Norwegian Registry of Pregnancy Termination
The Registry of Pregnancy Termination collects data about abortions in Norway which is made available for research and health surveillance.
About the Registry of Pregnancy Termination
About the Registry of Pregnancy Termination
In Norway, hospitals and specialists who perform pregnancy terminations must report these to the Registry of Pregnancy Termination at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
What is registered in the Registry of Pregnancy Termination
What is registered in the Registry of Pregnancy Termination
All terminations of pregnancy must be reported to the Registry of Pregnancy Termination. Here is a brief description of what is registered.
Induced abortion in Norway – fact sheet
Induced abortion in Norway – fact sheet
The abortion rate has remained historically low for several years, but began to rise in 2022. Eight out of ten abortions are performed before the 9th week and nine out of ten abortions are performed with medication.