A new generation of Patient-Reported Quality Measurements in Mental health and Addiction Services (PRQMs-MAS)
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health launched a new program for continuous, online measurements of inpatient experiences with specialist mental health and addiction services in 2020.
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health launched a new program for continuous, online measurements of inpatient experiences with specialist mental health and addiction services in 2020. The new program represents an innovative way of collecting data compared to the previous cross-sectional surveys, but two major challenges with the new program are the coverage of patients and the lack of follow-up measurements.
The number of included patients is increasing over time, but several thousands are still not included in the surveysdue to both provider and patient level factors. This threatens the generalizability, credibility and usefulness of the results. Also, the current surveys have been restricted to cross-sectional measurements of patient experiences from an inpatient stay. The patients ’perspectives on integration of services and health outcomes after discharge have notbeen assessed. Other challenges are the lack of translated questionnaires, shorter and more user-friendly questionnaires and a reporting system adjusted to continuous measurements.
To meet these challenges, we will conduct the following R&D project:Part 1. Develop a longitudinal questionnaire package. We will refine the baseline questionnaires, develop and validate longitudinal modules for patient-reported experience and outcome measures for community services and translate the questionnaires into the three most common foreign languages used by these patients in Norway, using state-of-the-art methods.
Part 2. Develop longitudinal data collection procedures and a data handling system. We will set up a new system for recruitment into the on-site surveys and combine it with a post-discharge approach for patients not included on-site. By obtaining background data from the Norwegian Patient Registry, we will develop routines for follow-up, and implement post-discharge surveys as a supplement to the on-site surveys, enabling non-response analysis and casemix adjustments.
Project leader
Hilde Karin Hestad Iversen, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Project participants
Lina Harvold Ellingsen-Dalskau, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Elma Jelin, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Mona Haugum, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Øyvind Andresen Bjertnæs, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Institutt for folkehelsevitenskap, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Ketil Hanssen-Bauer, Akershus University Hospital Trust
Camilla Skau Nyland, Akershus University Hospital Trust
Aleksandra Eriksen Isham, Akershus University Hospital Trust
Johan Siqveland, Akershus University Hospital Trust
Project owner/ Project manager
Norwegian Institute of Public Health