Systematic reference list
Lifestyle habit interventions in specialist healthcare: systematic reference list
Mapping review
The Norwegian Nurses Organisation commissioned documentation for the effect of lifestyle interventions in specialist healthcare. This resulted in a systematic literature search for systematic reviews, sorted by category.
Key message
The Norwegian Nurses Organisation asked the Knowledge Centre to provide documentation for the effect of life style habit interventions in the specialist health care. The request was answered by doing a systematic literature search for systematic reviews and sorting these in various categories.
We performed systematic searches in nine databases and assessed titles and abstracts of all identified publications. The publications we considered relevant were then placed in categories based on population, intervention, type of living habit, and setting. The majority of publications were placed in more than one category. We did not get the full texts of the publications and we did not critically appraise the quality of the systematic reviews.
- After removal of duplicates we assessed 4826 publications and 98 were considered relevant.
- 51 publications were about smoking, 30 about alcohol, 20 about weight, diet or exercise, and 6 about drug abuse.
- In 42 publications the intervention was counselling, in 33 brief interventions, in 24 various forms of patient education, in 18 motivational interviewing, and in 16 behavioural therapy. Other interventions were screening, secondary prevention, information material, cognitive therapy, electronic tools, and rewards. Four publications were specifically about nursing interventions. Three of these were about smoking and the fourth about alcohol use.