Systematic reference list
Psychotherapeutic treatment of people with concurrent substance abuse and violence issues
A literature search for systematic reviews and controlled trials about effectiveness of psychotherapy for patients with combined drug and violence problem behaviour.
Key message
The Norwegian national knowledge centre for health services received a request from the ”Tyrilistiftelsen” and ”Alternativ til Vold” in Norway to find research answering the question about effectiveness of psychotherapy for patients with combined drug and violence problem behaviour.
We did a litterature search for systematic reviews and controlled trials. The following databases Embase, Cochrane Library, CRD databases (DARE, NHS EED, HTA), PsycINFO and Medline was searched in september 2010. Two authors, working independently, read the identified references and assessed relevance according to pre-defined inclusion criteria. All possibly relevant references was included and sorted.
Our database search for systematic reviews resulted in 306 hits. For controlled trials we got 899 references. After assessment we identified 13 possibly relevant references to systematic reviews and 18 references to possibly relevant controlled trials.