PhD and Master Theses in MoBa
PhD and Master Theses in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study
PhD Theses
- Ingeborg Forthun. Socioeconomic inequalities in risk of having a child with cerebral palsy in Denmark and Norway. The roles of parental educational level and body mass index. University of Bergen, 2019.
- Marianne Abel. Iodine nutrition in pregnancy, maternal thyroid function and child development. HiOA 2019.
- Kam Sripada. Brain development, connectivity and cognitive skills following preterm birth with very low birth weight: Neuroimaging findings from childhood, early adulthood and the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. NTNU 2018.
- Rolad Andreas Øien. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Complexities associated with sex-differences, screening and diagnosis. UiT 2018.
- Tanja Gram Petersen. Risk factors for cerebral palsy in children born in Denmark and Norway; Exploring maternal thyroid disorder, use of analgesics, and ethnicity in association with the risk of cerebral palsy. København Universitet 2018.
- Liv Kvalvik. Smoking among pregnant women in Norway. Prevalence, self-report validity, and associations to SGA and “early programming” using family and sibling design. UiB 2018.
- Kjell Vegard Fjeldheim Weyde. Road Traffic Noise and Children’s Sleep and Health. UiO 2018.
- Kristine Vejrup. Prenatal mercury exposure and associations to birth weight and child neurodevelopment. UiO 2018.
- Jacob Holter Grundt. Biological and behavioral determinants of fetal and childhood growth and risk of developing obesity. UiB 2017.
- Nicolai Lund-Blix. Early nutrition and risk of type 1 diabetes. UiO 2017.
- Linda Englund-Øgge. Glycemic properties of maternal diet in relation to per term delivery and abnormal birth weight. Karolinske Institutt. 2017
- Athanasios Chortatos. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: effects on maternal diet, health, and birth outcomes. An investigation using the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. UiO 2017.
- Marie Flem Sørbø. Prevalence of abuse reported by pregnant women - impact on postpartum depression and breastfeeding. A prospective population-based analysis in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. NTNU 2016.
- Alexandra Havdahl. Emotional reactivity, psychiatric symptoms and medication use in children with autism spectrum disorders. UiO 2016.
- Ida Caspersen. Determinants of early life exposure to dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls and associations with child neurodevelopment. UiO 2016.
- Bothild Bendiksen. Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder in preschool children: comorbidity patterns, functional impairment and perinatal maternal risk factors. UiO februar 2016.
- Sonja Melling. Alkoholbruk, partilfredshet og samlivsstatus. Før, inn i, og etter svangerskapet – korrelater eller konsekvenser? UiB 2016.03.01
- Anne Elisabeth Sølsnes. IQ, executive functions and brain findings in very low birth weight (VLBW) children and young adults. NTNU 2015.
- Angela Lupattelli. Safety aspects and patterns of medication use in pregnancy with special focus on psychotropic medication and mental health”. UiO 2015.
- Elisabeth Hillesund. Diet and Pregnancy Health. Universitetet i Agder Juni 2015.
- Lena Henriksen. Sexual violence, pregnancy and childbirth –Studies investigating the association of experienced sexual violence and outcomes in pregnancy and childbirth. UiO Juni 2015.
- Maria Magnus. Early environmental exposure and childhood respiratory disorders. UiO Mai 2015.
- Nina Rohrer-Baumgartner. Neurocognitive functions and ADHD symptoms in young preschoolers, with a particular focus on language skills. UiO april 2015.
- Anne Lise Kvalevaag. Fathers’ mental health and child development. The predictive value of fathers’ psychological distress during pregnancy for the social, emotional and behavioural development of their children. UiB November 2014.
- Mari Vaage Wang. Language, motor skills and behavior problems in preschool years. UiO mai 2014.
- Vigdis Aasheim. Becoming a mother at an advanced age. Pregnancy outcomes, psychological distress, experience of childbirth and satisfaction with life. UiB 2014.
- Pål Suren. Risk factors for autism spectrum disorders. UiO 2014
- Mia Myhre. "Infants and toddlers at risk: injuries, abuse and behavioural problems" C 2014.
- Christine Roth. Prenatal exposures and risk of neurodevelopmental disorders. University of Oslo 2013.
- Øystein Mortensen. Hva skjer med parforholdet når vi får barn? University of Bergen 2013.
- Solveig Myking. Genetic Association Studies of Spontaneous Preterm Delivery. UiO 2013.
- Ratib Lekhal. The relationship between children’s attendance in Norwegian childcare centers and language and behavioral development during early childhood. UiO 2013.
- Unni Mette Stamnes Köpp. Pathways contributing to childhood weight development and overweight in Norway. UiO 2013.
- Cecilie Knoph. Eating disorder in pregnancy and postpartum. A population based longitudinal pregnancy cohort study. UiO 2013.
- Maria Teresa Grønning Dale. Well-being among mothers of children with congenital heart defects. UiO 2012.
- Øivind Solberg. Trajectories of Maternal Mental Health. A prospective study of depression and anxiety symptoms in mothers of infants with congenital heart defects from pregnancy to 36 months postpartum. UiO 2012.
- Elisabeth Krefting Bjelland. Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain: reproductive risk factors and prognosis. UiO 2012.
- Mona Bekkhus. Pre- and Postnatal Risk Research and Behaviour Problems in early Childhood. UiO 2012.
- Katrine Mari Owe. Exercise before and during pregnancy and reproductive outcomes: A population based cohort study. The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study. Norges idrettshøgskole 2011.
- Tove Wigen. Caries risk indicators in preschool children. Maternal and family conditions in pregnancy and early childhood and dental caries development in preschool children. UiO 2011
- Stian Langeland Wesnes. Urinary incontinence during pregnancy and postpartum. Incidence, prevalence and risk factors. UiB 2011
- Ragnhild Eek Brandlistuen. Developmental Impairments in Children with Congenital Heart Defects: A prospective case-cohort study. UiO 2011
- Dorthe Fuglenes. Cesarean Delivery: Women’s preferences and Doctors’ decisions. UiO 2011.
- Gunn-Mette B. Røsand. Relationship satisfaction, emotional distress, and relationship dissolution: A population-based study on pregnant women and their partners. UiO. 2011.
- Mirjam Lukasse. Childhood abuse – pregnancy and childbirth. UiT 2011.
- Kim Stene-Larsen. Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Infants and Toddlers with Congenital Heart Defects. A longitudinal study from birth to 36 months of age. UiO 2011.
- Åse Vikanes. Causes of hyperemesis gravidarum. UiO 2010
- Roy Miodini Nilsen. Folate and reproductive health - an epidemiologic study of folic acid supplement use and its relation to birth outcomes in Norwegian pregnant women. UiB 2010
- Tone Kringeland. Perspective of risk in childbirth, woman’s expressed wishes for mode delivery and how they actually give birth. Nordiska högskolen för folkhälsovetenskap 2009
- Yngvild E. Bentdal. Acute otitits media in childhood: Host factors and Parental smoking. UiO 2009.
- Lill Trogstad. Causes of preeclampsia. UiO 2009.
- Susan Garthus-Niegel. Weight Development and Feeding in Early Childhood: The Role of Temperament and Behavior Problems. UiO 2009.
- Eivind Ystrom. The impact of maternal negative affectivity on dietary patterns of 18-month-old children in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. UiO 2009.
- Siri Håberg. Early life exposures and respiratory health in infancy. UiO 2008.
- Anne Lise Brantsæter. Validation of dietary data in pregnancy – validation of the food frequency questionnaire developed for the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study (MoBa). UiO 2007.
Master Theses
- Kristin Øksendal Børresen: Intake of sucrose-sweetened beverages and the risk of developing pharmacologically treated hypertension in women. Master thesis, University of Bergen, 2020.
- Marte Krohn Sjursen, Ida Haugenes Aleksandersen: Analysemetoder for biomarkører i melketenner. Mater thesis, University of Bergen, 2019.
- Synnøve Stokke Jensen: MoBaTann: Biobank for humane melketenner innenfor Den norske mor og barn kohort studien (MoBa). Status og validering av målinger per 2016. Hva kan en slik biobank brukes til nå og i fremtiden? Master thesis, University of Bergen, 2017.
- Thea Lervik Myklestad: Effects of dietary patterns on pregnancy outcomes in women with inflammatory bowl disease. Akershus University Hospital, 2016.
- Iren Borgen: Preeclampsia and dietary sugars. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, 2011.
- Anja Schanke Sundet: Vold og depresjon hos norske småbarnsmødre. Hovedoppgave psykologisk institutt, ved universitet i Oslo, 2009.
- Anne Caroline Fleten: Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, exercise during pregnancy and birth weight: Results from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Master of Science in public health, Institute of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, 2008.
- Suzette Abigail Bylos: Biological vulnerability and developmental resilience in infancy: The influence of temperament, breast feeding and pacifier use. Master thesis, University of Oslo, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept of psychology, 2008.
- Jorid Eide: Abuse in childhood and fear in pregnancy. Master thesis, University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences, 2008.
- Thomas Skjøthaug: Is Caffeine Consumption during Pregnancy Associated with ADHD Symptoms among 18-Month Old Infants? Master thesis, University of Oslo, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept of psychology, 2006. ISBN 82-569-2286-9.
- Kim Stene-Larsen: Does prenatal smoking predict ADHD-related symptoms in 18 months old babies? Master thesis, University of Oslo, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept of psychology, 2006. ISBN 82-569-2290-7.
- Anna-Pia Häggkvist: Ammeforekomst og faktorer som påvirker amming I Den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen. Et utvalg på 19240 mødre i tidsperioden 2001 – 2004. Masteroppgave i helsefagvitenskap, Seksjon for helsefag, Insitutt for helsefag og sykepleievitenskap, Medisinsk fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo, 2006.
- Elisabeth Elind: Koffein-inntak under graviditet i relasjon til fødselsvekt i Den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen. Høgskolen i Akershus 2006.
- Olaug Siqveland: Iron bioavailability. An evaluation of iron bioavailability in supplements and foods consumed by 16 466 pregnant women participating in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Univ. i Oslo 2005.