Prices for data from MoBa
Prices for data and from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)
From September 1st 2023, MoBa has introduced a new price model, where we no longer have price packages or article-based prices. Costs are now only based on an hourly rate for the time spent on processing the application, and facilitation and delivery of data to the project (cf. the Health Register Act § 19 g).
Hourly rate
The hourly rate is 1155 NOK per hour excl. VAT. Invoicing takes place in arrears.
Price examples
Applications for data from one source: 10,000 – 30,000 NOK excl. VAT.
Applications for data linked with other data sources/ special adaptations/ complex applications: 15,000 – 60,000 excl. VAT.
Note that the examples are indicative only. The real cost will depend on the actual time spent on data delivery. The time spent will depend on the complexity of the order, the quality of the data received, the necessary permits and the need for follow-up of these.
Prices for biological material
Please note that there are separate prices for biological material from MoBa. See more information here.