Haemovigilance in Norway 2008. TROLL. Norwegian Blood Transfusion Service
The fifth annual haemovigilance report from Norway.
This is the fifth annual haemovigilance report from Norway. The Norwegian Haemovigilance system collects reports on adverse reactions in blood donors, adverse transfusion reactions and incorrect blood component transfused (IBCT), as well as near misses. Reporting is done electronically on www.hemovigilans.no using three different forms (donor complications, transfusion reactions and near misses). Participation in the haemovigilance scheme is very high. In 2008 blood banks not reporting account for less than 1 % of the donated and transfused blood in Norway.
Since January 2007, reporting of serious adverse reactions related to blood donation and blood transfusion, and reporting of serious near misses, is mandatory. Blood banks in Norway are, however, encouraged to report all transfusion reactions regardless of how serious these might be. From 2007 only serious reactions in blood donors are reported.
The Norwegian Haemovigilance scheme is anonymous since neither the blood donors, the patients nor the involved staff is identified in the system. For practical reasons the reporting person is identified to make it possible to obtain additional information about a reported case, if necessary.
The Haemovigilance task group has arranged annual haemovigilance seminars for blood bank staff and other interested health care workers. Future areas of haemovigilance interest are over- and under transfusion.