CO-CREATE joint workshop at ICO 2022
Saturday 22 October, CO-CREATE and sister project STOP provided innovative ideas and learnings on addressing childhood obesity.
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Go to the home pageAt this year’s International Congress on Obesity in Melbourne, CO-CREATE joined sister European project STOP to hold a joint workshop and share key findings and tools at an exhibition stand.
The workshop focused on the multifaceted approaches towards enhanced policymaking on childhood obesity used by CO-CREATE and STOP, the inclusion and engagement of youth in these processes and useful associated tools that have been developed. The workshop was an opportunity for CO-CREATE researchers to present on approaches to group-model-building with youth. Colleagues from EAT were able to present the CO-CREATE Dialogue tool aimed at incorporating young voices in policy ideation, analysis and implementation processes.
A 20-minute interactive panel discussion examined learnings for other regions, key entry points for actions, and how to integrate knowledge at individual and population level to identify the best approaches to address childhood obesity.