Betydning av HPV genotyping i sekundærscreening i Helse Sørøst
The aims of the present study are to estimate the predictive values of the 13 oncogenic HPV types in triage from 2005-2010, to investigate the HPV genotypeprofile in Norwegian women diagnosed with high-grade precursor lesions and cancer.
Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in Norway among women below the age of 30. HPV testing in screening can improve sensitivity both in primary screening, triage and follow-up after treatment . HPV DNA testing has high sensitivity but low specificity compared to cytology. Presently 13 genotypes have been classified as oncogenic. HPV testing was introduced in Norway in 2005 as part of the organized screening programme, and is currently utilized in the follow-up of women with screening-detected ASC-US or LSIL. Preliminary evaluation has revealed that HPV testing in triage has lead to a better risk stratification of women with low grade cytology. The impact of HPV genotyping in triage has so far not been investigated. The aims of the present study are to estimate the predictive values of the 13 oncogenic HPV types in triage from 2005-2010, to investigate the HPV genotypeprofile in Norwegian women diagnosed with high-grade precursor lesions and cancer.
Ameli Tropé, Folkehelseinstituttet
Regionale komitéer for medisinsk og helsefaglig forskningsetikk (REK)
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