Reviews and Health Technology Assessments
The general objective of the cluster “Reviews and Health Technology Assessments” is to contribute knowledge for decisions in the healthcare- and social welfare services, by summarizing research through systematic reviews (evidence syntheses) and health technology assessments. Our deliverables provide knowledge for decision makers, thus supporting their decisions on which types of healthcare- and social welfare services should be offered. Trustworthy knowledge is the key to good services and essential for all who make decisions for and within the services.
We are the largest scientific community in Norway for evidence syntheses, that is, systematic reviews of available research, with approximately 60 employees. Our cluster conducts health technology assessments and is responsible also for other processes within The National System for Managed Introduction of New Health Technologies (“Nye metoder”). In addition, we produce systematic reviews and other types of analyses to the health- and social welfare government administrations.
When conducting systematic reviews and health technology assessments, we follow internationally recognized and transparent procedures. We offer a range of evidence syntheses, tailored to the commissioners’ needs regarding type of review, level of detail, use of resources, time of deliverable, etc. We primarily answer questions concerning the effects of prevention-, treatment-, or rehabilitation interventions. Additionally, we summarize research on the effects of organisational interventions, public health interventions, clinical utility, the accuracy of diagnostic tests, and user experiences, and we carry out health economic evaluations. Some of our systematic reviews concern what research exists on a topic and the characteristics of that research. For some topic areas, there is a scarcity of (high quality) primary studies, thus systematic reviews can identify knowledge gaps and research needs.
The cluster for Reviews and Health Technology Assessments collaborate with numerous key actors in Norway as well as internationally. On request, we also offer support and dissemination services regarding use of knowledge, training, courses and seminars in knowledge syntheses and -brokering.
The core activities in our cluster include:
- Systematic reviews for Norwegian healthcare- and social welfare services, many of which concern effects of treatment and other kinds of interventions
- Full reviews, rapid reviews, and simplified health technology assessments for The National System for Managed Introduction of New Health Technologies (“Nye metoder”)
- Management and development of the national system for notification of new health technologies in Norway
- Management and development of the national support structure and database for hospital-based health technology assessments in Norway
- Contributions to the European network for health technology assessments (EUnetHTA) and the International Horizon Scanning Initiative (IHSI)
- Systematic reviews for welfare directorates outside the health sector
- Training in knowledge syntheses and -brokering and active dissemination