fatal breast cancers in women targeted by BreastScreen Norway: a cohort study. Br J Cancer. 2024;130(1):99-107.
Ukah UV, Platt RW, Nordeng HME. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Dispensing of Cardiovascular Drugs in Norway: An Interrupted Time Series Study. Am J Prev Med. 2024;66(4):672-80.
Vaage AM, Benth J, Meyer HE, Holmøy T, Nakken O. Premorbid lipid levels and long-term risk of ALS-a population-based cohort study. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener. 2024;25(3-4):358-66.
Rapporter og annet
(FHI-publikasjoner først)
1. Ames HMR, Forsetlund L, Larun L, Hval G, Muller AE. Betydningen av lang reisevei til fødeinstitusjon og følgetjeneste for gravide/fødende: Systematisk oversikt– revidert utgave. Report. Folkehelseinstituttet, Område for helsetjenester, Oslo, 2022.
2. Arnesen TM, Harangen OR, Heldal E, Ingebrigtsen TM, Løken RØ, Mengshoel AT, Tsige SA. Tuberkulose i Norge 2021 – med behandlingsresultater for 2020. Report. Folkehelseinstituttet, Område for smittevern, miljø og helse, Oslo, 2022.
3. Slungård GF, Forster RB, Nguyen TT, Eriksen SHW, Altreuther M, Berge VB, Bjørnstad J, Bønaa KH, Fjærtoft H, Geiran O, Govatsmark RES, Grundtvig M, Halle KK, Hovland S, Indredavik B, Ingul CB, Kramer-Johansen J, Nilsen LH, Rotevatn S, Schuster PM, Slind EK, Tjelmeland I, Torsvik E, Vikan KK, Kvåle R. Hjerte- og karregisteret - Rapport for 2012–2021. ISBN: 978-82-8406-329-4. Folkehelseinstituttet, Avdeling for helseregistre, Bergen, 2022.
4. Stoltenberg C. Dødelighet i Norge under koronapandemien 2020 til høsten 2022. Notat Desember 2022. Folkehelseinstitutet, Oslo, 2022.
5. Hovland S, Autenried MG, Skåre K, Rotevatn S. Norsk Register For Invasiv Kardiologi (NORIC) - Årsrapport for 2021 med plan for forbedringstiltak. Report. Haukeland universitetssjukehus, Hjerteavdelingen, Bergen, 2022.
6. Lunde ES, Ramm JS, Syse A. Kvinners liv og helse siste 20 år. Report.: ISBN: 9788258715945. Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo - Kongsvinger, 2022.
7. Myhre MØ, Astrup H, Walby FA. Selvmord med illegale rusmidler etter kontakt med spesialisthelsetjenester for psykisk helse og rus. Nasjonalt senter for selvmordsforskning og -forebygging, Report.: 9788269282726. Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo, 2022.
8. Slind EK, Lægran M, Ingul CB, Eriksen-Volnes T, Blindheimsvik M, Myhre PL, Ørn S, Hole T, Gullestad L, Larsby K, Mo R, Norekvål T, Kjelås H. Norsk hjertesviktregister - Årsrapport 2021 - Med plan for forbedringstiltak. St. Olavs hospital HF, Seksjon for medisinske kvalitetsregistre, Trondheim, 2022.
9. Vejrup K, Fadum EA. Digitalisering og overføring av helsedata fra militære arkiver til Forsvarets helseregister - Status rapport høst 2022. 2022.
10. Walby FA, Astrup H, Myhre MØ, Kildahl AT. Selvmord under og etter kontakt med psykisk helsevern for barn og unge 2008 til 2018 : – en nasjonal registerstudie. Nasjonalt senter for selvmordsforskning og -forebygging. Report.: 9788269282719. Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo, 2022.
11. Tjelmeland I, Kramer-Johansen J, Nilsen JE, Andersson L-J, Hafstad AK, Haug B, Jortveit J, Larsen AI, Lindner T, Olasveengen T, Andersen T, Skogvoll E. Norsk hjertestansregister - Et register over personer i Norge som er forsøkt gjenopplivet - Årsrapport for 2021 med plan for forbedringstiltak. Report. Oslo universitetssykehus HF - Ullevål, Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for prehospital akuttmedisin Oslo, 2022.
12. Hermansen R, Jacobsen BK. Fysisk aktivitet, risikofaktorer for hjerte- og karsykdommer og risiko for tidlig død blant samer og nordmenn i Finnmark. (Nordsamisk: Finnmárkku sápmelaččaid ja dáččaid rumašlaš lihkadeapmi, váibmo- ja varrasuotnavigiid riskabealit ja riska jápmit beare árrat). In: Eriksen A, Siri S, Melhus M, Thomassen E, editors. Hvordan har vi det? Guktie mijjine? Gåktu viedjep? Movt mii veadjit? Tromsø: Senter for samisk helseforskning, UiT Norges arktiske universitet. (Septentrio Academic Publishing); 2022;2:116-43.
13. Michalsen VL, Michalsen VL, Senter for samisk h. Metabolsk syndrom, fedme og etnisitet i samiske kjerneområder. (Sørsamisk: Metabovlen syndrome, buajhtehksvoete jïh etnisiteete saemien jarngedajvine). In: Eriksen A, Siri S, Melhus M, Thomassen E, editors. Hvordan har vi det? Guktie mijjine? Gåktu viedjep? Movt mii veadjit? Tromsø: Senter for samisk helseforskning, UiT Norges arktiske universitet. (Septentrio Academic Publishing); 2022;2:192-210.
14. Siri SRA, Braaten T, Jacobsen BK. Risikofaktorer og risiko for hjerte- og karsykdommer (Nordsamisk: Riskabealit ja riska oažžut váibmo- ja varrasuotnavigiid). In: Eriksen A, Siri S, Melhus M, Thomassen E, editors. Hvordan har vi det? Guktie mijjine? Gåktu viedjep? Movt mii veadjit? Tromsø: Senter for samisk helseforskning, UiT Norges arktiske universitet. (Septentrio Academic Publishing); 2022;2:144-67.
Avhandlinger, PhD, Master og Bachelor
15. Bech AB. Universitetet i Oslo Det medisinske f. Mortality during opioid agonist treatment in Norway : a comprehensive study of the years 2014 and 2015. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
16. Bugge C.Universitetet i Oslo Det medisinske fT. Real world evidence in priority setting and health care planning: an application on the cost of cancer. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo, Norway: University of Oslo; 2022.
17. Fladseth K. Clinical characteristics, mortality and pain tolerance in stable versus acute presentation of coronary heart disease. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2022.
18. Fredriksen KJ. Psychotic depression and suicide risk: a mixed method study. Thesis [PhD]. Stavanger: University of Stavanger; 2022.
19. Gynnild MN. Residual Cardiovascular Risk After Ischemic Stroke - Risk factors, medication adherence and risk-benefit considerations. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2022.
20. Jodal HC. The risk of colorectal cancer incidence and mortality after screening and adenoma removal. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
21. Kvaslerud AB. Aortic stenosis – iron deficiency, diastolic dysfunction, and outcomes. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo, Norway: University of Oslo; 2022.
22. Langseth MS. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in coronary artery disease: Prognostic value and roles in atherothrombosis. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
23. Lergenmuller S. Indoor tanning, sunscreen use, sunburns, and risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: Understanding for better prevention. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
24. Lundstam K. Mild Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Long-term effects of parathyroidectomy versus observation – with emphasis on skeletal outcomes. Thesis [PhD]. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg; 2022.
25. Mariampillai JE. Novel insight into exercise blood pressure and long-term risk of cardio- and cerebrovascular disease. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo, Norway: University of Oslo; 2022.
26. Sigurdardottir F. Common sleep disorders and cardiovascular biomarkers in the general population. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
27. Skranes JB. Impact of tobacco on circulating troponin concentrations and cardiovascular risk. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
28. Stelander LT. Alcohol and aging : a longitudinal study of alcohol habits and health effects due to alcohol consumption in old adulthood. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2022.
29. Stikbakke E. Inflammation, hypertension and microRNA and prostate cancer: the Prostate Cancer throughout life (PROCA-life) study. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2022.
30. Alam ATMJ. Changing trends in the use of psychotropic medication under the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway, a nationwide prescription database study. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo 2022.
31. Breidvik L. Fullfører tjenestepliktige som er født prematurt førstegangstjenesten på lik linje som de som er født etter fullgått svangerskap? - De små kjempene, blir de krigere? Thesis [Master]: Forsvarets høgskole; 2022.
32. Christensen T, Græsli O. Validering av NEWS2 som triageverktøy ved anmodning om ambulansetransport, der pasient er tilsett av helsepersonell. Thesis [Master]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2022.
33. Khouri KS. Self-control, substance use and criminal behaviour within the Norwegian prison population. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
34. Meng J. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of HealthB in Patients with Hypertension in Norway. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo 2022.
35. Skjevik Tingstad A, Gustavsen Fagerhaug G, Galaaen Gjølme E. En kvalitativ studie av lærere sin forståelse og praktiske gjennomføring av kompetansemålet «Å forstå og gjennomføre livreddende førstehjelp». Thesis [Master]: NTNU; 2022.
36. Utheim M. Interrater-reliabilitet for legegranskeres vurdering av helsehjelpsproblemer ved dødsfall i sykehus - En reliabilitetsstudie for journalgjennomgang med skjemaverktøyet PRISM2. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo; 2022.
37. Juaniquina CS. Association between use of antimuscarinic drugs and lung cancer prognosis. Degree Project in Drug Epidemiology. Thesis [Bachelor]. Uppsala: Uppsala University; 2022.
38. Kopperud K, Brænd JA. Oral helse på sykehjem og i hjemmetjeneste, et nedprioritert område med konsekvenser. Thesis [Bachelor]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2022
Tidsskriftartikler publisert 2022, inkl. e-publiserte artikler fra tidligere år som kom i papir-utgave 2022
(Sistnevnte fikk altså sidetall lagt til «siteringen» i 2022 og var med det ferdig publisert)
39. Abdallah N, Mouchati C, Crowley C, Hanna L, Goodall R, Salciccioli JD, Marshall DC, Gibbs RGJ, Shalhoub J. Trends in mortality from aortic dissection analyzed from the World Health Organization Mortality Database from 2000 to 2017. Int J Cardiol. 2022;360:83-90.
40. Aknin LB, De Neve JE, Dunn EW, Fancourt DE, Goldberg E, Helliwell JF, Jones SP, Karam E, Layard R, Lyubomirsky S, Rzepa A, Saxena S, Thornton EM, VanderWeele TJ, Whillans AV, Zaki J, Karadag O, Ben Amor Y. Mental Health During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review and Recommendations for Moving Forward. Perspect Psychol Sci. 2022;17(4):915-36.
41. Asheim A, Nilsen SM, Aam S, Anthun KS, Carlsen F, Janszky I, Vatten LJ, Bjørngaard JH. High ward occupancy, bedspacing, and 60 day mortality for patients with myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure. ESC Heart Fail. 2022;9(3):1884-90.
42. Astrup H, Myhre M, Kildahl AT, Walby FA. Suicide After Contact With Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services-A National Registry Study. Front Psychiatry. 2022;13:886070.
43. Balbuena LD, Baetz M, Sexton JA, Harder D, Feng CX, Boctor K, LaPointe C, Letwiniuk E, Shamloo A, Ishwaran H, John A, Brantsæter AL. Identifying long-term and imminent suicide predictors in a general population and a clinical sample with machine learning. BMC Psychiatry. 2022;22(1):120.
44. Baravelli CM, Macsali F, Telle K, Kinge JM, Oakley L, Magnus MC, Håberg SE. Impact of COVID-19 on pregnancy-related healthcare utilisation: a prospective nationwide registry study. BMJ Open. 2022;12(10):e064118.
45. Baum P, Winter H, Eichhorn ME, Roesch RM, Taber S, Christopoulos P, Wiegering A, Lenzi J. Trends in age- and sex-specific lung cancer mortality in Europe and Northern America: Analysis of vital registration data from the WHO Mortality Database between 2000 and 2017. Eur J Cancer. 2022;171:269-79.
46. Bech AB, Clausen T, Waal H, Delaveris GJM, Skeie I. Organ pathologies detected post-mortem in patients receiving opioid agonist treatment for opioid use disorder: a nation-wide 2-year cross-sectional study. Addiction. 2022;117(4):977-85.
47. Bélanger SM, Stene-Larsen K, Magnus P, Reneflot A, Christiansen SG, Hauge LJ. Employment status and bereavement after parental suicide: a population representative cohort study. BMJ Open. 2022;12(9):e064379.
48. Bjørnelv G, Hagen TP, Forma L, Aas E. Care pathways at end-of-life for cancer decedents: registry based analyses of the living situation, healthcare utilization and costs for all cancer decedents in Norway in 2009-2013 during their last 6 months of life. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022;22(1):1221.
49. Bjørnestad E, Dhar I, Svingen GFT, Pedersen ER, Ørn S, Svenningsson MM, Tell GS, Ueland PM, Sulo G, Laaksonen R, Nygård O. Circulating trimethylamine N-oxide levels do not predict 10-year survival in patients with or without coronary heart disease. J Intern Med. 2022;292(6):915-24.
50. Bofin AM, Ytterhus B, Klæstad E, Valla M. FGFR1 copy number in breast cancer: associations with proliferation, histopathological grade and molecular subtypes. J Clin Pathol. 2022;75(7):459-64.
51. Bretthauer M, Løberg M, Wieszczy P, Kalager M, Emilsson L, Garborg K, Rupinski M, Dekker E, Spaander M, Bugajski M, Holme Ø, Zauber AG, Pilonis ND, Mroz A, Kuipers EJ, Shi J, Hernán MA, Adami HO, Regula J, Hoff G, Kaminski MF. Effect of Colonoscopy Screening on Risks of Colorectal Cancer and Related Death. N Engl J Med. 2022;387(17):1547-56.
52. Brokke SS, Landrø NI, Haaland V. Impulsivity and aggression in suicide ideators and suicide attempters of high and low lethality. BMC Psychiatry. 2022;22(1):753.
53. Brunvoll SH, Nygaard AB, Ellingjord-Dale M, Holland P, Istre MS, Kalleberg KT, Søraas CL, Holven KB, Ulven SM, Hjartåker A, Haider T, Lund-Johansen F, Dahl JA, Meyer HE, Søraas A. Prevention of covid-19 and other acute respiratory infections with cod liver oil supplementation, a low dose vitamin D supplement: quadruple blinded, randomised placebo controlled trial. Bmj. 2022;378:e071245.
54. Bukten A, Lokdam NT, Skjærvø I, Ugelvik T, Skurtveit S, Gabrhelík R, Skardhamar T, Lund IO, Havnes IA, Rognli EB, Chang Z, Fazel S, Friestad C, Hesse M, Lothe J, Ploeg G, Dirkzwager AJE, Clausen T, Tjagvad C, Stavseth MR. PriSUD-Nordic-Diagnosing and Treating Substance Use Disorders in the Prison Population: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study. Protocol. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022;11(3):e35182.
55. Bukten A, Skjærvø I, Stavseth MR. The association of prison security level with mortality after release from prison: a retrospective national cohort study (2000-16). Lancet Public Health. 2022;7(7):e583-e92.
56. Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P. Parental death by external causes during childhood and risk of psychiatric disorders in bereaved offspring. Child Adolesc Ment Health. 2022;27(2):122-30.
57. Baasland I, Vie G, Romundstad PR, Lönnberg S. Cervical cancer mortality in Norway according to screening attendance and age. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022;101(9):952-9.
58. Charalampous P, Gorasso V, Plass D, Pires SM, von der Lippe E, Mereke A, Idavain J, Kissimova-Skarbek K, Morgado JN, Ngwa CH, Noguer I, Padron-Monedero A, Santi-Cano MJ, Sarmiento R, Devleesschauwer B, Haagsma JA, Participants CAC. Burden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe: a systematic review of data sources and methodological choices. Eur J Public Health. 2022;32(2):289-96.
59. Charalampous P, Pallari E, Gorasso V, von der Lippe E, Devleesschauwer B, Pires SM, Plass D, Idavain J, Ngwa CH, Noguer I, Padron-Monedero A, Sarmiento R, Majdan M, Ádám B, AlKerwi A, Cilovic-Lagarija S, Clarsen B, Corso B, Cuschieri S, Dopelt K, Economou M, Fischer F, Freitas A, García-González JM, Gazzelloni F, Gkitakou A, Gulmez H, Hynds P, Isola G, Jakobsen LS, Kabir Z, Kissimova-Skarbek K, Knudsen AK, Konar NM, Ladeira C, Lassen B, Liew A, Majer M, Mechili EA, Mereke A, Monasta L, Mondello S, Morgado JN, Nena E, Ng ESW, Niranjan V, Nola IA, O'Caoimh R, Petrou P, Pinheiro V, Ortiz MR, Riva S, Samouda H, Santos JV, Santoso CMA, Milicevic MS, Skempes D, Sousa AC, Speybroeck N, Tozija F, Unim B, Uysal HB, Vaccaro FG, Varga O, Vasic M, Violante FS, Wyper GMA, Polinder S, Haagsma JA. Methodological considerations in injury burden of disease studies across Europe: a systematic literature review. BMC Public Health. 2022;22(1):1564.
60. Christensen IE, Lillegraven S, Mielnik P, Bakland G, Loli L, Sexton J, Uhlig T, Kvien TK, Provan SA. Serious infections in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis treated with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors: data from register linkage of the NOR-DMARD study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2022;81(3):398-401.
61. Cowdery SP, Bjerkeset O, Sund ER, Mohebbi M, Pasco JA, Berk M, Williams LJ. Depressive symptomology and cancer incidence in men and women: Longitudinal evidence from the HUNT study. J Affect Disord. 2022;316:1-9.
62. Danielsen AS, Cyr PR, Berg TC, Jønsberg E, Eriksen-Volle HM, Kacelnik O. Registerbasert overvåkning av covid-19 i sykehjem (Register-based surveillance of COVID-19 in nursing homes). Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2022;142(8):702-5.
63. De S, Edwards DM, Dwivedi V, Wang J, Varsally W, Dixon HL, Singh AK, Owuamalam PO, Wright MT, Summers RP, Hossain MN, Price EM, Wojewodzic MW, Falciani F, Hodges NJ, Saponaro M, Tanaka K, Azzalin CM, Baumann P, Hebenstreit D, Brogna S. Genome-wide chromosomal association of Upf1 is linked to Pol II transcription in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022;50(1):350-67.
64. Dhar I, Svingen GF, Pedersen EK, Ulvik A, Bjørnestad E, Dankel SN, Mellgren G, Nygård OK. Physical activity and risk of all-cause mortality in patients with stable angina pectoris: Effect modification by β-blocker treatment. Int J Cardiol Cardiovasc Risk Prev. 2022;15:200150.
65. Dhar I, Svingen GFT, Olsen T, Lysne V, Bjørnestad E, Ueland PM, Nygård OK. beta-blocker use and risk of all-cause mortality in patients with coronary heart disease: effect modification by serum vitamin A. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022;28(17):1897-902.
66. Døskeland T, Kvaerner JS. Cancer and Portfolio Choice: Evidence from Norwegian Register Data. Review of Finance. 2022;26(2):407-42.
67. Edvardsen HME, Clausen T. Opioid related deaths in Norway in 2000-2019. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;232:109281.
68. Eiding H, Kongsgaard UE, Olasveengen TM, Heyerdahl F. Interhospital transport of critically ill patients: A prospective observational study of patient and transport characteristics. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2022;66(2):248-55.
69. Eielsen HP, Vrabel K, Hoffart A, Rø Ø, Rosenvinge JH. Reciprocal relationships between personality disorders and eating disorders in a prospective 17-year follow-up study. Int J Eat Disord. 2022;55(12):1753-64.
70. Ellingsen CL, Alfsen GC, Braut GS. Forensic autopsies in Norway 1996-2017: A retrospective study of factors associated with deaths undergoing forensic autopsy. Scand J Public Health. 2022;50(4):424-31.
71. Ellingsen CL, Alfsen GC, Ebbing M, Pedersen AG, Sulo G, Vollset SE, Braut GS. Garbage codes in the Norwegian Cause of Death Registry 1996-2019. BMC Public Health. 2022;22(1):1301.
72. Engeland A, Nystad W, Selmer R. The Cancer Registry of Norway – “a ground for scientific harvesting”. Norsk epidemiologi. 2022;30(1-2):101-5.
73. Enget Jensen TM, Braaten T, Jacobsen BK, Skeie G. Non-linear associations between healthy Nordic foods and all-cause mortality in the NOWAC study: a prospective study. BMC Public Health. 2022;22(1):169.
74. Enroth L, Jasilionis D, Németh L, Strand BH, Tanjung I, Sundberg L, Fors S, Jylhä M, Brønnum-Hansen H. Changes in socioeconomic differentials in old age life expectancy in four Nordic countries: the impact of educational expansion and education-specific mortality. Eur J Ageing. 2022;19(2):161-73.
75. Feás X, Vidal C, Remesar S. What We Know about Sting-Related Deaths? Human Fatalities Caused by Hornet, Wasp and Bee Stings in Europe (1994-2016). Biology (Basel). 2022;11(2):282.
76. Fladseth K, Wilsgaard T, Lindekleiv H, Kristensen A, Mannsverk J, Løchen ML, Njølstad I, Mathiesen EB, Trovik T, Rotevatn S, Forsdahl S, Schirmer H. Outcomes after coronary angiography for unstable angina compared to stable angina, myocardial infarction and an asymptomatic general population. Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc. 2022;42:101099.
77. Follin-Arbelet B, Milada SC, Hovde Ø, Jelsness-Jørgensen LP, Moum B. Mortality in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Results from 30 years of follow-up in a Norwegian inception cohort (the IBSEN study). J Crohns Colitis. 2022.
78. Fredriksen KJ, Bartz-Johannessen C, Schoeyen HK, Vaaler A, Walby FA, Hegelstad WTV. Imminent and Short-Term Risk of Death by Suicide in 7,000 Acutely Admitted Psychiatric Inpatients. J Clin Psychiatry. 2022;84(1):22m14460.
79. Fredriksen KJ, Gjestad R, Walby FA, Anda LG, Oedegaard KJ, Schoeyen HK. High Scores on the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale and Psychotic Symptoms Predict Suicide: A Prospective Cohort Study of Psychiatric Acute Ward Patients. J Clin Psychiatry. 2022;83(5):21m14018.
80. Frich PS, Sigstad E, Berstad AE, Fagerlid KH, Holgersen KF, Paulsen TH, Bjøro T, Flinder LI. Long-Term Efficacy of Ethanol Ablation as Treatment of Metastatic Lymph Nodes From Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022;107(5):e2141-e7.
81. Funk T, Innocenti F, Gomes Dias J, Nerlander L, Melillo T, Gauci C, Melillo JM, Lenz P, Sebestova H, Slezak P, Vlckova I, Berild JD, Mauroy C, Seppälä E, Tønnessen R, Vergison A, Mossong J, Masi S, Huiart L, Cullen G, Murphy N, O'Connor L, O'Donnell J, Mook P, Pebody RG, Bundle N. Age-specific associations between underlying health conditions and hospitalisation, death and in-hospital death among confirmed COVID-19 cases: a multi-country study based on surveillance data, June to December 2020. Euro Surveill. 2022;27(35):2100883.
82. GBD 2019, Castelpietra G, Knudsen AKS, Agardh EE, Armocida B, Beghi M, Iburg KM, Logroscino G, Ma R, Starace F, Steel N, Addolorato G, Andrei CL, Andrei T, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Banach M, Bärnighausen TW, Barone-Adesi F, Bhagavathula AS, Carvalho F, Carvalho M, Chandan JS, Chattu VK, Couto RAS, Cruz-Martins N, Dargan PI, Deuba K, da Silva DD, Fagbamigbe AF, Fernandes E, Ferrara P, Fischer F, Gaal PA, Gialluisi A, Haagsma JA, Haro JM, Hasan MT, Hasan SS, Hostiuc S, Iacoviello L, Iavicoli I, Jamshidi E, Jonas JB, Joo T, Jozwiak JJ, Katikireddi SV, Kauppila JH, Khan MAB, Kisa A, Kisa S, Kivimäki M, Koly KN, Koyanagi A, Kumar M, Lallukka T, Langguth B, Ledda C, Lee PH, Lega I, Linehan C, Loureiro JA, Madureira-Carvalho Á M, Martinez-Raga J, Mathur MR, McGrath JJ, Mechili EA, Mentis AA, Mestrovic T, Miazgowski B, Mirica A, Mirijello A, Moazen B, Mohammed S, Mulita F, Nagel G, Negoi I, Negoi RI, Nwatah VE, Padron-Monedero A, Panda-Jonas S, Pardhan S, Pasovic M, Patel J, Petcu IR, Pinheiro M, Pollok RCG, Postma MJ, Rawaf DL, Rawaf S, Romero-Rodríguez E, Ronfani L, Sagoe D, Sanmarchi F, Schaub MP, Sharew NT, Shiri R, Shokraneh F, Sigfusdottir ID, Silva JP, Silva R, Socea B, Szócska M, Tabarés-Seisdedos R, Torrado M, Tovani-Palone MR, Vasankari TJ, Veroux M, Viner RM, Werdecker A, Winkler AS, Hay SI, Ferrari AJ, Naghavi M, Allebeck P, Monasta L. The burden of mental disorders, substance use disorders and self-harm among young people in Europe, 1990-2019: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2022;16:100341.
83. GBD 2019, Clarsen B, Nylenna M, Klitkou ST, Vollset SE, Baravelli CM, Bølling AK, Aasvang GM, Sulo G, Naghavi M, Pasovic M, Asaduzzaman M, Bjørge T, Eggen AE, Eikemo TA, Ellingsen CL, Haaland Ø A, Hailu A, Hassan S, Hay SI, Juliusson PB, Kisa A, Kisa S, Månsson J, Mekonnen T, Murray CJL, Norheim OF, Ottersen T, Sagoe D, Sripada K, Winkler AS, Knudsen AKS. Changes in life expectancy and disease burden in Norway, 1990-2019: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Public Health. 2022;7(7):e593-e605.
84. GBD 2019 Cancer Collaboration, Kocarnik JM, Compton K, Dean FE, Fu W, Gaw BL, Harvey JD, Henrikson HJ, Lu D, Pennini A, Xu R, Ababneh E, Abbasi-Kangevari M, Abbastabar H, Abd-Elsalam SM, Abdoli A, Abedi A, Abidi H, Abolhassani H, Adedeji IA, Adnani QES, Advani SM, Afzal MS, Aghaali M, Ahinkorah BO, Ahmad S, Ahmad T, Ahmadi A, Ahmadi S, Ahmed Rashid T, Ahmed Salih Y, Akalu GT, Aklilu A, Akram T, Akunna CJ, Al Hamad H, Alahdab F, Al-Aly Z, Ali S, Alimohamadi Y, Alipour V, Aljunid SM, Alkhayyat M, Almasi-Hashiani A, Almasri NA, Al-Maweri SAA, Almustanyir S, Alonso N, Alvis-Guzman N, Amu H, Anbesu EW, Ancuceanu R, Ansari F, Ansari-Moghaddam A, Antwi MH, Anvari D, Anyasodor AE, Aqeel M, Arabloo J, Arab-Zozani M, Aremu O, Ariffin H, Aripov T, Arshad M, Artaman A, Arulappan J, Asemi Z, Asghari Jafarabadi M, Ashraf T, Atorkey P, Aujayeb A, Ausloos M, Awedew AF, Ayala Quintanilla BP, Ayenew T, Azab MA, Azadnajafabad S, Azari Jafari A, Azarian G, Azzam AY, Badiye AD, Bahadory S, Baig AA, Baker JL, Balakrishnan S, Banach M, Bärnighausen TW, Barone-Adesi F, Barra F, Barrow A, Behzadifar M, Belgaumi UI, Bezabhe WMM, Bezabih YM, Bhagat DS, Bhagavathula AS, Bhardwaj N, Bhardwaj P, Bhaskar S, Bhattacharyya K, Bhojaraja VS, Bibi S, Bijani A, Biondi A, Bisignano C, Bjørge T, Bleyer A, Blyuss O, Bolarinwa OA, Bolla SR, Braithwaite D, Brar A, Brenner H, Bustamante-Teixeira MT, Butt NS, Butt ZA, Caetano Dos Santos FL, Cao Y, Carreras G, Catalá-López F, Cembranel F, Cerin E, Cernigliaro A, Chakinala RC, Chattu SK, Chattu VK, Chaturvedi P, Chimed-Ochir O, Cho DY, Christopher DJ, Chu DT, Chung MT, Conde J, Cortés S, Cortesi PA, Costa VM, Cunha AR, Dadras O, Dagnew AB, Dahlawi SMA, Dai X, Dandona L, Dandona R, Darwesh AM, das Neves J, De la Hoz FP, Demis AB, Denova-Gutiérrez E, Dhamnetiya D, Dhimal ML, Dhimal M, Dianatinasab M, Diaz D, Djalalinia S, Do HP, Doaei S, Dorostkar F, Dos Santos Figueiredo FW, Driscoll TR, Ebrahimi H, Eftekharzadeh S, El Tantawi M, El-Abid H, Elbarazi I, Elhabashy HR, Elhadi M, El-Jaafary SI, Eshrati B, Eskandarieh S, Esmaeilzadeh F, Etemadi A, Ezzikouri S, Faisaluddin M, Faraon EJA, Fares J, Farzadfar F, Feroze AH, Ferrero S, Ferro Desideri L, Filip I, Fischer F, Fisher JL, Foroutan M, Fukumoto T, Gaal PA, Gad MM, Gadanya MA, Gallus S, Gaspar Fonseca M, Getachew Obsa A, Ghafourifard M, Ghashghaee A, Ghith N, Gholamalizadeh M, Gilani SA, Ginindza TG, Gizaw ATT, Glasbey JC, Golechha M, Goleij P, Gomez RS, Gopalani SV, Gorini G, Goudarzi H, Grosso G, Gubari MIM, Guerra MR, Guha A, Gunasekera DS, Gupta B, Gupta VB, Gupta VK, Gutiérrez RA, Hafezi-Nejad N, Haider MR, Haj-Mirzaian A, Halwani R, Hamadeh RR, Hameed S, Hamidi S, Hanif A, Haque S, Harlianto NI, Haro JM, Hasaballah AI, Hassanipour S, Hay RJ, Hay SI, Hayat K, Heidari G, Heidari M, Herrera-Serna BY, Herteliu C, Hezam K, Holla R, Hossain MM, Hossain MBH, Hosseini MS, Hosseini M, Hosseinzadeh M, Hostiuc M, Hostiuc S, Househ M, Hsairi M, Huang J, Hugo FN, Hussain R, Hussein NR, Hwang BF, Iavicoli I, Ibitoye SE, Ida F, Ikuta KS, Ilesanmi OS, Ilic IM, Ilic MD, Irham LM, Islam JY, Islam RM, Islam SMS, Ismail NE, Isola G, Iwagami M, Jacob L, Jain V, Jakovljevic MB, Javaheri T, Jayaram S, Jazayeri SB, Jha RP, Jonas JB, Joo T, Joseph N, Joukar F, Jürisson M, Kabir A, Kahrizi D, Kalankesh LR, Kalhor R, Kaliyadan F, Kalkonde Y, Kamath A, Kameran Al-Salihi N, Kandel H, Kapoor N, Karch A, Kasa AS, Katikireddi SV, Kauppila JH, Kavetskyy T, Kebede SA, Keshavarz P, Keykhaei M, Khader YS, Khalilov R, Khan G, Khan M, Khan MN, Khan MAB, Khang YH, Khater AM, Khayamzadeh M, Kim GR, Kim YJ, Kisa A, Kisa S, Kissimova-Skarbek K, Kopec JA, Koteeswaran R, Koul PA, Koulmane Laxminarayana SL, Koyanagi A, Kucuk Bicer B, Kugbey N, Kumar GA, Kumar N, Kumar N, Kurmi OP, Kutluk T, La Vecchia C, Lami FH, Landires I, Lauriola P, Lee SW, Lee SWH, Lee WC, Lee YH, Leigh J, Leong E, Li J, Li MC, Liu X, Loureiro JA, Lunevicius R, Magdy Abd El Razek M, Majeed A, Makki A, Male S, Malik AA, Mansournia MA, Martini S, Masoumi SZ, Mathur P, McKee M, Mehrotra R, Mendoza W, Menezes RG, Mengesha EW, Mesregah MK, Mestrovic T, Miao Jonasson J, Miazgowski B, Miazgowski T, Michalek IM, Miller TR, Mirzaei H, Mirzaei HR, Misra S, Mithra P, Moghadaszadeh M, Mohammad KA, Mohammad Y, Mohammadi M, Mohammadi SM, Mohammadian-Hafshejani A, Mohammed S, Moka N, Mokdad AH, Molokhia M, Monasta L, Moni MA, Moosavi MA, Moradi Y, Moraga P, Morgado-da-Costa J, Morrison SD, Mosapour A, Mubarik S, Mwanri L, Nagarajan AJ, Nagaraju SP, Nagata C, Naimzada MD, Nangia V, Naqvi AA, Narasimha Swamy S, Ndejjo R, Nduaguba SO, Negoi I, Negru SM, Neupane Kandel S, Nguyen CT, Nguyen HLT, Niazi RK, Nnaji CA, Noor NM, Nuñez-Samudio V, Nzoputam CI, Oancea B, Ochir C, Odukoya OO, Ogbo FA, Olagunju AT, Olakunde BO, Omar E, Omar Bali A, Omonisi AEE, Ong S, Onwujekwe OE, Orru H, Ortega-Altamirano DV, Otstavnov N, Otstavnov SS, Owolabi MO, P AM, Padubidri JR, Pakshir K, Pana A, Panagiotakos D, Panda-Jonas S, Pardhan S, Park EC, Park EK, Pashazadeh Kan F, Patel HK, Patel JR, Pati S, Pattanshetty SM, Paudel U, Pereira DM, Pereira RB, Perianayagam A, Pillay JD, Pirouzpanah S, Pishgar F, Podder I, Postma MJ, Pourjafar H, Prashant A, Preotescu L, Rabiee M, Rabiee N, Radfar A, Radhakrishnan RA, Radhakrishnan V, Rafiee A, Rahim F, Rahimzadeh S, Rahman M, Rahman MA, Rahmani AM, Rajai N, Rajesh A, Rakovac I, Ram P, Ramezanzadeh K, Ranabhat K, Ranasinghe P, Rao CR, Rao SJ, Rawassizadeh R, Razeghinia MS, Renzaho AMN, Rezaei N, Rezaei N, Rezapour A, Roberts TJ, Rodriguez JAB, Rohloff P, Romoli M, Ronfani L, Roshandel G, Rwegerera GM, S M, Sabour S, Saddik B, Saeed U, Sahebkar A, Sahoo H, Salehi S, Salem MR, Salimzadeh H, Samaei M, Samy AM, Sanabria J, Sankararaman S, Santric-Milicevic MM, Sardiwalla Y, Sarveazad A, Sathian B, Sawhney M, Saylan M, Schneider IJC, Sekerija M, Seylani A, Shafaat O, Shaghaghi Z, Shaikh MA, Shamsoddin E, Shannawaz M, Sharma R, Sheikh A, Sheikhbahaei S, Shetty A, Shetty JK, Shetty PH, Shibuya K, Shirkoohi R, Shivakumar KM, Shivarov V, Siabani S, Siddappa Malleshappa SK, Silva DAS, Singh JA, Sintayehu Y, Skryabin VY, Skryabina AA, Soeberg MJ, Sofi-Mahmudi A, Sotoudeh H, Steiropoulos P, Straif K, Subedi R, Sufiyan MB, Sultan I, Sultana S, Sur D, Szerencsés V, Szócska M, Tabarés-Seisdedos R, Tabuchi T, Tadbiri H, Taherkhani A, Takahashi K, Talaat IM, Tan KK, Tat VY, Tedla BAA, Tefera YG, Tehrani-Banihashemi A, Temsah MH, Tesfay FH, Tessema GA, Thapar R, Thavamani A, Thoguluva Chandrasekar V, Thomas N, Tohidinik HR, Touvier M, Tovani-Palone MR, Traini E, Tran BX, Tran KB, Tran MTN, Tripathy JP, Tusa BS, Ullah I, Ullah S, Umapathi KK, Unnikrishnan B, Upadhyay E, Vacante M, Vaezi M, Valadan Tahbaz S, Velazquez DZ, Veroux M, Violante FS, Vlassov V, Vo B, Volovici V, Vu GT, Waheed Y, Wamai RG, Ward P, Wen YF, Westerman R, Winkler AS, Yadav L, Yahyazadeh Jabbari SH, Yang L, Yaya S, Yazie TSY, Yeshaw Y, Yonemoto N, Younis MZ, Yousefi Z, Yu C, Yuce D, Yunusa I, Zadnik V, Zare F, 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85. GBD 2020 Alcohol Collaborators including Knudsen AKS. Population-level risks of alcohol consumption by amount, geography, age, sex, and year: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2020. Lancet. 2022;400(10347):185-235.
86. Gjersing L, Amundsen E. Increasing trend in accidental pharmaceutical opioid overdose deaths and diverging overdose death correlates following the opioid prescription policy liberalization in Norway 2010-2018. Int J Drug Policy. 2022;108:103785.
87. Glinianaia SV, Rankin J, Pierini A, Coi A, Santoro M, Tan J, Reid A, Garne E, Loane M, Given J, Cavero-Carbonell C, de Walle HEK, Gatt M, Gissler M, Heino A, Khoshnood B, Klungsøyr K, Lelong N, Neville AJ, Thayer DS, Tucker D, Urhøj SK, Wellesley D, Zurriaga O, Morris JK. Ten-Year Survival of Children With Congenital Anomalies: A European Cohort Study. Pediatrics. 2022;149(3):e2021053793.
88. Grimsrud TK. Samle, telle, regne, fortolke – tilbakeblikk på Kreftregisterets statistikkproduksjon og forskning gjennom 70 år. Norsk epidemiologi. 2022;30(1-2):127-41.
89. Grimsrud TK. 70 år med Kreftregisteret.. (70 years of the Cancer Registry of Norway). Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2022;142(18):1522.
90. Grytten N, Myhr KM, Celius EG, Benjaminsen E, Midgard R, Vatne A, Aarseth JH, Mannseth J, Torkildsen Ø. Cancer related mortality in multiple sclerosis. A population based cohort study. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2022;69:104417.
91. Graabak G, Grønberg BH, Sandvei MS, Nilssen Y, Halvorsen TO. Thoracic Radiotherapy in Limited-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer – a Population-Based Study of Patterns of Care in Norway from 2000 until 2018. JTO Clin Res Rep. 2022(3):100270.
92. Gustad LT, Myklebust T, Bjerkeset O, Williams LJ, Laugsand LE, Dalen H, Berk M, Romundstad S. Anxiety and depression symptoms, albuminuria and risk of acute myocardial infarction in the Norwegian HUNT cohort study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2022;22(1):472.
93. Hagen AN, Ariansen I, Hanssen TA, Lappegård KT, Eggen AE, Løchen ML, Njølstad I, Wilsgaard T, Hopstock LA. Achievements of primary prevention targets in individuals with high risk of cardiovascular disease: an 8-year follow-up of the Tromsø study. Eur Heart J Open. 2022;2(5):oeac061.
94. Hamfjord J, Myklebust T, Larsen IK, Kure EH, Glimelius B, Guren TK, Tveit KM, Guren MG. Survival Trends of Right- and Left-Sided Colon Cancer across Four Decades: A Norwegian Population-Based Study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2022;31(2):342-51.
95. Hamina A, Odsbu I, Borchgrevink PC, Chen LC, Clausen T, Espnes KA, Gjesdal K, Handal M, Hartikainen S, Hjellvik V, Holter MTS, Høibø T, Kurita GP, Langaas HC, Lid TG, Nøst TH, Sjøgren P, Skurtveit S. Cohort Description: Preventing an Opioid Epidemic in Norway - Focusing on Treatment of Chronic Pain (POINT) - A National Registry-Based Study. Clin Epidemiol. 2022;14:1477-86.
96. Hauge T, Førland DT, Johannessen HO, Johnson E. Short- and long-term outcomes in patients operated with total minimally invasive esophagectomy for esophageal cancer. Dis Esophagus. 2022;35(5):doab061.
97. Haugsgjerd TR, Egeland GM, Nygard OK, Igland J, Sulo G, Lysne V, Vinknes KJ, Bjornevik K, Tell GS. Intake of carbohydrates and SFA and risk of CHD in middle-age adults: the Hordaland Health Study (HUSK). Public Health Nutr. 2022;25(3):634-48.
98. He JR, Hirst JE, Tikellis G, Phillips GS, Ramakrishnan R, Paltiel O, Ponsonby AL, Klebanoff M, Olsen J, Murphy MFG, Håberg SE, Lemeshow S, Olsen S, Qiu X, Magnus P, Golding J, Ward MH, Wiemels JL, Rahimi K, Linet MS, Dwyer T. Common maternal infections during pregnancy and childhood leukaemia in the offspring: findings from six international birth cohorts. Int J Epidemiol. 2022;51(3):769-77.
99. Helland Å, Andersen KK, Myklebust T, Johannesen TB, Aarøe J, Enerly E. EGFR-mutation testing and TKI treatment patterns in locally advanced and metastatic NSCLC in Norway - A nationwide retrospective cohort study. Cancer Treat Res Commun. 2022;33:100636.
100. Hernæs KH, Skyrud KD. The impact of daylight on suicide rates. Econ Hum Biol. 2022;46:101151.
101. Hilvo M, Dhar I, Lääperi M, Lysne V, Sulo G, Tell GS, Jousilahti P, Nygård OK, Brenner H, Schöttker B, Laaksonen R. Primary cardiovascular risk prediction by LDL-cholesterol in Caucasian middle-aged and older adults: a joint analysis of three cohorts. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022;29(3):e128-e37.
102. Hjorth S, Pottegård A, Broe A, Hemmingsen CH, Leinonen MK, Hargreave M, Nörby U, Nordeng H. Prenatal exposure to nitrofurantoin and risk of childhood leukaemia: a registry-based cohort study in four Nordic countries. Int J Epidemiol. 2022;51(3):778-88.
103. Hofvind S, Robsahm TE, Sagstad S, Thy JE. Sociodemographic factors, health indicators and lifestyle factors among participants in BreastScreen Norway 2006-2016 – a cohort profile. Norsk epidemiologi. 2022;30(1-2):69-75.
104. Jakobsen J, Veierød MB, Grimsrud TK, Fosså SD, Hammarström B, Kjærheim K. Early detection of prostate cancer in firefighters: a register-based study of prognostic factors and survival. Occup Environ Med. 2022;79(3):200-6.
105. Jamt REG, Edvardsen HME, Middelkoop G, Kallevik AS, Bogstrand ST, Vevelstad MS, Vindenes V. Dødsfall assosiert med MDMA i perioden 2000–19. (Deaths associated with MDMA in the period 2000-2019). Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2022;142(8):697-701.
106. Jiang L, Sun YQ, Brumpton BM, Langhammer A, Chen Y, Mai XM. Body mass index and incidence of lung cancer in the HUNT study: using observational and Mendelian randomization approaches. BMC Cancer. 2022;22(1):1152.
107. Jodal HC, Klotz D, Herfindal M, Barua I, Tag P, Helsingen LM, Refsum E, Holme Ø, Adami HO, Bretthauer M, Kalager M, Løberg M. Long-term colorectal cancer incidence and mortality after adenoma removal in women and men. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2022;55(4):412-21.
108. Johansen JS, Halvorsen KH, Svendsen K, Havnes K, Robinson EG, Wetting HL, Haustreis S, Småbrekke L, Kamycheva E, Garcia BH. Interdisciplinary collaboration across secondary and primary care to improve medication safety in the elderly (The IMMENSE study) - a randomized controlled trial. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022;22(1):1290.
109. Johnsen B, Strand BH, Martinaityte I, Lorem GF, Schirmer H. Leisure Time Physical Activities' Association With Cognition and Dementia: A 19 Years' Life Course Study. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022;14:906678.
110. Jortveit J, Pripp AH, Langørgen J, Halvorsen S. Time trends in incidence, treatment, and outcome in acute myocardial infarction in Norway 2013-19. Eur Heart J Open. 2022;2(5):oeac052.
111. Kerola AM, Kazemi A, Rollefstad S, Lillegraven S, Sexton J, Wibetoe G, Haavardsholm EA, Kvien TK, Semb AG. All-cause and cause-specific mortality in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis: a nationwide registry study. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022;61(12):4656-66.
112. Kidd SG, Bogaard M, Carm KT, Bakken AC, Maltau AMV, Løvf M, Lothe RA, Axcrona K, Axcrona U, Skotheim RI. In situ expression of ERG protein in the context of tumor heterogeneity identifies prostate cancer patients with inferior prognosis. Mol Oncol. 2022;16(15):2810-22.
113. Kjøllesdal MKR, Carslake D, Smith GD, Shaikh F, Næss Ø. The role of family factors in the association between early adulthood BMI and risk of cardiovascular disease. An intergenerational study of BMI in early adulthood and cardiovascular mortality in parents, aunts and uncles. Int J Obes (Lond). 2022;46(1):228-34.
114. Klemetti R, Perry B, Henningsen AKA, Spangmose AL, Pinborg A, Opdahl S, Romundstad LB, Bergh C, Wennerholm UB, Tiitinen A, Gissler M. Puberty disorders among ART-conceived singletons: a Nordic register study from the CoNARTaS group. Hum Reprod. 2022;37(10):2402-11.
115. Kluge KE, Langseth MS, Andersen GØ, Halvorsen S, Opstad TB, Arnesen H, Tønnessen T, Seljeflot I, Helseth R. Complement activation in association with clinical outcomes in ST-elevation myocardial infarction. American heart journal plus. 2022;24:100228.
116. Klæstad E, Opdahl S, Raj SX, Bofin AM, Valla M. Long term trends of breast cancer incidence according to proliferation status. BMC Cancer. 2022;22(1):1340.
117. Korhonen T, Hjelmborg J, Harris JR, Clemmensen S, Adami HO, Kaprio J, Nordic Twin Study of Cancer c. Cancer in twin pairs discordant for smoking: The Nordic Twin Study of Cancer. Int J Cancer. 2022;151(1):33-43.
118. Korsholm K, Damgaard D, Valentin JB, Packer EJS, Odenstedt J, Sinisalo J, Putaala J, Næss H, Al-Jazi MA, Karlsson JE, Pontoppidan J, Modrau B, Hjort J, Matzen KL, Johnsen SP, Nielsen-Kudsk JE. Left atrial appendage occlusion vs novel oral anticoagulation for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: rationale and design of the multicenter randomized occlusion-AF trial. Trial design. Am Heart J. 2022;243:28-38.
119. Kringeland E, Tell GS, Midtbø H, Igland J, Haugsgjerd TR, Gerdts E. Stage 1 hypertension, sex, and acute coronary syndromes during midlife: the Hordaland Health Study. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022;29(1):147-54.
120. Kvakkestad K, Gran JM, Halvorsen S. Short- and long-term survival after ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with pharmacoinvasive versus primary percutaneous coronary intervention strategy: a prospective cohort study. BMJ open. 2022;12(7):e061590.
121. Langmark F. Kreftregisteret i min tid – mine minner og meninger. Norsk epidemiologi. 2022;30(1-2):117-25.
122. Langseth Ø O, Myklebust T, Johannesen TB, Hjertner Ø, Waage A. Risk of multiple myeloma and other malignancies among first- and second-degree relatives of patients with multiple myeloma: A population-based study. Eur J Haematol. 2022;108(6):486-92.
123. Larsen IK, Møller B, Ursin G, Robsahm TE. Krefttrender i Norge i perioden 1953–2021. Norsk epidemiologi. 2022;30(1-2):5-17.
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125. Larsen SG, Goscinski MA, Dueland S, Steigen SE, Hofsli E, Torgunrud A, Lund-Iversen M, Dagenborg VJ, Flatmark K, Sorbye H. Impact of KRAS, BRAF and microsatellite instability status after cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC in a national cohort of colorectal peritoneal metastasis patients. Br J Cancer. 2022;126(5):726-35.
126. Larønningen S, Nygård JF. Fra hullkort og strikkepinner til maskinlæring – En reise gjennom Kreftregisterets 70 år med databehandling. Norsk epidemiologi. 2022;30(1-2):143-54.
127. Lofterød T, Frydenberg H, Veierød MB, Jenum AK, Reitan JB, Wist EA, Thune I. The influence of metabolic factors and ethnicity on breast cancer risk, treatment and survival: The Oslo ethnic breast cancer study. Acta Oncol. 2022;61(5):649-57.
128. Lokdam NT, Stavseth MR, Bukten A. Drug use and re-imprisonment: A prospective study of the Norwegian Offender Mental Health and Addiction (NorMA) cohort. Drug Alcohol Depend Rep. 2022;5:100127.
129. Lorem GF, Opdal IM, Wilsgaard T, Schirmer H, Løchen ML, Olsen IP, Steigen T, Rognmo K. Assessment of mental health trajectories before and after myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation or stroke: analysis of a cohort study in Tromsø, Norway (Tromsø Study, 1994-2016). BMJ Open. 2022;12(4):e052948.
130. Lund Håheim L, Thelle DS, Rønningen KS, Olsen I, Schwarze PE. Low level of antibodies to the oral bacterium Tannerella forsythia predicts bladder cancers and Treponema denticola predicts colon and bladder cancers: A prospective cohort study. PLoS One. 2022;17(8):e0272148.
131. Lyngbakken MN, Hveem K, Røsjø H, Omland T. Subclinical myocardial injury and risk of COVID-19 in the general population: The Trøndelag Health Study. Letter. Clin Chem. 2022;68(3):473-5.
132. Løfling LL, Støer NC, Sloan EK, Chang A, Gandini S, Ursin G, Botteri E. β-blockers and breast cancer survival by molecular subtypes: a population-based cohort study and meta-analysis. Br J Cancer. 2022;127(6):1086-96.
133. Madsen C, Gabbe BJ, Holvik K, Alver K, Grøholt EK, Lund J, Lyons J, Lyons RA, Ohm E. Injury severity and increased socioeconomic differences: A population-based cohort study. Injury. 2022;53(6):1904-10.
134. Marjerrison N, Jakobsen J, Demers PA, Grimsrud TK, Hansen J, Martinsen JI, Nordby KC, Veierød MB, Kjærheim K. Comparison of cancer incidence and mortality in the Norwegian Fire Departments Cohort, 1960-2018. Occup Environ Med. 2022;79(11):736-43.
135. Marjerrison N, Jakobsen J, Grimsrud TK, Hansen J, Martinsen JI, Nordby KC, Veierød MB, Kjærheim K. Cancer incidence in sites potentially related to occupational exposures: 58 years of follow-up of firefighters in the Norwegian Fire Departments Cohort. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2022;48(3):210-9.
136. Markaki M, Tsamardinos I, Langhammer A, Lagani V, Hveem K, Røe OD. Corrigendum to "A validated clinical risk prediction model for lung cancer in smokers of all ages and exposure types: A HUNT study" [EBioMedicine 31 (2018) 36-46]. EBioMedicine. 2022;82:104187.
137. Mars N, Kerminen S, Feng YA, Kanai M, Läll K, Thomas LF, Skogholt AH, Della Briotta Parolo P, Neale BM, Smoller JW, Gabrielsen ME, Hveem K, Mägi R, Matsuda K, Okada Y, Pirinen M, Palotie A, Ganna A, Martin AR, Ripatti S, Biobank Japan Project FinnGen. Genome-wide risk prediction of common diseases across ancestries in one million people. Cell Genom. 2022;2(4):None.
138. Melsom T, Norvik JV, Enoksen IT, Stefansson V, Mathisen UD, Fuskevåg OM, Jenssen TG, Solbu MD, Eriksen BO. Sex Differences in Age-Related Loss of Kidney Function. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2022;33(10):1891-902.
139. Mundal LJ, Hovland A, Igland J, Vetrhus M, Veierod MB, Holven KB, Bogsrud MP, Tell GS, Leren TP, Retterstol K. Increased risk of peripheral artery disease in persons with familial hypercholesterolaemia: a prospective registry study. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022;28(18):e11-e3.
140. Mundal LJ, Igland J, Svendsen K, Holven KB, Leren TP, Retterstøl K. Association of Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Statin Use With Risk of Dementia in Norway. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(4):e227715.
141. Nilsbakken IMW, Sollid S, Wisborg T, Jeppesen E. Assessing Trauma Management in Urban and Rural Populations in Norway: A National Register-Based Research Protocol. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022;11(6):e30656.
142. Nilsen SM, Asheim A, Carlsen F, Anthun KS, Vatten LJ, Aam S, Davies NM, Bjørngaard JH. How do busy hospital circumstances affect mortality and readmission within 60 days: A cohort study of 680 000 acute admissions in Norway. Health Policy. 2022;126(8):808-15.
143. Nilssen Y, Brustugun OT, Eriksen MT, Guren MG, Haug ES, Naume B, Schlichting E, Møller B. Compliance with recommended cancer patient pathway timeframes and choice of treatment differed by cancer type and place of residence among cancer patients in Norway in 2015-2016. BMC Cancer. 2022;22(1):220.
144. Norhammar A, Bodegard J, Eriksson JW, Haller H, Linssen GCM, Banerjee A, Karasik A, Mamouris P, Tangri N, Taveira-Gomes T, Maggioni AP, Botana M, Thuresson M, Okami S, Yajima T, Kadowaki T, Birkeland KI. Cost of healthcare utilization associated with incident cardiovascular and renal disease in individuals with type 2 diabetes: A multinational, observational study across 12 countries. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2022;24(7):1277-87.
145. Nymo LS, Myklebust T, Hamre H, Møller B, Lassen K. Treatment and survival of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: 15-year national cohort. BJS Open. 2022;6(2).
146. Nyrønning L, Hultgren R, Albrektsen G, Mattsson E, Stenman M. Prognostic impact of depressive symptoms on all-cause mortality in individuals with abdominal aortic aneurysm and in the general population: a population-based prospective HUNT study in Norway. BMJ Open. 2022;12(1):e049055.
147. Paluch AE, Bajpai S, Bassett DR, Carnethon MR, Ekelund U, Evenson KR, Galuska DA, Jefferis BJ, Kraus WE, Lee IM, Matthews CE, Omura JD, Patel AV, Pieper CF, Rees-Punia E, Dallmeier D, Klenk J, Whincup PH, Dooley EE, Pettee Gabriel K, Palta P, Pompeii LA, Chernofsky A, Larson MG, Vasan RS, Spartano N, Ballin M, Nordström P, Nordström A, Anderssen SA, Hansen BH, Cochrane JA, Dwyer T, Wang J, Ferrucci L, Liu F, Schrack J, Urbanek J, Saint-Maurice PF, Yamamoto N, Yoshitake Y, Newton RL, Jr., Yang S, Shiroma EJ, Fulton JE. Daily steps and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of 15 international cohorts. Lancet Public Health. 2022;7(3):e219-e28.
148. Partanen VM, Heinävaara S, Anttila A, Hakkarainen J, Lönnberg S. Setting the record straight-Correcting uterine cancer incidence and mortality in the Nordic countries by reallocation of unspecified cases. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022;101(3):323-33.
149. Pazzagli L, Segovia Chacón S, Karampelias C, Cohen JM, Bröms G, Kieler H, Odsbu I, Selmer R, Andersson O, Cesta CE. Association between folic acid use during pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus: Two population-based Nordic cohort studies. PLoS One. 2022;17(8):e0272046.
150. Pethrus CM, Vedtofte MS, Neovius K, Borud EK, Neovius M. Pooled analysis of all-cause and cause-specific mortality among Nordic military veterans following international deployment. BMJ Open. 2022;12(4):e052313.
151. Pretorius M, Lundstam K, Heck A, Fagerland MW, Godang K, Mollerup C, Fougner SL, Pernow Y, Aas T, Hessman O, Rosén T, Nordenström J, Jansson S, Hellström M, Bollerslev J. Mortality and Morbidity in Mild Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Results From a 10-Year Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of Parathyroidectomy Versus Observation. Ann Intern Med. 2022;175(6):812-9.
152. Qin P, Stanley B, Melle I, Mehlum L. Association of Psychiatric Services Referral and Attendance Following Treatment for Deliberate Self-harm With Prospective Mortality in Norwegian Patients. JAMA Psychiatry. 2022;79(7):651-8.
153. Rasouli O, Moksnes UK, Reinfjell T, Hjemdal O, Eilertsen MB. Impact of resilience and social support on long-term grief in cancer-bereaved siblings: an exploratory study. BMC Palliat Care. 2022;21(1):93.
154. Riise HKR, Igland J, Sulo G, Iversen MM, Graue M, Eskild A, Tell GS, Daltveit AK. Is the risk of cardiovascular disease in women with pre-eclampsia modified by very low or very high offspring birth weight? A nationwide cohort study in Norway. BMJ Open. 2022;12(4):e055467.
155. Robsahm TE, Sagstad S, Thy JE, Hofvind S. Sociodemographic factors, health indicators and lifestyle factors among participants in BreastScreen Norway 2006-2016 – a cohort profile. Norsk epidemiologi. 2022;30(1-2):69-75.
156. Rodopoulou S, Stafoggia M, Chen J, de Hoogh K, Bauwelinck M, Mehta AJ, Klompmaker JO, Oftedal B, Vienneau D, Janssen NAH, Strak M, Andersen ZJ, Renzi M, Cesaroni G, Nordheim CF, Bekkevold T, Atkinson R, Forastiere F, Katsouyanni K, Brunekreef B, Samoli E, Hoek G. Long-term exposure to fine particle elemental components and mortality in Europe: Results from six European administrative cohorts within the ELAPSE project. Sci Total Environ. 2022;809:152205.
157. Rogeberg O, Bergsvik D, Clausen T. Opioid overdose deaths and the expansion of opioid agonist treatment: a population-based prospective cohort study. Addiction. 2022;117(5):1363-71.
158. Rostoft S, Thomas MJ, Slaaen M, Møller B, Syse A. The effect of age on specialized palliative care use in the last year of life for patients who die of cancer: A nationwide study from Norway. J Geriatr Oncol. 2022;13(8):1103-10.
159. Saeed M, Stene LC, Ariansen I, Tell GS, Tapia G, Joner G, Skrivarhaug T. Nine-fold higher risk of acute myocardial infarction in subjects with type 1 diabetes compared to controls in Norway 1973-2017. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2022;21(1):59.
160. Saeed M, Stene LC, Reisæter AV, Jenssen TG, Tell GS, Tapia G, Joner G, Skrivarhaug T. End-stage renal disease: incidence and prediction by coronary heart disease, and educational level. Follow-up from diagnosis of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes throughout Norway 1973-2017. Ann Epidemiol. 2022;76:181-7.
161. Sargisian N, Lannering B, Petzold M, Opdahl S, Gissler M, Pinborg A, Henningsen AA, Tiitinen A, Romundstad LB, Spangmose AL, Bergh C, Wennerholm UB. Cancer in children born after frozen-thawed embryo transfer: A cohort study. PLoS Med. 2022;19(9):e1004078.
162. Sejrup JK, Tøndel BG, Morelli VM, Løchen ML, Njølstad I, Mathiesen EB, Wilsgaard T, Hansen JB, Braekkan SK. Joint effect of myocardial infarction and obesity on the risk of venous thromboembolism: The Tromsø Study. J Thromb Haemost. 2022;20(10):2342-9.
163. Sivanesan S, Taskén KA, Grytli HH. Association of beta-Blocker Use at Time of Radical Prostatectomy With Rate of Treatment for Prostate Cancer Recurrence. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(1):e2145230.
164. Skeie I, Clausen T, Hjemsæter AJ, Landheim AS, Monsbakken B, Thoresen M, Waal H. Mortality, Causes of Death, and Predictors of Death among Patients On and Off Opioid Agonist Treatment: Results from a 19-Year Cohort Study. Eur Addict Res. 2022;28(5):358-67.
165. Skurtveit S, Odsbu I, Gjersing L, Handal M, Lid TG, Clausen T, Hamina A. Individuals Dying of Overdoses Related to Pharmaceutical Opioids Differ from Individuals Dying of Overdoses Related to Other Substances: A Population-Based Register Study. Eur Addict Res. 2022;28(6):419-24.
166. Smenes BT, Nes BM, Letnes JM, Slagsvold KH, Wisløff U, Wahba A. Cardiorespiratory fitness and the incidence of coronary surgery and postoperative mortality: the HUNT study. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2022;62(3):ezac126.
167. Smith L, Stiller CA, Aitken JF, Hjalgrim LL, Johannesen T, Lahteenmaki P, McCabe MG, Phillips R, Pritchard-Jones K, Steliarova-Foucher E, Winther JF, Woods RR, Glaser AW, Feltbower RG. International variation in childhood cancer mortality rates from 2001 to 2015: Comparison of trends in the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership countries. Int J Cancer. 2022;150(1):28-37.
168. Sourour N, Riveland E, Rømo T, Naesgaard P, Kjekshus H, Larsen AI, Omland T, Røsjø H, Myhre PL. QRS fragmentation is associated with increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias in high-risk patients; Data from the SMASH 1 Study. Study Protocol. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol. 2022;27(5):e12985.
169. Stafoggia M, Oftedal B, Chen J, Rodopoulou S, Renzi M, Atkinson RW, Bauwelinck M, Klompmaker JO, Mehta A, Vienneau D, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Cesaroni G, de Hoogh K, Fecht D, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Jöckel KH, Jørgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Kristoffersen DT, Lager A, Leander K, Liu S, Ljungman PLS, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Peters A, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Rizzuto D, Schramm S, Schwarze PE, Severi G, Sigsgaard T, Strak M, van der Schouw YT, Verschuren M, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Zitt E, Samoli E, Forastiere F, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Janssen NAH. Long-term exposure to low ambient air pollution concentrations and mortality among 28 million people: results from seven large European cohorts within the ELAPSE project. Lancet Planet Health. 2022;6(1):e9-e18.
170. Starrfelt J, Danielsen AS, Buanes EA, Juvet LK, Lyngstad TM, Rø G, Veneti L, Watle SV, Meijerink H. Age and product dependent vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalisation among adults in Norway: a national cohort study, July-November 2021. BMC Med. 2022;20(1):278.
171. Steinvik T, Raatiniemi L, Mogensen B, Steingrímsdóttir GB, Beer T, Eriksson A, Dehli T, Wisborg T, Bakke HK. Epidemiology of trauma in the subarctic regions of the Nordic countries. BMC Emerg Med. 2022;22(1):7.
172. Stene-Larsen K, Raknes G, Engdahl B, Qin P, Mehlum L, Strøm MS, Reneflot A. Suicide trends in Norway during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. A register-based cohort study. Eur Psychiatry. 2022;65(1):1-24.
173. Stikbakke E, Schirmer H, Knutsen T, Støyten M, Wilsgaard T, Giovannucci EL, McTiernan A, Eggen AE, Haugnes HS, Richardsen E, Thune I. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, prostate cancer risk, treatment, and survival. The PROCA-life study. Cancer Med. 2022;11(4):1005-15.
174. Stikbakke E, Wilsgaard T, Haugnes HS, Pedersen MI, Knutsen T, Støyten M, Giovannucci E, Eggen AE, Thune I, Richardsen E. Expression of miR-24-1-5p in Tumor Tissue Influences Prostate Cancer Recurrence: The PROCA-life Study. Cancers (Basel). 2022;14(5):1142.
175. Storeng SH, Øverland S, Skirbekk V, Hopstock LA, Sund ER, Krokstad S, Strand BH. Trends in Disability-Free Life Expectancy (DFLE) from 1995 to 2017 in the older Norwegian population by sex and education: The HUNT Study. Scand J Public Health. 2022;50(5):542-51.
176. Storesund SK, Karaji I, Strand E, Svardal A, Lønnebakken MT, Berge RK, Tveitevåg Svingen GF, Nygård OK, Pedersen ER. Even chained acylcarnitines predict long-term cardiovascular prognosis in patients with chest pain and non-obstructive coronary artery disease. Int J Cardiol Cardiovasc Risk Prev. 2022;14:200134.
177. Sundström J, Bodegard J, Bollmann A, Vervloet MG, Mark PB, Karasik A, Taveira-Gomes T, Botana M, Birkeland KI, Thuresson M, Jäger L, Sood MM, VanPottelbergh G, Tangri N. Prevalence, outcomes, and cost of chronic kidney disease in a contemporary population of 2.4 million patients from 11 countries: The CaReMe CKD study. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2022;20:100438.
178. Svedahl ER, Pape K, Austad B, Vie G, Anthun KS, Carlsen F, Bjørngaard JH. Effects of GP characteristics on unplanned hospital admissions and patient safety. A 9-year follow-up of all Norwegian out-of-hours contacts. Fam Pract. 2022;39(3):381-8.
179. Søiland H, Janssen EAM, Helland T, Eliassen FM, Hagland M, Nordgård O, Lunde S, Lende TH, Sagen JV, Tjensvoll K, Gilje B, Jonsdottir K, Gudlaugsson E, Lode K, Hagen KB, Gripsrud BH, Lind R, Heie A, Aas T, Austdal M, Egeland NG, Bernklev T, Lash TL, Skartveit L, Kroksveen AC, Oltedal S, Kvaløy JT, Lien EA, Sleire L, Mellgren G. Liquid biopsies and patient-reported outcome measures for integrative monitoring of patients with early-stage breast cancer: a study protocol for the longitudinal observational Prospective Breast Cancer Biobanking (PBCB) study. BMJ Open. 2022;12(4):e054404.
180. Tari AR, Selbæk G, Franklin BA, Bergh S, Skjellegrind H, Sallis RE, Bosnes I, Stordal E, Ziaei M, Lydersen S, Kobro-Flatmoen A, Huuha AM, Nauman J, Wisløff U. Temporal changes in personal activity intelligence and the risk of incident dementia and dementia related mortality: A prospective cohort study (HUNT). EClinicalMedicine. 2022;52:101607.
181. Tesli M, Degerud E, Plana-Ripoll O, Gustavson K, Torvik FA, Ystrom E, Ask H, Tesli N, Høye A, Stoltenberg C, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Nesvåg R, Naess Ø. Educational attainment and mortality in schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2022;145(5):481-93.
182. Timonin S, Shkolnikov VM, Andreev E, Magnus P, Leon DA. Evidence of large systematic differences between countries in assigning ischaemic heart disease deaths to myocardial infarction: the contrasting examples of Russia and Norway. Int J Epidemiol. 2022;50(6):2082-90.
183. Troisi R, Glimelius I, Grotmol T, Gissler M, Kitahara CM, Ording AG, Sæther SMM, Sköld C, Sørensen HT, Trabert B, Bjørge T. The role of pregnancy in maternal cancer risk: Epidemiologic evidence from the Nordic Countries Linked Birth and Cancer Registries Cohort Project. Norsk epidemiologi. 2022;30(1-2):93-100.
184. Tverdal A, Selmer R, Thelle DS. Alcohol consumption and incidence of pancreatic cancer. Global Epidemiology. 2022;4:100078.
185. Ueda P, Wintzell V, Dahlqwist E, Eliasson B, Svensson AM, Franzén S, Gudbjörnsdottir S, Hveem K, Jonasson C, Melbye M, Hviid A, Svanström H, Pasternak B. The comparative cardiovascular and renal effectiveness of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists: A Scandinavian cohort study. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2022;24(3):473-85.
186. Ursin G. Kreftregisteret – full fart fremover. Utviklingen de siste 10 år. Norsk epidemiologi. 2022;30(1-2):155-60.
187. Valla M, Klæstad E, Ytterhus B, Bofin AM. CCND1 Amplification in Breast Cancer -associations With Proliferation, Histopathological Grade, Molecular Subtype and Prognosis. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 2022;27(1):67-77.
188. Vegrim HM, Dreier JW, Alvestad S, Gilhus NE, Gissler M, Igland J, Leinonen MK, Tomson T, Sun Y, Zoega H, Christensen J, Bjørk MH. Cancer Risk in Children of Mothers With Epilepsy and High-Dose Folic Acid Use During Pregnancy. JAMA Neurol. 2022;79(11):1-10.
189. Videm V, Houge IS, Liff MH, Hoff M. Inflammation mediates approximately one quarter of excess relative all-cause mortality in persons with rheumatoid arthritis: the Trøndelag Health Study. Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):18599.
190. Walby FA, Myhre M, Mehlum L. Suicide among users of mental health and addiction services in the first 10 months of the COVID-19 pandemic: observational study using national registry data. BJPsych Open. 2022;8(4):e111.
191. Walby FA, Myhre MØ, Giil E. Selvmord i 2020 under Covid-19-pandemien: En drøfting av noen effekter i befolkningen og i risikogrupper. Suicidologi. 2022;27(2):15-25.
192. Wallace M, Thomas MJ, Aburto JM, Jørring Pallesen AV, Mortensen LH, Syse A, Drefahl S. Immigration, mortality, and national life expectancy in the Nordic region, 1990-2019. SSM Popul Health. 2022;19:101177.
193. Willumsen JS, Grytten N, Aarseth J, Myklebust T, Myhr KM, Midgard R. Mortality and cause of death in multiple sclerosis in western Norway 1950-2021: a registry-based linkage study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2022;93(11):1154-61.
194. Yu J, Refsum E, Helsingen LM, Folseraas T, Ploner A, Wieszczy P, Barua I, Jodal HC, Melum E, Løberg M, Blom J, Bretthauer M, Adami HO, Kalager M, Ye W. Risk of hepato-pancreato-biliary cancer is increased by primary sclerosing cholangitis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A population-based cohort study. United European Gastroenterol J. 2022;10(2):212-24.
195. Yu J, Refsum E, Perrin V, Helsingen LM, Wieszczy P, Løberg M, Bretthauer M, Adami HO, Ye W, Blom J, Kalager M. Inflammatory bowel disease and risk of adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine tumors in the small bowel. Ann Oncol. 2022;33(6):649-56.
Tidsskriftartikler kun e-publisert i 2022, som kommer i papir-utgave 2023 eller senere
(Disse vil altså få sidetall lagt til «siteringen» i senere årgang og er derfor ikke ferdig publisert)
196. Alsing CL, Nystad TW, Igland J, Gjesdal CG, Midtbø H, Tell GS, Fevang BT. Trends in the occurrence of ischaemic heart disease over time in rheumatoid arthritis: 1821 patients from 1972 to 2017. Scand J Rheumatol. 2023;52(3):233-42.
197. Basnet P, Skjaerven R, Sørbye LM, Morken NH, Klungsøyr K, Singh A, Mannseth J, Harmon QE, Kvalvik LG. Long-term cardiovascular mortality in women with twin pregnancies by lifetime reproductive history. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2023;37(1):19-27.
198. Berge LAM, Liu FC, Grimsrud TK, Babigumira R, Støer NC, Kjærheim K, Robsahm TE, Ghiasvand R, Hosgood HD, Samuelsen SO, Silverman DT, Friesen MC, Shala NK, Veierød MB, Stenehjem JS. Night shift work and risk of aggressive prostate cancer in the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers (NOPW) cohort. Int J Epidemiol. 2023.
199. Cohen JM, Alvestad S, Cesta CE, Bjørk MH, Leinonen MK, Nørgaard M, Einarsdóttir K, Engeland A, Gissler M, Karlstad Ø, Klungsøyr K, Odsbu I, Reutfors J, Selmer RM, Tomson T, Ulrichsen SP, Zoega H, Furu K. Comparative Safety of Antiseizure Medication Monotherapy for Major Malformations. Ann Neurol. 2023;93(3):551-62.
200. Falch CM, Olarescu NC, Bollerslev J, Dekkers OM, Heck A. Trends in incidence and mortality risk for acromegaly in Norway: a cohort study. Endocrine. 2023;80(1):152-9.
201. Forster RB, Kjellstadli C, Myklebust T, Egeland G, Sulo G, Bjørge T, Bønaa KH, Juliusson PB, Kvåle R. Treatment and 30-day mortality after myocardial infarction in prostate cancer patients: A population-based study from Norway. Cardiology. 2023;148(1):83-92.
202. Friedman J, Gjersing L. Increases in drug overdose deaths in Norway and the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scand J Public Health. 2023;51(1):53-7.
203. Gravningen K, Nymark P, Wyller TB, Kacelnik O. A new automated national register-based surveillance system for outbreaks in long-term care facilities in Norway detected three times more severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) clusters than traditional methods. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2023 (?):1-7.
204. Hart RK, Christiansen SG, Reneflot A, Hauge LJ. Adolescents' primary care consultations before and after parental suicide: evidence from population-wide data. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 (?).
205. Hofmann B, Haug ES, Andersen ER, Kjelle E. Increased magnetic resonance imaging in prostate cancer management-What are the outcomes? J Eval Clin Pract. 2023.
206. Huybrechts KF, Straub L, Karlsson P, Pazzagli L, Furu K, Gissler M, Hernandez-Diaz S, Nørgaard M, Zoega H, Bateman BT, Cesta CE, Cohen JM, Leinonen MK, Reutfors J, Selmer RM, Suarez EA, Ulrichsen SP, Kieler H. Association of In Utero Antipsychotic Medication Exposure With Risk of Congenital Malformations in Nordic Countries and the US. JAMA Psychiatry. 2023;80(2):156-66.
207. Karlsen HR, Løchen ML, Langvik E. Antidepressant use and risk of myocardial infarction A long:itudinal investigation of sex-specific associations in the HUNT study. Psychosom Med. 2023;85(1):26-33.
208. Karlsen HR, Langvik E. Sex-specific psychological risk profiles of CVD in the HUNT study: the role of neuroticism and extraversion. Psychol Health. 2023 (?):1-19.
209. Lopez-Doriga Ruiz P, Gunnes N, Michael Gran J, Karlstad Ø, Selmer R, Dahl J, Bøås H, Aubrey White R, Christine Hofman A, Hessevik Paulsen T, Viksmoen Watle S, Hylen Ranhoff A, Bukholm G, Løvdal Gulseth H, Tapia G. Short-term safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines with respect to all-cause mortality in the older population in Norway. Vaccine. 2023;41(2):323-32.
210. Myhre M, Walby FA, Bramness JG, Mehlum L. Trajectories of Service Contact before Suicide in People with Substance Use Disorders-A National Register Study. Arch Suicide Res. 2023:1-16.
211. Pettersson AK, Santoni G, Yan J, Radkiewicz C, Xie S, Birgisson H, Ness-Jensen E, von Euler-Chelpin M, Kauppila JH, Lagergren J. Cohort profile: Nordic Helicobacter Pylori eradication project (NordHePEP). Scand J Gastroenterol. 2023;58(5):453-9.
212. Saeed U, Myklebust T, Robsahm TE, Kielland MF, Møller B, Skålhegg BS, Mala T, Yaqub S. Risk and survival in colorectal cancer with increasing body mass index: A nationwide population-based cohort study. Colorectal Dis. 2023;25(3):375-85.
213. Saeed U, Myklebust T, Robsahm TE, Møller B, Mala T, Skålhegg BS, Yaqub S. Body mass index and pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A nationwide registry-based cohort study. Scand J Surg. 2023;112(1):11-21.
214. Sandvei MS, Pinborg A, Gissler M, Bergh C, Romundstad LB, van Leeuwen FE, Spaan M, Tiitinen A, Wennerholm UB, Henningsen AK, Opdahl S. Risk of ovarian cancer in women who give birth after assisted reproductive technology (ART)-a registry-based Nordic cohort study with follow-up from first pregnancy. Br J Cancer. 2023;128(5):825-32.
215. Strand L, Rudvin I, Borud EK, Bøe HJ, Nordstrand AE, Fadum EA. Cause-Specific Mortality Among Norwegian Veterans Deployed to Afghanistan Between 2001 and 2019. Mil Med. 2023.
216. Sulo G, Lycke Ellingsen C, Sulo E, Naghavi M, Vollset SE. Heart failure describing the underlying cause of death: a misconception, lack of information on the true underlying causes, or both? Scand J Public Health. 2023:14034948221137123.
217. Svedahl ER, Pape K, Austad B, Vie G, Sarheim Anthun K, Carlsen F, Davies NM, Bjørngaard JH. Impact of altering referral threshold from out-of-hours primary care to hospital on patient safety and further health service use: a cohort study. BMJ Qual Saf. 2023.
218. Vossius C, Bergh S, Selbæk G, Lichtwarck B, Myhre J. Cause and place of death in Norwegian nursing home residents. Scand J Public Health. 2023:14034948221140195.
219. Wilson DM, Fabris LG, Martins ALB, Dou Q, Errasti-Ibarrondo B, Bykowski KA. Location of Death in Developed Countries: Are Hospitals a Primary Place of Death and Dying Now? Omega (Westport). 2023 (?).
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Avhandlinger, PhD: 14, Master: 8, Bachelor: 1:
8. Andersen GG. Avkriminalisering av narkotiske stoffer. Thesis [Bachelor]: Høgskulen på Vestlandet; 2021.
9. Blindheim AJ. Bladder cancer from bench to bedside: Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology; 2021.
10. Bruun T. Rotavirus infection and vaccination in Norway: Epidemiological studies of infection and intussusception events before and after vaccine introduction. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2021.
11. Burrell LV. Parental death by external causes and psychosocial sequelae in bereaved offspring. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2021.
12. Carlsson M. Temporal trends in intracerebral hemorrhage in a general population. Incidence, risk factors, case fatality and long-term mortality. The Tromsø Study. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2021.
13. Greve MH. Distribusjon av nalokson nesespray hos Sykepleie på hjul for reversering av overdose - En beskrivelse av pasientgruppen sett opp mot andre utdelingssteder i Oslo. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo; 2021.
14. Hellesnes R. Testicular cancer survivors in the cisplatin era: Metachronous contralateral testicular cancer, second cancer and causes of death. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2021.
15. Hjemsæter AJ. The long-term course of patients with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental disorders – A longitudinal cohort study of patients entering specialized treatment for substance use disorders in 1997 and 1998. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2021.
16. Justina E. Oral contraceptive use and risk of mortality among Norwegian women – a prospective study from the NOWAC study. Thesis [Master]. Tromsø: UiT Norges arktiske universitet; 2021.
17. Leer-Salvesen S, Leer-Salvesen S, Universitetet i B. Timing of anticoagulation and surgery for hip fracture patients : a search for factors influencing outcomes after surgery. Thesis. Bergen, Norway: University of Bergen; 2021.
18. Michalsen VL. Metabolic syndrome, obesity and ethnicity - The SAMINOR Study. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2021.
19. Ness CL. Uveal Melanoma: Genetic and Epigenetic Characterisation. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2021.
20. Prestgaard EE. Long-term Risk Factors for Stroke in Healthy Men. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo 2021.
21. Ringsaker M, Stensby M. Selvmord etter kontakt med psykisk helsevern blant pasienter uten spesifikk diagnose. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo; 2021.
22. Shah SF. Effekt av farmasøytintervensjon på kvaliteten av legemiddelbehandlingen hos multimorbide pasienter over 65 år -Effekt vurdert etter START-2/STOPP-2 verktøyet. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo; 2021.
23. Skille H. Combined effects of cancer and prothrombotic genotypes on the risk of venous thromboembolism. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2021.
24. Smeland HY-H. Role of integrin α11β1 in breast cancer. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2021.
25. Syversen MO. Effekt av farmasøytintervensjon på potensiell uhensiktsmessig forskrivning hos multimorbide pasienter ≤ 65 år. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo; 2021.
26. Sæbu IA. Diabetes mellitus i Forsvaret – en undersøkelse av omfang og sammenheng med overvekt. Thesis [Master]. Tromsø: UiT Norges arktiske universitet; 2021.
27. Söderlund IE. Selvmord i trafikken, med og uten kontakt med psykisk helsevern. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2021.
28. Vanem TT. Marfan syndrome in adults: re-investigations in a Norwegian cohort after 10 years. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2021.
29. Yu J. Etiology and early detection of pancreatic cancer. Thesis [PhD]. Göteborg: Karolinska Institutet; 2021.
30. Øglænd IS. Living with Grief: A Qualitative Study of Cancer-bereaved Parents´ Experiences of Helpful and Hindering Factors in the Grieving Process After the Loss of a Child. Thesis [Master]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2021.
31. Aas K. Prostate Cancer without Distant Metastases: Treatment and Mortality in Norway 2001-2016. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo University of Oslo; 2021.
Bøker og bokkapitler
32. Bartoszko A. Treating heroin addiction in Norway: the pharmaceutical other. Abingdon, Oxon,New York, NY: Routledge; 2021.
33. Pigeot I, Tahden M, Zampatis D, Watson DJ, Forssen U, Kollhorst B. Worldwide Availability of Pharmacoepidemiological Databases. In: Sturkenboom M, Schink T, editors. Databases for Pharmacoepidemiological Research. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2021:15-53.
34. Prami T, Juuti R, Iso-Mustajärvi I. Pharmacoepidemiological Research Data Sources in the Nordic Countries—Administrative Registers in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. In: Sturkenboom M, Schink T, editors. Databases for Pharmacoepidemiological Research. Cham, Denmark: Springer International Publishing; 2021:91-108.
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35. Agardh EE, Allebeck P, Flodin P, Wennberg P, Ramstedt M, Knudsen AK, Overland S, Kinge JM, Tollanes MC, Eikemo TA, Skogen JC, Makela P, Gissler M, Juel K, Moesgaard Iburg K, McGrath JJ, Naghavi M, Vollset SE, Gakidou E, Danielsson AK. GBD 2017. Alcohol-attributed disease burden in four Nordic countries between 2000 and 2017: Are the gender gaps narrowing? A comparison using the Global Burden of Disease, Injury and Risk Factor 2017 study. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2021;40(3):431-42.
36. Alam AU, Karkhaneh M, Attia T, Wu C, Sun HL. All-cause mortality and causes of death in persons with haemophilia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Haemophilia. 2021;27(6):897-910.
37. Alm-Kruse K, Tjelmeland I, Kongsgård H, Kvåle R, Kramer-Johansen J. Case completeness in the Norwegian Cardiac Arrest Registry. Resusc Plus. 2021;8:100182.
38. Alme KN, Ulvik A, Askim T, Assmus J, Mollnes TE, Naik M, Næss H, Saltvedt I, Ueland PM, Knapskog AB. Neopterin and kynurenic acid as predictors of stroke recurrence and mortality: a multicentre prospective cohort study on biomarkers of inflammation measured three months after ischemic stroke. BMC Neurol. 2021;21(1):476.
39. Amin R, Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Mehlum L, Runeson B, Helgesson M, Tinghög P, Björkenstam E, Holmes EA, Qin P. Does country of resettlement influence the risk of suicide in refugees? A case-control study in Sweden and Norway. Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences. 2021;30:e62.
40. Andersen V, Gurigard VR, Holter JA, Wisborg T. Geographical risk of fatal and non-fatal injuries among adults in Norway. Injury. 2021;52(10):2855-2862.
41. Andreassen BK, Hektoen HH, Axcrona K, Langseth H, Stenehjem JS, Robsahm TE. Prediagnostic Serum-25 Hydroxyvitamin D and Mortality Among Bladder Cancer Patients in the Janus Serum Bank Cohort: Answer to a Short Comment [Response to Letter]. Clin Epidemiol. 2021;13:1061-2.
42. Bech AB, Clausen T, Waal H, Vindenes V, Edvardsen HE, Frost J, Skeie I. Post-mortem toxicological analyses of blood samples from 107 patients receiving opioid agonist treatment: substances detected and pooled opioid and benzodiazepine concentrations. Addiction. 2021;116(4):845-55.
43. Bhatta L, Leivseth L, Mai XM, Henriksen AH, Carslake D, Chen Y, Martinez-Camblor P, Langhammer A, Brumpton BM. Spirometric Classifications of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Severity as Predictive Markers for Clinical Outcomes: The HUNT Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021;203(8):1033-37.
44. Bjørnestad EØ, Dhar I, Svingen GFT, Pedersen ER, Svenningsson MM, Tell GS, Ueland PM, Ørn S, Sulo G, Laaksonen R, Nygård O. Trimethyllysine predicts all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in community-dwelling adults and patients with coronary heart disease. European Heart Journal Open. 2021;1(1):oeab007.
45. Blindheim AJ, Fosså SD, Babigumira R, Andreassen BK. The use of reTURB in T1 bladder cancer: a Norwegian population-based study. Scand J Urol. 2021;55(4):268-74.
46. Brancher S, Støer NC, Weiderpass E, Damhuis RAM, Johannesen TB, Botteri E, Strand TE. Metformin use and lung cancer survival: a population-based study in Norway. Br J Cancer. 2021;124(5):1018-25.
47. Brustugun OT, Nilssen Y, Eide IJZ. Epidemiology and outcome of peritoneal and pleural mesothelioma subtypes in Norway. A 20 year nation-wide study. Acta Oncol. 2021;60(10):1250-6.
48. Bugge C, Saether EM, Kristiansen IS. Men receive more end-of-life cancer hospital treatment than women: fact or fiction? Acta Oncol. 2021;60(8):984-91.
49. Bugge C, Sæther EM, Brustugun OT, Kristiansen IS. Societal cost of cancer in Norway -Results of taking a broader cost perspective. Health Policy. 2021;125(8):1100-7.
50. Bukten A, Stavseth MR. Suicide in prison and after release: a 17-year national cohort study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2021;36(10):1075-83.
51. Burrell LV. Psykososiale vansker etter tap av foreldre i barndom og ungdomstid. Suicidologi. 2021;26(3):1-25.
52. Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P. Co-occurrence of psychosocial sequelae in bereaved offspring. J Affect Disord. 2021;283:325-8.
53. Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P. Parental death by external causes and risk of hospital-treated deliberate self-harm in bereaved offspring. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2021;30(4):539-48.
54. Carlsson M, Wilsgaard T, Johnsen SH, Johnsen LH, Løchen ML, Njølstad I, Mathiesen EB. Long-Term Survival, Causes of Death, and Trends in 5-Year Mortality After Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The Tromsø Study. Stroke. 2021;52(12):3883-90.
55. Cesta CE, Segovia Chacón S, Engeland A, Broe A, Damkier P, Furu K, Kieler H, Karlsson P. Use of sildenafil and other phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors among pregnant women in Scandinavia. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021;100(11):2111-8.
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62. Dalene KE, Tarp J, Selmer RM, Ariansen IKH, Nystad W, Coenen P, Anderssen SA, Steene-Johannessen J, Ekelund U. Occupational physical activity and longevity in working men and women in Norway: a prospective cohort study. Lancet Public Health. 2021;6(6):e386-e95.
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64. Degerud E, Høiseth G, Mørland J, Ariansen I, Graff-Iversen S, Ystrom E, Zuccolo L, Tell GS, Næss Ø. Associations of Binge Drinking With the Risks of Ischemic Heart Disease and Stroke: A Study of Pooled Norwegian Health Surveys. Am J Epidemiol. 2021;190(8):1592-603.
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68. Falk RS, Mariampillai JE, Prestgaard EE, Heir T, Bodegård J, Robsahm TE, Grundvold I, Skretteberg PT, Engeseth K, Bjornholt JV, Stavem K, Liestøl K, Sandvik L, Thaulow E, Erikssen G, Kjeldsen SE, Gjesdal K, Erikssen JE. The Oslo Ischaemia Study: cohort profile. BMJ Open. 2021;11(10):e049111.
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71. Fosse RM, Ambugo EA, Moger TA, Hagen TP, Tjerbo T. Does rehabilitation setting influence risk of institutionalization? A register-based study of hip fracture patients in Oslo, Norway. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021;21(1):678.
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85. Hektoen HH, Gislefoss RE, Stenehjem JS, Langseth H, Axcrona K, Mondul AM, Robsahm TE, Andreassen BK. Prediagnostic Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Mortality Among Bladder Cancer Patients in the Janus Serum Bank Cohort. Clin Epidemiol. 2021;13:801-11.
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108. Knudsen AKS, Stene-Larsen K, Gustavson K, Hotopf M, Kessler RC, Krokstad S, Skogen JC, Øverland S, Reneflot A. Prevalence of mental disorders, suicidal ideation and suicides in the general population before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: A population-based repeated cross-sectional analysis. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe. 2021;4:100071.
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125. Mohamed Ali A, Wasim D, Løland KH, Rotevatn S, Bleie Ø, Saeed S. Protocol: Impact of transcatheter aortic valve implantation on left ventricular function recovery, mass regression and outcome in patients with aortic stenosis: protocol of the TAVI-NOR prospective study. BMJ Open. 2021;11(1):e039961.
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127. Moholdt T, Nilsen TIL. Frequency of Boiled Potato Consumption and All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in the Prospective Population-Based HUNT Study. Front Nutr. 2021;8:681365.
128. Monstad IL, Solberg IC, Cvancarova M, Hovde O, Henriksen M, Huppertz-Hauss G, Gunther E, Moum BA, Stray N, Vatn M, Hoie O, Jahnsen J. Outcome of Ulcerative Colitis 20 Years after Diagnosis in a Prospective Population-based Inception Cohort from South-Eastern Norway, the IBSEN Study. J Crohns Colitis. 2021;15(6):969-79.
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136. Norrman E, Petzold M, Gissler M, Spangmose AL, Opdahl S, Henningsen AK, Pinborg A, Tiitinen A, Rosengren A, Romundstad LB, Wennerholm UB, Bergh C. Cardiovascular disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes in children born after assisted reproductive technology: A population-based cohort study. PLoS Med. 2021;18(9):e1003723.
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146. Risnes K, Bilsteen JF, Brown P, Pulakka A, Andersen AN, Opdahl S, Kajantie E, Sandin S. Mortality Among Young Adults Born Preterm and Early Term in 4 Nordic Nations. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(1):e2032779.
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149. Røkke O, Heggelund T, Benth JS, Røkke MS, Øvrebø K. Cause of Death and Clinical Predictors of Survival after Curative Resection for Colon Cancer. Journal of Cancer Therapy. 2021;12(4):157-73.
150. Røkke O, Heggelund T, Benth JS, Røkke MS, Øvrebø K. Clinical Predictors for Reduced Long-Term Survival and Cause of Death after Curative Resection for Rectal Cancer. Journal of Cancer Therapy. 2021;12(1):31-46.
151. Saeed M, Tapia G, Ariansen I, Stene LC, Seljeflot I, Tell GS, Skrivarhaug T, Joner G. Serum Galectin-3 and Subsequent Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Subjects With Childhood-Onset Type 1 Diabetes: A Cohort Study. Diabetes Care. 2021;44(3):810-6.
152. Sigurdardottir FD, Lyngbakken MN, Hveem K, Hrubos Strøm H, Røsjø H, Redline S, Omland T. Insomnia symptoms and subclinical myocardial injury: Data from the Nord-Trøndelag Health (HUNT) study. J Sleep Res. 2021;30(5):e13299.
153. Skille H, Paulsen B, Hveem K, Severinsen MT, Gabrielsen ME, Kristensen SR, Næss IA, Hindberg K, Tjønneland A, Brækkan SK, Hansen JB. Prothrombotic genotypes and risk of venous thromboembolism in occult cancer. Thromb Res. 2021;205:17-23.
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157. Steiro OT, Tjora HL, Langørgen J, Bjørneklett R, Nygård OK, Skadberg Ø, Bonarjee VVS, Lindahl B, Omland T, Vikenes K, Aakre KM. Clinical risk scores identify more patients at risk for cardiovascular events within 30 days as compared to standard ACS risk criteria: the WESTCOR study. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2021;10(3):287-301.
158. Stenehjem JS, Babigumira R, Hosgood HD, Veierod MB, Samuelsen SO, Bratveit M, Kirkeleit J, Rothman N, Lan Q, Silverman DT, Friesen MC, Robsahm TE, Kjaerheim K, Andreassen BK, Shala NK, Liu FC, Strand LA, Grimsrud TK. Cohort Profile: Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers (NOPW) Cohort. Int J Epidemiol. 2021;50(2):398-9.
159. Stenehjem JS, Røise O, Nordseth T, Clausen T, Natvig B, S OS, Eken T, Kristiansen T, Gran JM, Rosseland LA. Injury Prevention and long-term Outcomes following Trauma-the IPOT project: a protocol for prospective nationwide registry-based studies in Norway. BMJ Open. 2021;11(5):e046954.
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161. Strøm MS, Raknes G, Otterstedt A, Pedersen AG, Juliusson PB. Elektronisk dødsmelding – raskere, enklere, sikrere [Article in Norwegian]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2021;141(2):114-5.
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164. Svendsen K, Krogh HW, Igland J, Tell GS, Mundal LJ, Holven KB, Bogsrud MP, Leren TP, Retterstøl K. 2.5-fold increased risk of recurrent acute myocardial infarction with familial hypercholesterolemia. Atherosclerosis. 2021;319:28-34.
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167. Tran L, Greiff G, Wahba A, Pleym H, Videm V. Relative impact of red blood cell transfusion and anaemia on 5-year mortality in cardiac surgery. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2021;32(3):386-94.
168. Tsuruda KM, Hovda T, Bhargava S, Veierod MB, Hofvind S. Survival among women diagnosed with screen-detected or interval breast cancer classified as true, minimal signs, or missed through an informed radiological review. Eur Radiol. 2021;31(5):2677-86.
169. Tverdal A, Høiseth G, Magnus P, Næss Ø, Selmer R, Knudsen GP, Mørland J. Alcohol Consumption, HDL-Cholesterol and Incidence of Colon and Rectal Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study Including 250,010 Participants. Alcohol Alcohol. 2021;56(6):718-25.
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171. Valla M, Opdahl S, Ytterhus B, Bofin AM. DTX3 copy number increase in breast cancer: a study of associations to molecular subtype, proliferation and prognosis. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2021;187(1):57-67.
172. Valverde JR, Mackenbach J, Bopp M, Brønnum-Hansen H, Deboosere P, Kalediene R, Kovács K, Leinsalu M, Martikainen P, Regidor E, Strand BH, Nusselder W. Determinants of educational inequalities in disability-free life expectancy between ages 35 and 80 in Europe. SSM Popul Health. 2021;13:100740.
173. Varmdal T, Mathiesen EB, Wilsgaard T, Njølstad I, Nyrnes A, Grimsgaard S, Bønaa KH, Mannsverk J, Løchen ML. Validating Acute Myocardial Infarction Diagnoses in National Health Registers for Use as Endpoint in Research: The Tromsø Study. Clin Epidemiol. 2021;13:675-82.
174. Vavik V, Aakre KM, Ringdal Pedersen EK, Tveitevåg Svingen GF, Tell GS, Nygård O, Vikenes K. The association between serum high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T and acute myocardial infarction in patients with suspected chronic coronary syndrome is modified by body mass index. International Journal of Cardiology Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention. 2021;11:200109.
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Tidsskriftartikler e-publisert 2021, ferdig eller antatt ferdig publisert 2022 (25 stk):
184. Bech AB, Clausen T, Waal H, Delaveris GJM, Skeie I. Organ pathologies detected post-mortem in patients receiving opioid agonist treatment for opioid use disorder: a nation-wide 2-year cross-sectional study. Addiction. 2022.
185. Bofin AM, Ytterhus B, Klæstad E, Valla M. FGFR1 copy number in breast cancer: associations with proliferation, histopathological grade and molecular subtypes. J Clin Pathol. 2022.
186. Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P. Parental death by external causes during childhood and risk of psychiatric disorders in bereaved offspring. Child Adolesc Ment Health. 2022.
187. Christensen IE, Lillegraven S, Mielnik P, Bakland G, Loli L, Sexton J, Uhlig T, Kvien TK, Provan SA. Serious infections in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis treated with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors: data from register linkage of the NOR-DMARD study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2022.
188. De S, Edwards DM, Dwivedi V, Wang J, Varsally W, Dixon HL, Singh AK, Owuamalam PO, Wright MT, Summers RP, Hossain MN, Price EM, Wojewodzic MW, Falciani F, Hodges NJ, Saponaro M, Tanaka K, Azzalin CM, Baumann P, Hebenstreit D, Brogna S. Genome-wide chromosomal association of Upf1 is linked to Pol II transcription in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022;50(1):350-67.
189. Dhar I, Svingen GFT, Olsen T, Lysne V, Bjørnestad E, Ueland PM, Nygård OK. beta-blocker use and risk of all-cause mortality in patients with coronary heart disease: effect modification by serum vitamin A. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022;28(17):1897-902.
190. Eiding H, Kongsgaard UE, Olasveengen TM, Heyerdahl F. Interhospital transport of critically ill patients: A prospective observational study of patient and transport characteristics. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2022.
191. Frich PS, Sigstad E, Berstad AE, Holgersen KF, Paulsen TH, Bjøro T, Flinder LI. Long-Term Efficacy of Ethanol Ablation as Treatment of Metastatic Lymph Nodes from Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022.
192. GBD 2019 Cancer Collaboration, Kocarnik JM, Compton K, Dean FE, Fu W, Gaw BL, Harvey JD, Henrikson HJ, Lu D, Pennini A, Xu R, Ababneh E, Abbasi-Kangevari M, Abbastabar H, Abd-Elsalam SM, Abdoli A, Abedi A, Abidi H, Abolhassani H, Adedeji IA, Adnani QES, Advani SM, Afzal MS, Aghaali M, Ahinkorah BO, Ahmad S, Ahmad T, Ahmadi A, Ahmadi S, Ahmed Rashid T, Ahmed Salih Y, Akalu GT, Aklilu A, Akram T, Akunna CJ, Al Hamad H, Alahdab F, Al-Aly Z, Ali S, Alimohamadi Y, Alipour V, Aljunid SM, Alkhayyat M, Almasi-Hashiani A, Almasri NA, Al-Maweri SAA, Almustanyir S, Alonso N, Alvis-Guzman N, Amu H, Anbesu EW, Ancuceanu R, Ansari F, Ansari-Moghaddam A, Antwi MH, Anvari D, Anyasodor AE, Aqeel M, Arabloo J, Arab-Zozani M, Aremu O, Ariffin H, Aripov T, Arshad M, Artaman A, Arulappan J, Asemi Z, Asghari Jafarabadi M, Ashraf T, Atorkey P, Aujayeb A, Ausloos M, Awedew AF, Ayala Quintanilla BP, Ayenew T, Azab MA, Azadnajafabad S, Azari Jafari A, Azarian G, Azzam AY, Badiye AD, Bahadory S, Baig AA, Baker 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Rapporter (12 stk)
1. Gleditsch RF, Thomas MJ, Syse A. Nasjonale befolkningsframskrivinger 2020. Modeller, forutsetninger og resultater. Rapport. Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2020.
2. Holte HH, Dahm KT, Denison E, Hval G, Vist GE. Effekt av tiltak for vektstabilisering etter et tiltak for reduksjon av overvekt blant barn og unge: en systematisk oversikt. Rapport. Folkehelseinstituttet, Oslo, 2020.
3. Magnus P, Håberg SE. Centre for Fertility and Health - Annual report 2019. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Centre for Fertility and Health, Oslo, 2020. Report.
4. Løkeland-Stai M, Hornæs MT, Tufta JG, Askeland O, Hammer EL, Strøm MS, Pedersen AG, Kvåle R, Slungård GF, Stangenes KM, Øgle MW, Løvlie A, Bakke H, Løwer HL, Simonsen GS, Kran A-MB, Husabø KJ. Driftsrapport 2019 - Helseregistre ved Folkehelseinstituttet. Folkehelseinstituttet, Norge, 2020.
5. Skogli E, Stokke OM, Vikøren S. Vurdering av tiltak for å redusere samfunnskostnadene knyttet til hjertesvikt. MENON-PUBLIKASJON NR. 37/2020. Rapport. Menon Economics, Oslo, 2020.
6. Skogli E, Stokke OM, Vikøren S, Karttinen E. Samfunnskostnader knyttet til Alzheimers og annen demens. MENON-PUBLIKASJON NR. 64/2020. Rapport. Menon Economics, Oslo, 2020.
7. Sperre Saunes I, Karanikolos M, Sagan A. Norway: health system review. Health Systems in Transition. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2020. Report.: Print ISSN 1817-6119 Web ISSN 1817-6127.
8. Strøm MS, Slungård GF. Dødsfall i Norge blant ikke-bosatte 2018. Folkehelseinstituttet, Dødsårsaksregisteret. Bergen, 2020. Report. ISBN elektronisk: 978-82-8406-096-5.
9. Stoltenberg C, Egner I, Boehlke N, Rolfheim-Bye C, Øgaard T, Fougner S. Folkehelseinstituttet – Årsrapport 2019. Folkehelseinstituttet, Oslo, 2020.
10. Stoltenberg C. Helserisiko ved snusbruk. Folkehelseinstituttet, Oslo, 2020. Rapport. ISBN: 978-82-8406-041-5.
11. Walby FA, Myhre MØ, Kildahl AT. Selvmord under og etter kontakt med tverrfaglig spesialisert rusbehandling 2009 til 2017 - En nasjonal registerstudie. Rapport. Nasjonalt senter for selvmordsforskning og forebygging, Oslo, 2020.
12. Foreløpige tall for covid-19-assosierte dødsfall i Dødsårsaksregisteret. Bergen: Folkehelseinstituttet; 2020
Bøker og bokkapitler (8 stk)
13. Arnes JI, Bongo LA. Chapter 2. The Beauty of Complex Designs. In: Lund E, editor. Advancing Systems Epidemiology in Cancer - Exploring Trajectories of Gene Expression. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget); 2020:141-62.
14. Attanoos RL. Malignant Mesothelioma: Asbestos Exposure. In: Anttila S, Boffetta P, editors. Occupational Cancers. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2020:363-78.
15. Boffetta P, Donato F. Epidemiology of Mesothelioma. In: Anttila S, Boffetta P, editors. Occupational Cancers. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2020:379-91.
16. Fjukstad B, Shvetsov N, Nøst TH, Bøvelstad H, Halbach T, Holsbø E, Hansen K, Bongo LA. Chapter 3. Reproducible Data Management and Analysis Using R. In: Lund E, editor. Advancing Systems Epidemiology in Cancer - Exploring Trajectories of Gene Expression. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget); 2020:141-62.
17. Grimsrud TK, Pukkala E, Weiderpass E. The Use of Register Data in Occupational Cancer Control. In: Anttila S, Boffetta P, editors. Occupational Cancers. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2020:619-26.
18. Johansson ALV, Stensheim H. Epidemiology of Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancer. In: Alipour S, Omranipour R, editors. Diseases of the Breast during Pregnancy and Lactation. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2020:75-9.
19. Lund E, Holden L, Bøvelstad H, Plancade S, Mode N, Günther C-C, Nuel G, Thalabard J-C, Holden M. Chapter 8. A New Statistical Method for Curve Group Analysis of Longitudinal Gene Expression Data Illustrated for Breast Cancer in The NOWAC Postgenome Cohort as a Proof of Principle. In: Lund E, editor. Advancing Systems Epidemiology in Cancer - Exploring Trajectories of Gene Expression. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget); 2020:141-62.
20. Lund E, Holden M, Thalabard J-C, Busund L-TR, Snapkov I, Holden L. Chapter 9. Signals of Death—Post-Diagnostic Single Gene Expression Trajectories in Breast Cancer—A Proof of Concept. In: Lund E, editor. Advancing Systems Epidemiology in Cancer - Exploring Trajectories of Gene Expression. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget); 2020:141-62.
21. Sachdeva M, Miller I, editors. Obstetric and Gynecologic Nephrology. Switzerland: Springer; 2020.
Avhandlinger, PhD, Master og Bachelor (20 stk)
22. Bjerkli I-H. Prognostic indicators of survival for patients with oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma in Norway. Outcomes in a retrospective, multicenter cohort, with special focus on oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma, 2005-2009. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway, The Faculty of Health Sciences; 2020.
23. da Silva ME. Weight change and cancer. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2020.
24. Gagnat AA. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and risk of lung cancer. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2020.
25. Halland F. Reproductive factors and maternal long-term mortality. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen; 2020.
26. Hansen MS. Aspects of Lung Cancer by Sex. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2020.
27. Hermansen R. Physical activity, cardiovascular risk factors, and mortality in ethnic groups in the Arctic region of Norway Results from two population-based studies: The Finnmark 3 study 1987-1988 and SAMINOR 1 2003-2004. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Faculty of Health Sciences 2020.
28. Hjertholm E. Hvordan ivaretar kommunene logopedtjenester overfor voksne? Thesis [Master]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2020.
29. Kjellstadli C. Dying at home in Norway: Health care service utilization in the final months of life. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2020.
30. Knudsen-Baas KM. Glioma-associated epilepsy: and the treatment with antiepileptic drugs. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2020.
31. Langseth JM. Veteraners psykiske helse - Forekomst av selvrapporterte PTSD-symptomer blant norske veteraner utsatt for høy – og lavkonfliktseksponering i Libanon perioden 1978 - 1998. Thesis [Master]. Tromsø: UiT Norges arktiske universitet; 2020.
32. Lenartova A. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Norway 1953-2012. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2020.
33. Mirinaviciute G. Infections associated with varicella-zoster virus in Norway: disease burden and healthcare resource utilization. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine; 2020.
34. Olsen T. Lipids, Homocysteine and Vitamin A: Perspectives and new hypotheses from patients with cardiovascular disease. Thesis. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2020.
35. Orumaa M. Time trends of selected HPV-related diseases in Norway and the impact of HPV multi-cohort vaccination using real-world data from population-based registries. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine; 2020.
36. Oyeyemi SO. Lifestyle factors and colorectal cancer: The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Faculty of Health Sciences; 2020.
37. Rist K. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation and the risk of fatal myocardial infarction among Norwegian women: a prospective cohort. Thesis [Master]. Tromsø: UiT; 2020.
38. Shaikh F. Intergenerational association between birth weight and cardiovascular disease; a population-based study of offspring, their parents, aunts and uncles. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2020.
39. Siri SRA. Cardiovascular risk factors and incidence of acute myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke in Sami and non-Sami populations — The SAMINOR Study [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT, The Arctic University of Norway; 2020.
40. Søiland NB. Illicit prescription drug abuse and its association with non-fatal overdoses. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2020.
41. Åsberg AN. Migraine and musculoskeletal complaints: the association with mortality. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; 2020.
Tidsskriftartikler og brev (141 stk)
42. Ahmadian L, Salehi F, Bahaadinbeigy K. Application of geographic information systems in maternal health: a scoping review. East Mediterr Health J. 2020;26(11):1403-14.
43. Alne R, Serdarevic N. The Cost of Terrorism: Network Effects and the Economic Impact of Child Loss. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2020:1-51.
44. Arain F, Abraityte A, Bogdanova M, Solberg OG, Michelsen AE, Lekva T, Aakhus S, Holm S, Halvorsen B, Finsen AV, Vinge LE, Nymo S, Espeland T, Ranheim T, Aukrust P, Vaage IJ, Auensen A, Gullestad L, Ueland T. YKL-40 (Chitinase-3-Like Protein 1) Serum Levels in Aortic Stenosis. Circ Heart Fail. 2020;13(10):e006643.
45. Ariansen I, Degerud EMM, Gjesdal K, Tell GS, Næss Ø. Examining the lower range of the association between alcohol intake and risk of incident hospitalization with atrial fibrillation. Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc. 2020;31:100679.
46. Askeland C, Wik E, Finne K, Birkeland E, Arnes JB, Collett K, Knutsvik G, Kruger K, Davidsen B, Aas T, Eide GE, Stefansson IM, Foulkes WD, Akslen LA. Stathmin expression associates with vascular and immune responses in aggressive breast cancer subgroups. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):2914.
47. Bakken IJ, Ariansen AMS, Knudsen GP, Johansen KI, Vollset SE. The Norwegian Patient Registry and the Norwegian Registry for Primary Health Care: Research potential of two nationwide health-care registries. Scand J Public Health. 2020;48(1):49-55.
48. Baravelli CM, Aarsand AK, Sandberg S, Tollanes MC. Sick leave, disability, and mortality in acute hepatic porphyria: a nationwide cohort study. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2020;15(1):56.
49. Berge LAM, Andreassen BK, Stenehjem JS, Heir T, Furu K, Juzeniene A, Roscher I, Larsen IK, Green AC, Veierod MB, Robsahm TE. Use of Antidepressants and Risk of Cutaneous Melanoma: A Prospective Registry-Based Case-Control Study. Clin Epidemiol. 2020;12:193-202.
50. Bhatta L, Leivseth L, Carslake D, Langhammer A, Mai XM, Chen Y, Henriksen AH, Brumpton BM. Comparison of pre- and post-bronchodilator lung function as predictors of mortality: The HUNT Study. Respirology. 2020;25(4):401-9.
51. Bhatta L, Leivseth L, Mai XM, Henriksen AH, Carslake D, Chen Y, Langhammer A, Brumpton BM. GOLD Classifications, COPD Hospitalization, and All-Cause Mortality in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: The HUNT Study. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2020;15:225-33.
52. Bjerkli IH, Hadler-Olsen E, Nginamau ES, Laurvik H, Soland TM, Costea DE, Uhlin-Hansen L, Steigen SE. A combined histo-score based on tumor differentiation and lymphocytic infiltrate is a robust prognostic marker for mobile tongue cancer. Virchows Arch. 2020;477(6):865-72.
53. Bjerkli IH, Jetlund O, Karevold G, Karlsdottir A, Jaatun E, Uhlin-Hansen L, Rikardsen OG, Hadler-Olsen E, Steigen SE. Characteristics and prognosis of primary treatment-naive oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma in Norway, a descriptive retrospective study. PLoS One. 2020;15(1):e0227738.
54. Bjerkli IH, Laurvik H, Nginamau ES, Soland TM, Costea D, Hov H, Uhlin-Hansen L, Hadler-Olsen E, Steigen SE. Tumor budding score predicts lymph node status in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma and should be included in the pathology report. PLoS One. 2020;15(9):e0239783.
55. Bjornelv GMW, Edwin B, Fretland AA, Deb P, Aas E. Till death do us part: the effect of marital status on health care utilization and costs at end-of-life. A register study on all colorectal cancer decedents in Norway between 2009 and 2013. BMC Health Serv Res. 2020;20(1):115.
56. Bjornestad EO, Olset H, Dhar I, Loland K, Pedersen EKR, Svingen GFT, Svardal A, Berge RK, Ueland PM, Tell GS, Nilsen DWT, Nordrehaug JE, Nygaard E, Nygard O. Circulating trimethyllysine and risk of acute myocardial infarction in patients with suspected stable coronary heart disease. J Intern Med. 2020;288(4):446-56.
57. Blindheim A, Fosså S, Babigumira R, Myklebust T, Haug E, Arum CJ, Andreassen BK. T1 bladder cancer in Norway: treatment and survival. Scand J Urol. 2020;54(5):370-5.
58. Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P. Educational attainment in offspring bereaved by sudden parental death from external causes: a national cohort study from birth and throughout adulthood. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2020;55(6):779-88.
59. Bütikofer A, Salvanes KG. Disease Control and Inequality Reduction: Evidence from a Tuberculosis Testing and Vaccination Campaign. The Review of economic studies. 2020;87(5):2087-125.
60. Chang CJ, Tu YK, Chen PC, Yang HY. Talc exposure and risk of stomach cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis of occupational cohort studies. J Formos Med Assoc. 2020;119(4):781-92.
61. Christiansen SG, Reneflot A, Stene-Larsen K, Hauge LJ. Alcohol-related mortality following the loss of a child: a register-based follow-up study from Norway. BMJ Open. 2020;10(6):e038826.
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63. Degerud E, Høiseth G, Mørland J, Ariansen I, Graff-Iversen S, Ystrom E, Zuccolo L, Næss Ø. Association of coincident self-reported mental health problems and alcohol intake with all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality: A Norwegian pooled population analysis. PLoS Med. 2020;17(2):e1003030.
64. Doeskeland T, Kvaerner JS. Cancer and Portfolio Choice: Evidence from Norwegian Register Data. SSRN. 2020:1-44.
65. Enerly E, Berger S, Kjaer SK, Sundstrom K, Campbell S, Tryggvadottir L, Munk C, Hortlund M, Thomas Group. Electronic address tgmc, Joshi A, Saah AJ, Nygard M. Use of real-world data for HPV vaccine trial follow-up in the Nordic region. Contemp Clin Trials. 2020;92:105996.
66. Forma L, Aaltonen M, Raitanen J, Anthun KS, Kalseth J. Place of death among older people in Finland and Norway. Scand J Public Health. 2020;48(8):817-24.
67. Fosså SD, Aas K, Müller C, Jerm MB, Tandstad T, Lilleby W, Kvåle R, Gulbrandsen J, Haug E, Myklebust TA. Definitive radiotherapy for prostate cancer in Norway 2006-2015: Temporal trends, performance and survival. Radiother Oncol. 2020;155:33-41.
68. Fritz J, Bjorge T, Nagel G, Manjer J, Engeland A, Haggstrom C, Concin H, Teleka S, Tretli S, Gylling B, Lang A, Stattin P, Stocks T, Ulmer H. The triglyceride-glucose index as a measure of insulin resistance and risk of obesity-related cancers. Int J Epidemiol. 2020;49(1):193-204.
69. Gagnat AA, Gjerdevik M, Lie SA, Gulsvik A, Bakke P, Nielsen R. Acute exacerbations of COPD and risk of lung cancer in COPD patients with and without a history of asthma. Eur Clin Respir J. 2020;7(1):1799540.
70. Garnvik LE, Malmo V, Janszky I, Ellekjaer H, Wisloff U, Loennechen JP, Nes BM. Physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness, and cardiovascular outcomes in individuals with atrial fibrillation: the HUNT study. Eur Heart J. 2020;41(15):1467-75.
71. GBD 2016 Occupational Carcinogens Collaborators. Global and regional burden of cancer in 2016 arising from occupational exposure to selected carcinogens: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Occup Environ Med. 2020;77(3):151-9.
72. GBD 2017, James SL, Castle CD, Dingels ZV, Fox JT, Hamilton EB, Liu Z, NL SR, Sylte DO, Henry NJ, LeGrand KE, Abdelalim A, Abdoli A, Abdollahpour I, Abdulkader RS, Abedi A, Abosetugn AE, Abushouk AI, Adebayo OM, Agudelo-Botero M, Ahmad T, Ahmed R, Ahmed MB, Eddine Aichour MT, Alahdab F, Alamene GM, Alanezi FM, Alebel A, Alema NM, Alghnam SA, Al-Hajj S, Ali BA, Ali S, Alikhani M, Alinia C, Alipour V, Aljunid SM, Almasi-Hashiani A, Almasri NA, Altirkawi K, Abdeldayem Amer YS, Amini S, Loreche Amit AM, Andrei CL, Ansari-Moghaddam A, CA TA, Yaw Appiah SC, Arabloo J, Arab-Zozani M, Arefi Z, Aremu O, Ariani F, Arora A, Asaad M, Asghari B, Awoke N, Ayala Quintanilla BP, Ayano G, Ayanore MA, Azari S, Azarian G, Badawi A, Badiye AD, Bagli E, Baig AA, Bairwa M, Bakhtiari A, Balachandran A, Banach M, Banerjee SK, Banik PC, Banstola A, Barker-Collo SL, Barnighausen TW, Barrero LH, Barzegar A, Bayati M, Baye BA, Bedi N, Behzadifar M, Bekuma TT, Belete H, Benjet C, Bennett DA, Bensenor IM, Berhe K, Bhardwaj P, Bhat AG, Bhattacharyya K, Bibi S, Bijani A, Bin Sayeed MS, Borges G, Borzi AM, Boufous S, Brazinova A, Briko NI, Budhathoki SS, Car J, Cardenas R, Carvalho F, Castaldelli-Maia JM, Castaneda-Orjuela CA, Castelpietra G, Catala-Lopez F, Cerin E, Chandan JS, Chanie WF, Chattu SK, Chattu VK, Chatziralli I, Chaudhary N, Cho DY, Kabir Chowdhury MA, Chu DT, Colquhoun SM, Constantin MM, Costa VM, Damiani G, Daryani A, Davila-Cervantes CA, Demeke FM, Demis AB, Demoz GT, Demsie DG, Derakhshani A, Deribe K, Desai R, Nasab MD, da Silva DD, Dibaji Forooshani ZS, Doyle KE, Driscoll TR, Dubljanin E, Adema BD, Eagan AW, Eftekhari A, Ehsani-Chimeh E, Sayed Zaki ME, Elemineh DA, El-Jaafary SI, El-Khatib Z, Ellingsen CL, Emamian MH, Endalew DA, Eskandarieh S, Faris PS, Faro A, Farzadfar F, Fatahi Y, Fekadu W, Ferede TY, Fereshtehnejad SM, Fernandes E, Ferrara P, Feyissa GT, Filip I, Fischer F, Folayan MO, Foroutan M, Francis JM, Franklin RC, Fukumoto T, Geberemariyam BS, Gebre AK, Gebremedhin KB, Gebremeskel GG, Gebremichael B, Gedefaw GA, Geta B, Ghafourifard M, Ghamari F, Ghashghaee A, Gholamian A, Gill TK, Goulart AC, Grada A, Grivna M, Mohialdeen Gubari MI, Guimaraes RA, Guo Y, Gupta G, Haagsma JA, Hafezi-Nejad N, Bidgoli HH, Hall BJ, Hamadeh RR, Hamidi S, Haro JM, Hasan MM, Hasanzadeh A, Hassanipour S, Hassankhani H, Hassen HY, Havmoeller R, Hayat K, Hendrie D, Heydarpour F, Hijar M, Ho HC, Hoang CL, Hole MK, Holla R, Hossain N, Hosseinzadeh M, Hostiuc S, Hu G, Ibitoye SE, Ilesanmi OS, Ilic I, Ilic MD, Inbaraj LR, Indriasih E, Naghibi Irvani SS, Shariful Islam SM, Islam MM, Ivers RQ, Jacobsen KH, Jahani MA, Jahanmehr N, Jakovljevic M, Jalilian F, Jayaraman S, Jayatilleke AU, Jha RP, John-Akinola YO, Jonas JB, Joseph N, Joukar F, Jozwiak JJ, Jungari SB, Jurisson M, Kabir A, Kadel R, Kahsay A, Kalankesh LR, Kalhor R, Kamil TA, Kanchan T, Kapoor N, Karami M, Kasaeian A, Kassaye HG, Kavetskyy T, Kebede HK, Keiyoro PN, Kelbore AG, Kelkay B, Khader YS, Khafaie MA, Khalid N, Khalil IA, Khalilov R, Khammarnia M, Khan EA, Khan M, Khanna T, Khazaie H, Shadmani FK, Khundkar R, Kiirithio DN, Kim YE, Kim D, Kim YJ, Kisa A, Kisa S, Komaki H, SK MK, Korshunov VA, Koyanagi A, MU GK, Krishan K, Bicer BK, Kugbey N, Kumar V, Kumar N, Kumar GA, Kumar M, Kumaresh G, Kurmi OP, Kuti O, Vecchia C, Lami FH, Lamichhane P, Lang JJ, Lansingh VC, Laryea DO, Lasrado S, Latifi A, Lauriola P, Leasher JL, Huey Lee SW, Lenjebo TL, Levi M, Li S, Linn S, Liu X, Lopez AD, Lotufo PA, Lunevicius R, Lyons RA, Madadin M, El Razek MMA, Mahotra NB, Majdan M, Majeed A, Malagon-Rojas JN, Maled V, Malekzadeh R, Malta DC, Manafi N, Manafi A, Manda AL, Manjunatha N, Mansour-Ghanaei F, Mansouri B, Mansournia MA, Maravilla JC, March LM, Mason-Jones AJ, Masoumi SZ, Massenburg BB, Maulik PK, Meles GG, Melese A, Melketsedik ZA, PT NM, Mendoza W, Menezes RG, Mengesha MB, Mengesha MM, Meretoja TJ, Meretoja A, Merie HE, Mestrovic T, Miazgowski B, Miazgowski T, Miller TR, Mini GK, Mirica A, Mirrakhimov EM, Mirzaei-Alavijeh M, Mithra P, Moazen B, Moghadaszadeh M, Mohamadi E, Mohammad Y, Mohammad KA, Darwesh AM, Gholi Mezerji NM, Mohammadian-Hafshejani A, Mohammadoo-Khorasani M, Mohammadpourhodki R, Mohammed S, Mohammed JA, Mohebi F, Molokhia M, Monasta L, Moodley Y, Moosazadeh M, Moradi M, Moradi G, Moradi-Lakeh M, Moradpour F, Morawska L, Velasquez IM, Morisaki N, Morrison SD, Mossie TB, Muluneh AG, Murthy S, Musa KI, Mustafa G, Nabhan AF, Nagarajan AJ, Naik G, Naimzada MD, Najafi F, Nangia V, Nascimento BR, Naserbakht M, Nayak V, Ndwandwe DE, Negoi I, Ngunjiri JW, Nguyen CT, Thi Nguyen HL, Nikbakhsh R, Anggraini Ningrum DN, Nnaji CA, Nyasulu PS, Ogbo FA, Oghenetega OB, Oh IH, Okunga EW, Olagunju AT, Olagunju TO, Bali AO, Onwujekwe OE, Asante KO, Orpana HM, Ota E, Otstavnov N, Otstavnov SS, A MP, Padubidri JR, Pakhale S, Pakshir K, Panda-Jonas S, Park EK, Patel SK, Pathak A, Pati S, Patton GC, Paulos K, Peden AE, Filipino Pepito VC, Pereira J, Pham HQ, Phillips MR, Pinheiro M, Polibin RV, Polinder S, Poustchi H, Prakash S, Angga Pribadi DR, Puri P, Syed ZQ, Rabiee M, Rabiee N, Radfar A, Rafay A, Rafiee A, Rafiei A, Rahim F, Rahimi S, Rahimi-Movaghar V, Rahman MA, Rajabpour-Sanati A, Rajati F, Rakovac I, Ranganathan K, Rao SJ, Rashedi V, Rastogi P, Rathi P, Rawaf S, Rawal L, Rawassizadeh R, Renjith V, AM NR, Resnikoff S, Rezapour A, Ribeiro AI, Rickard J, Rios Gonzalez CM, Ronfani L, Roshandel G, Saad AM, Sabde YD, Sabour S, Saddik B, Safari S, Safari-Faramani R, Safarpour H, Safdarian M, Sajadi SM, Salamati P, Salehi F, Zahabi SS, Rashad Salem MR, Salem H, Salman O, Salz I, Samy AM, Sanabria J, Riera LS, Santric Milicevic MM, Sarker AR, Sarveazad A, Sathian B, Sawhney M, Sawyer SM, Saxena S, Sayyah M, Schwebel DC, Seedat S, Senthilkumaran S, Sepanlou SG, Seyedmousavi S, Sha F, Shaahmadi F, Shahabi S, Shaikh MA, Shams-Beyranvand M, Shamsizadeh M, Sharif-Alhoseini M, Sharifi H, Sheikh A, Shigematsu M, Shin JI, Shiri R, Siabani S, Sigfusdottir ID, Singh PK, Singh JA, Sinha DN, Smarandache CG, EU RS, Soheili A, Soleymani B, Soltanian AR, Soriano JB, Sorrie MB, Soyiri IN, Stein DJ, Stokes MA, Sufiyan MB, Rasul Suleria HA, Sykes BL, Tabares-Seisdedos R, Tabb KM, Taddele BW, Tadesse DB, Tamiru AT, Tarigan IU, Tefera YM, Tehrani-Banihashemi A, Tekle MG, Tekulu GH, Tesema AK, Tesfay BE, Thapar R, Tilahune AB, Tlaye KG, Tohidinik HR, Topor-Madry R, Tran BX, Tran KB, Tripathy JP, Tsai AC, Car LT, Ullah S, Ullah I, Umar M, Unnikrishnan B, Upadhyay E, Uthman OA, Valdez PR, Vasankari TJ, Venketasubramanian N, Violante FS, Vlassov V, Waheed Y, Weldesamuel GT, Werdecker A, Wiangkham T, Wolde HF, Woldeyes DH, Wondafrash DZ, Wondmeneh TG, Wondmieneh AB, Wu AM, Yadav R, Yadollahpour A, Yano Y, Yaya S, Yazdi-Feyzabadi V, Yip P, Yisma E, Yonemoto N, Yoon SJ, Youm Y, Younis MZ, Yousefi Z, Yu Y, Yu C, Yusefzadeh H, Moghadam TZ, Zaidi Z, Zaman SB, Zamani M, Zamanian M, Zandian H, Zarei A, Zare F, Zhang ZJ, Zhang Y, Zodpey S, Dandona L, Dandona R, Degenhardt L, Dharmaratne SD, Hay SI, Mokdad AH, Reiner RC, Jr., Sartorius B, Vos T. Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Inj Prev. 2020;26(Supp 1):i96-i114.
73. GBD 2017, James SL, Castle CD, Dingels ZV, Fox JT, Hamilton EB, Liu Z, Roberts NLS, Sylte DO, Bertolacci GJ, Cunningham M, Henry NJ, LeGrand KE, Abdelalim A, Abdollahpour I, Abdulkader RS, Abedi A, Abegaz KH, Abosetugn AE, Abushouk AI, Adebayo OM, Adsuar JC, Advani SM, Agudelo-Botero M, Ahmad T, Ahmed MB, Ahmed R, Eddine Aichour MT, Alahdab F, Alanezi FM, Alema NM, Alemu BW, Alghnam SA, Ali BA, Ali S, Alinia C, Alipour V, Aljunid SM, Almasi-Hashiani A, Almasri NA, Altirkawi K, Abdeldayem Amer YS, Andrei CL, Ansari-Moghaddam A, CA TA, Anvari D, Yaw Appiah SC, Arabloo J, Arab-Zozani M, Arefi Z, Aremu O, Ariani F, Arora A, Asaad M, Ayala Quintanilla BP, Ayano G, Ayanore MA, Azarian G, Badawi A, Badiye AD, Baig AA, Bairwa M, Bakhtiari A, Balachandran A, Banach M, Banerjee SK, Banik PC, Banstola A, Barker-Collo SL, Barnighausen TW, Barzegar A, Bayati M, Bazargan-Hejazi S, Bedi N, Behzadifar M, Belete H, Bennett DA, Bensenor IM, Berhe K, Bhagavathula AS, Bhardwaj P, Bhat AG, Bhattacharyya K, Bhutta ZA, Bibi S, Bijani A, Boloor A, Borges G, Borschmann R, Borzi AM, Boufous S, Braithwaite D, Briko NI, Brugha T, Budhathoki SS, Car J, Cardenas R, Carvalho F, Castaldelli-Maia JM, Castaneda-Orjuela CA, Castelpietra G, Catala-Lopez F, Cerin E, Chandan JS, Chapman JR, Chattu VK, Chattu SK, Chatziralli I, Chaudhary N, Cho DY, Choi JJ, Kabir Chowdhury MA, Christopher DJ, Chu DT, Cicuttini FM, Coelho JM, Costa VM, Dahlawi SMA, Daryani A, Davila-Cervantes CA, Leo D, Demeke FM, Demoz GT, Demsie DG, Deribe K, Desai R, Nasab MD, Silva DDD, Dibaji Forooshani ZS, Do HT, Doyle KE, Driscoll TR, Dubljanin E, Adema BD, Eagan AW, Elemineh DA, El-Jaafary SI, El-Khatib Z, Ellingsen CL, Zaki MES, Eskandarieh S, Eyawo O, Faris PS, Faro A, Farzadfar F, Fereshtehnejad SM, Fernandes E, Ferrara P, Fischer F, Folayan MO, Fomenkov AA, Foroutan M, Francis JM, Franklin RC, Fukumoto T, Geberemariyam BS, Gebremariam H, Gebremedhin KB, Gebremeskel LG, Gebremeskel GG, Gebremichael B, Gedefaw GA, Geta B, Getenet AB, Ghafourifard M, Ghamari F, Gheshlagh RG, Gholamian A, Gilani SA, Gill TK, Goudarzian AH, Goulart AC, Grada A, Grivna M, Guimaraes RA, Guo Y, Gupta G, Haagsma JA, Hall BJ, Hamadeh RR, Hamidi S, Handiso DW, Haro JM, Hasanzadeh A, Hassan S, Hassanipour S, Hassankhani H, Hassen HY, Havmoeller R, Hendrie D, Heydarpour F, Hijar M, Ho HC, Hoang CL, Hole MK, Holla R, Hossain N, Hosseinzadeh M, Hostiuc S, Hu G, Ibitoye SE, Ilesanmi OS, Inbaraj LR, Naghibi Irvani SS, Mofizul Islam M, Shariful Islam SM, Ivers RQ, Jahani MA, Jakovljevic M, Jalilian F, Jayaraman S, Jayatilleke AU, Jha RP, John-Akinola YO, Jonas JB, Jones KM, Joseph N, Joukar F, Jozwiak JJ, Jungari SB, Jurisson M, Kabir A, Kahsay A, Kalankesh LR, Kalhor R, Kamil TA, Kanchan T, Kapoor N, Karami M, Kasaeian A, Kassaye HG, Kavetskyy T, Kayode GA, Keiyoro PN, Kelbore AG, Khader YS, Khafaie MA, Khalid N, Khalil IA, Khalilov R, Khan M, Khan EA, Khan J, Khanna T, Khazaei S, Khazaie H, Khundkar R, Kiirithio DN, Kim YE, Kim YJ, Kim D, Kisa S, Kisa A, Komaki H, Kondlahalli SKM, Koolivand A, Korshunov VA, Koyanagi A, Kraemer MUG, Krishan K, Defo BK, Bicer BK, Kugbey N, Kumar N, Kumar M, Kumar V, Kumar N, Kumaresh G, Lami FH, Lansingh VC, Lasrado S, Latifi A, Lauriola P, Vecchia C, Leasher JL, Huey Lee SW, Li S, Liu X, Lopez AD, Lotufo PA, Lyons RA, Machado DB, Madadin M, Abd El Razek MM, Mahotra NB, Majdan M, Majeed A, Maled V, Malta DC, Manafi N, Manafi A, Manda AL, Manjunatha N, Mansour-Ghanaei F, Mansournia MA, Maravilla JC, Mason-Jones AJ, Masoumi SZ, Massenburg BB, Maulik PK, Mehndiratta MM, Melketsedik ZA, Memiah PTN, Mendoza W, Menezes RG, Mengesha MM, Meretoja TJ, Meretoja A, Merie HE, Mestrovic T, Miazgowski B, Miazgowski T, Miller TR, Mini GK, Mirica A, Mirrakhimov EM, Mirzaei-Alavijeh M, Mithra P, Moazen B, Moghadaszadeh M, Mohamadi E, Mohammad Y, Darwesh AM, Mohammadian-Hafshejani A, Mohammadpourhodki R, Mohammed S, Mohammed JA, Mohebi F, Mohseni Bandpei MA, Molokhia M, Monasta L, Moodley Y, Moradi M, Moradi G, Moradi-Lakeh M, Moradzadeh R, Morawska L, Velasquez IM, Morrison SD, Mossie TB, Muluneh AG, Musa KI, Mustafa G, Naderi M, Nagarajan AJ, Naik G, Naimzada MD, Najafi F, Nangia V, Nascimento BR, Naserbakht M, Nayak V, Nazari J, Ndwandwe DE, Negoi I, Ngunjiri JW, Nguyen TH, Nguyen CT, Nguyen DN, Thi Nguyen HL, Nikbakhsh R, Anggraini Ningrum DN, Nnaji CA, Ofori-Asenso R, Ogbo FA, Oghenetega OB, Oh IH, Olagunju AT, Olagunju TO, Bali AO, Onwujekwe OE, Orpana HM, Ota E, Otstavnov N, Otstavnov SS, P AM, Padubidri JR, Pakhale S, Pakshir K, Panda-Jonas S, Park EK, Patel SK, Pathak A, Pati S, Paulos K, Peden AE, Filipino Pepito VC, Pereira J, Phillips MR, Polibin RV, Polinder S, Pourmalek F, Pourshams A, Poustchi H, Prakash S, Angga Pribadi DR, Puri P, Syed ZQ, Rabiee N, Rabiee M, Radfar A, Rafay A, Rafiee A, Rafiei A, Rahim F, Rahimi S, Rahman MA, Rajabpour-Sanati A, Rajati F, Rakovac I, Rao SJ, Rashedi V, Rastogi P, Rathi P, Rawaf S, Rawal L, Rawassizadeh R, Renjith V, Resnikoff S, Rezapour A, Ribeiro AI, Rickard J, Rios Gonzalez CM, Roever L, Ronfani L, Roshandel G, Saddik B, Safarpour H, Safdarian M, Mohammad Sajadi S, Salamati P, Rashad Salem MR, Salem H, Salz I, Samy AM, Sanabria J, Riera LS, Santric Milicevic MM, Sarker AR, Sarveazad A, Sathian B, Sawhney M, Sayyah M, Schwebel DC, Seedat S, Senthilkumaran S, Seyedmousavi S, Sha F, Shaahmadi F, Shahabi S, Shaikh MA, Shams-Beyranvand M, Sheikh A, Shigematsu M, Shin JI, Shiri R, Siabani S, Sigfusdottir ID, Singh JA, Singh PK, Sinha DN, Soheili A, Soriano JB, Sorrie MB, Soyiri IN, Stokes MA, Sufiyan MB, Sykes BL, Tabares-Seisdedos R, Tabb KM, Taddele BW, Tefera YM, Tehrani-Banihashemi A, Tekulu GH, Tesema Tesema AK, Tesfay BE, Thapar R, Titova MV, Tlaye KG, Tohidinik HR, Topor-Madry R, Tran KB, Tran BX, Tripathy JP, Tsai AC, Tsatsakis A, Car LT, Ullah I, Ullah S, Unnikrishnan B, Upadhyay E, Uthman OA, Valdez PR, Vasankari TJ, Veisani Y, Venketasubramanian N, Violante FS, Vlassov V, Waheed Y, Wang YP, Wiangkham 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74. GBD 2017 Oesophageal Cancer Collaborators. The global, regional, and national burden of oesophageal cancer and its attributable risk factors in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;5(6):582-97.
75. GBD 2017 Stomach Cancer Collaborators. The global, regional, and national burden of stomach cancer in 195 countries, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease study 2017. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;5(1):42-54.
76. GBD 2019 Demographics Collaborators. Global age-sex-specific fertility, mortality, healthy life expectancy (HALE), and population estimates in 204 countries and territories, 1950-2019: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet. 2020;396(10258):1160-203.
77. GBD 2019 Diseases and Injuries Collaborators. Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet. 2020;396(10258):1204-22.
78. Glinianaia SV, Morris JK, Best KE, Santoro M, Coi A, Armaroli A, Rankin J. Long-term survival of children born with congenital anomalies: A systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies. PLoS Med. 2020;17(9):e1003356.
79. Godøy A, Huitfeldt I. Regional variation in health care utilization and mortality. J Health Econ. 2020;71:102254.
80. Graue R, Lonnberg S, Skare GB, Saether SMM, Bjorge T. Atypical glandular lesions of the cervix and risk of cervical cancer. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2020;99(5):582-90.
81. Grytten J, Skau I, Sørensen R. Who dies early? Education, mortality and causes of death in Norway. Soc Sci Med. 2020;245:112601.
82. Grytten N, Myhr KM, Celius EG, Benjaminsen E, Kampman M, Midgard R, Vatne A, Aarseth JH, Riise T, Torkildsen O. Risk of cancer among multiple sclerosis patients, siblings, and population controls: A prospective cohort study. Mult Scler. 2020;26(12):1569-80.
83. Grøtting MW, Lillebø OS. Health effects of retirement: evidence from survey and register data. Journal of population economics. 2020;33(2):671-704.
84. Gulseth HL, Helland E, Johansen KI, Gravningen K, Eide HN, Haberg SE, Bakken IJ. Dødsfall etter påvist SARS-CoV-2 i Norge. (Deaths after confirmed SARS-CoV-2 in Norway). Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2020;140(18):1874-78.
85. Gulsvik A, Bakke PS, Brogger J, Nielsen R, Stavem K. Respiratory symptoms and mortality in four general population cohorts over 45 years. Respir Med. 2020;170:106060.
86. Haggstrom C, Jonsson H, Bjorge T, Nagel G, Manjer J, Ulmer H, Drake I, Ghaderi S, Lang A, Engeland A, Stattin P, Stocks T. Linear age-course effects on the associations between body mass index, triglycerides, and female breast and male liver cancer risk: An internal replication study of 800,000 individuals. Int J Cancer. 2020;146(1):58-67.
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88. Hald EM, Lochen ML, Lappegard J, Ellingsen TS, Mathiesen EB, Wilsgaard T, Njolstad I, Braekkan SK, Hansen JB. Red Cell Distribution Width and Risk of Atrial Fibrillation and Subsequent Thromboembolism: The Tromsø Study. TH Open. 2020;4(3):e280-e7.
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Rapporter, bøker, bokkapitler og annet (13stk)
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Doktoravhandlinger, Masteroppgaver og studentoppgaver (Bachelor) (22 stk)
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Roman FJO. Behandling av pre-eklampsi. En sammenlikning av aktuelle guidelines. Studentoppgave. Oslo: Universitet i Oslo, Det medisinske fakultet; 2019. Available from:
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Thøgersen H. Immigrants in Norway with cancer: stage at diagnosis, treatment and survival. Oslo: Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo; 2019. Available from:
Tidsskriftartikler og brev (94 stk)
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Beisland C, Johannesen TB, Reisaeter LAR, Hjelle KM. Real-life use of diagnostic biopsies before treatment of kidney cancer: results from a Norwegian population-based study. Scand J Urol. 2018;52(1):38-44. Available from:
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Doktoravhandlinger, Masteroppgaver og studentoppgaver (Bachelor) (4 stk)
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Rapporter, bøker, bokkapitler og annet (12 stk)
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Tidsskriftartikler og brev (119 stk.)
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Sulo G, Igland J, Nygard O, Vollset SE, Ebbing M, Poulter N, Egeland GM, Cerqueira C, Jorgensen T, Tell GS. Prognostic Impact of In-Hospital and Post-discharge Heart Failure in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Nationwide Analysis Using Data From the Cardiovascular Disease in Norway (CVDNOR) Project. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017;6(3):e005277.
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Doktoravhandlinger, masteroppgaver og studentoppgaver (Bachelor) (12 stk.)
Bjørneby IH, Herneshagen ES. Mitt hjem er min borg - vi er alle konger eller dronninger i vårt hjem. Studentoppgave (Bachelor). My home is my castle - we are all kings or queens in our home Campus Elverum, avd Kongsvinger: Høgskolen i Innlandet, Avdeling for folkehelsefag; 2017.
Brunes A. Physical activity, mental health and mortality among individuals with visual impairment: the HUNT Study. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, ; 2017.
Båtstad HS, Sivertsen MN. Cigarette smoking and pancreatic cancer risk in 83 500 Norwegian men and women. Thesis [Master]. Tromsø: the Arctic University of Norway, UiT; 2017.
Cameron MG. Palliative pelvic radiotherapy of symptomatic prostate and rectal cancers. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo; 2017.
Debik JB. Using Ensemble Methods to Improve the Performance of Prediction - Statistical Analysis of a Myocardial Infarction Data Set from the HUNT Study. Thesis [Master]: NTNU; 2017.
Gagnum V. Mortality, causes of death and end-stage renal disease in type 1 diabetes. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo 2017. Available from:
Haaland GS. Investigations of the cancer therapeutic and protective effects of warfarin-mediated inhibition of the receptor tyrosine kinase AXL. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2017.
Hagir LA, Molde AI. Hva har skjedd? Hva gjør dere? Hvem har skylden? Krisekommunikasjon i
Skrunes R. Hereditary renal disease in the Norwegian population, with a focus on Fabry disease. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2017.
Suhrke P. The incidence and treatment of breast cancer in Norway over three decades: the relationship between mammography, hormone therapy use and overdiagnosis. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo; 2017.
Vangen-Lønne AM. Ischemic stroke in a general population: time trends in incidence, case fatality and the impact of changing risk factors: the Tromsø Study. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2017.
Velle-Forbord T. Circulating microRNAs as predictive biomarkers of myocardial infarction – the HUNT study. Thesis [Master]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2017.
Rapporter, bøker og annet (13 stk.)
Drug related deaths in the Nordic countries: Revision of the statistical definition. Nomesco, Copenhagen, 2017. Report.: ISBN: 978-87-89702-94-8.
Health Statistics for the Nordic Countries 2017. 1 ed. Nomesco EG, editor. Copenhagen: NOMESCO-NOSOSCO; 2017.
Health and health care of the elderly in the Nordic Countries: From a statistical perspective. Nomesco, Copenhagen, 2017. Report.: ISBN: 978–87-89702-90-5.
Kvalitet og pasientsikkerhet - 2016. Meld. St. 6 (2017-2018). Oslo: Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet; 2017.
Brandt L, Ebbing M, Hagen E, Eide HN, Stensland E. Kartlegging av variabler i nasjonale helseregistre, Folkehelseinstituttet, Nasjonalt helseregisterprosjekt og «Health Registries for Research». Folkehelseinstituttet, Oslo, 2017. Report.: ISBN (elektronisk): 978-82-8082-838-5.
Cai Y, Hodgson S, Blangiardo M, Gulliver J, Morley D, Vienneau D, De Hoogh K, Key T, Hveem K, Elliott P, Hansell A. Road traffic noise and incident cardiovascular disease: a joint analysis of HUNT, EPIC-Oxford and UK Biobank. Conference paper in ICBEN 2017 Proceedings. London: International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise; 2017.
Huseby BM. SAMDATA kommune. Helsedirektoratet, Helsedirektoratet. Oslo, 2017. Report.: Rapport IS-2575.
Kjelvik J. Diagnosestatistikk for kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester. Tema: Demenssykdom. Data fra IPLOS-registeret. Helsedirektoratet, Helsedirektoratet. Oslo, 2017. Report.: Rapport IS-0600.
Knudsen AK, Tollånes MC, Haaland ØA, Kinge JM, Skirbekk V, Vollset SE. Sykdomsbyrde i Norge 2015. Resultater fra Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2015 (GBD 2015). Folkehelseinstituttet, Oslo, 2017. Report.: ISBN: 978-82-8082-840-8.
Larsen IK, Møller B, Johannesen TB, Larønningen S, Robsahm TE, Grimsrud TK, Ursin G. Cancer in Norway 2016 - Cancer incidence, mortality, survival and prevalence in Norway. Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo, 2017. Report.
Saunes IS, Hansen TM, Tomic O, Lindahl AK. Helse i Norge – 2017: Kommentarrapport til OECDs sammenligning av helse i ulike land. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2017. Report.: ISBN: 978-82-8082-883-5.
Sesseng C, Storesund K, Steen-Hansen A. Analysis of fatal fires in Norway in the 2005 – 2014 period. (Also in Norwegian). RISE Fire Research, Trondheim, 2017. Report.: RISE report A17 2017;6:1-2.
Stoltenberg C, Rolfheim-Bye C, Heyerdahl BT, Egner I. Folkehelseinstituttet - Årsrapport 2016 Folkehelseinstituttet, Oslo, 2017. Report.
Alle publikasjoner (49 stk.)
Asberg, A. N., Stovner, L. J., Zwart, J. A., Winsvold, B. S., Heuch, I., & Hagen, K. (2016a). Chronic musculoskeletal complaints as a predictor of mortality-The HUNT study. Pain, 157(7), 1443-1447.
Asberg, A. N., Stovner, L. J., Zwart, J. A., Winsvold, B. S., Heuch, I., & Hagen, K. (2016b). Migraine as a predictor of mortality: The HUNT study. Cephalalgia, 36(4), 351-357.
Berg, E. (2016). Ambiguous indifference - fatal overdoses among marginalised drug users after discharge from inpatient treatment. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 33(2), 189-213.
Chang, S. S., Bjorngaard, J. H., Tsai, M. K., Bjerkeset, O., Wen, C. P., Yip, P. S. F., . . . Gunnell, D. (2016). Heart rate and suicide: findings from two cohorts of 533 000 Taiwanese and 75 000 Norwegian adults. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 133(4), 277-288.
Chikani, V., Brophy, M., Vossbrink, A., Blust, R. N., Benkertl, M., Salvino, C., . . . Martinez, R. (2016). Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Rates of Traumatic injury in Arizona, 2011-2012. Public Health Reports, 131(5), 704-710.
DeRoo, L., Skjaerven, R., Wilcox, A., Klungsoyr, K., Wikstrom, A. K., Morken, N. H., & Cnattingius, S. (2016). Placental abruption and long-term maternal cardiovascular disease mortality: a population-based registry study in Norway and Sweden. European Journal of Epidemiology, 31(5), 501-511.
Engeseth, K., Hodnesdal, C., Grundvold, I., Liestol, K., Gjesdal, K., Erikssen, G., . . . Skretteberg, P. T. (2016). Heart rate reserve predicts cardiovascular death among physically unfit but otherwise healthy middle-aged men: a 35-year follow-up study. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 23(1), 59-66.
Engeseth, K., Hodnesdal, C., Grundvold, I., Liestol, K., Gjesdal, K., Kjeldsen, S. E., . . . Skretteberg, P. T. (2016). Temporal reduction in chronotropic index predicts risk of cardiovascular death among healthy middle-aged men: A 28-year follow-up study. Journal of the American Heart Association, 5(12), e004555.
Fossum, S., Vikanes, A., Naess, O., Vos, L., Grotmol, T., & Halvorsen, S. (2016). Hyperemesis gravidarum and long-term mortality: A population-based cohort study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology., Dec 15 [Epub ahead of print].
Fredheim, O. M., Brelin, S., Hjermstad, M. J., Loge, J. H., Aass, N., Johannesen, T. B., & Skurtveit, S. (2016). Prescriptions of analgesics during complete disease trajectories in patients who are diagnosed with and die from cancer within the five-year period 2005-2009. European Journal of Pain, Oct 14 [Epub ahead of print].
Gelder, R., Menvielle, G., Costa, G., Kovacs, K., Martikainen, P., Strand, B. H., & Mackenbach, J. P. (2016). Long-term trends of inequalities in mortality in 6 European countries. International Journal of Public Health, Dec 9 [Epub ahead of print].
Gjersing, L., Jonassen, K., Skurtveit, S., Bramness, J., & Clausen, T. (2016). Emergency service use is common in the year before death among drug users who die from an overdose. Journal of Substance Use, Sep 03 [Epub ahead of print].
Halvorsen, S., Jortveit, J., Hasvold, P., Thuresson, M., & Oie, E. (2016). Initiation of and long-term adherence to secondary preventive drugs after acute myocardial infarction. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 16, 115.
Heir, T., Falk, R. S., Robsahm, T. E., Sandvik, L., Erikssen, J., & Tretli, S. (2016). Cholesterol and prostate cancer risk: a long-term prospective cohort study. BMC Cancer, 16, 643.
Herland, T., Apalset, E. M., Eide, G. E., Tell, G. S., & Lehmann, S. (2016). Airflow limitation as a risk factor for low bone mineral density and hip fracture. European Clinical Respiratory Journal, 3, 32214.
Hofvind, S., Holen, A., Roman, M., Sebuodegard, S., Puig-Vives, M., & Akslen, L. (2016). Mode of detection: an independent prognostic factor for women with breast cancer. Journal of Medical Screening, 23(2), 89-97.
Holter, J. C., Ueland, T., Jenum, P. A., Muller, F., Brunborg, C., Froland, S. S., . . . Heggelund, L. (2016). Risk factors for long-term mortality after hospitalisation for community-acquired pneumonia: a 5-year prospective follow-up study. PloS One, 11(2), e0148741.
Holter, J. C., Ueland, T., Norseth, J., Brunborg, C., Froland, S. S., Husebye, E., . . . Heggelund, L. (2016). Vitamin D status and long-term mortality in community-acquired pneumonia: Secondary data analysis from a prospective cohort. PloS One, 11(7), e0158536.
Hovde, O., Hoivik, M. L., Henriksen, M., Solberg, I. C., Smastuen, M. C., & Moum, B. A. (2016). Malignancies in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Results from 20 years of follow-up in the IBSEN study.[Erratum appears in J Crohns Colitis. 2016 Dec 30;:; PMID: 28039308]. Journal of Crohn's & colitis, Oct 31 [epub ahead of print].
Hovde, O., Smastuen, M. C., Hoivik, M. L., Bernklev, T., Huppertz-Hauss, G., Hoie, O., . . . Moum, B. A. (2016). Mortality and Causes of Death in Ulcerative Colitis: Results from 20 Years of Follow-up in the IBSEN Study. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 22(1), 141-145.
Hoye, A., Nesvag, R., Reichborn-Kjennerud, T., & Jacobsen, B. K. (2016). Sex differences in mortality among patients admitted with affective disorders in North Norway: a 33-year prospective register study. Bipolar Disorders, 18(3), 272-281.
Jortveit, J., Eskedal, L., Hirth, A., Fomina, T., Dohlen, G., Hagemo, P., . . . Holmstrom, H. (2016). Sudden unexpected death in children with congenital heart defects. European Heart Journal, 37(7), 621-626.
Jortveit, J., Leirgul, E., Eskedal, L., Greve, G., Fomina, T., Dohlen, G., . . . Holmstrom, H. (2016). Mortality and complications in 3495 children with isolated ventricular septal defects. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 101(9), 808-813.
Jortveit, J., Oyen, N., Leirgul, E., Fomina, T., Tell, G. S., Vollset, S. E., . . . Holmstrom, H. (2016). Trends in Mortality of Congenital Heart Defects. Congenital Heart Disease, 11(2), 160-168.
Kjollesdal, M., Ariansen, I., Mortensen, L., Davey Smith, G., & Naess, O. (2016). Educational differences in cardiovascular mortality: The role of shared family factors and cardiovascular risk factors. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 44(8), 744-750.
Kvakkestad, K. M., Abdelnoor, M., Claussen, P. A., Eritsland, J., Fossum, E., & Halvorsen, S. (2016). Long-term survival in octogenarians and older patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction in the era of primary angioplasty: A prospective cohort study. European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovascular Care, 5(3), 243-252.
Kvammen, O., Myklebust, T. A., Solberg, A., Moller, B., Klepp, O. H., Fossa, S. D., & Tandstad, T. (2016). Long-term Relative Survival after Diagnosis of Testicular Germ Cell Tumor. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, 25(5), 773-779.
Lallukka, T., Podlipskyte, A., Sivertsen, B., Andruskiene, J., Varoneckas, G., Lahelma, E., . . . Rahkonen, O. (2016). Insomnia symptoms and mortality: a register-linked study among women and men from Finland, Norway and Lithuania. Journal of Sleep Research, 25(1), 96-103.
Laugsand, L. E., Janszky, I., Vatten, L. J., Dalen, H., Midthjell, K., Grill, V., & Carlsson, S. (2016). Autoimmune diabetes in adults and risk of myocardial infarction: the HUNT study in Norway. Journal of Internal Medicine, 280(5), 518-531.
Nakken, O., Lindstrom, J. C., Tysnes, O. B., & Holmoy, T. (2016). Mortality trends of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Norway 1951-2014: an age-period-cohort study. Journal of Neurology, 263(12), 2378-2385.
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Amundsen, E. J. (2015). Drug-related causes of death: Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the deceased. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 43(6), 571-579.
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Sivertsen, B., Madsen, I. E. H., Salo, P., Tell, G. S., & Overland, S. (2015). Use of Sleep Medications and Mortality: The Hordaland Health Study. Drugs - Real World Outcomes, 2(2), 123-128.
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Tollefsen, I. M., Helweg-Larsen, K., Thiblin, I., Hem, E., Kastrup, M. C., Nyberg, U., . . . Ekeberg, O. (2015). Are suicide deaths under-reported? Nationwide re-evaluations of 1800 deaths in Scandinavia. Bmj Open, 5(11), 11.
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Fagerhaug, T. N., Forsmo, S., Jacobsen, G. W., Midthjell, K., Andersen, L. F., & Nilsen, T. I. L. (2013). A prospective population-based cohort study of lactation and cardiovascular disease mortality: the HUNT study. BMC public health, 13(1070).
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