To achieve the overall aim of the CO-CREATE project, we have organized our work into 10 work packages (WP 1 – WP 10). As shown below, the different work packages are strongly dependent on one another.

CO-CREATE is coordinated by Knut-Inge Klepp (Norwegian Institute of Public Health). The work is organised in ten work packages, each with their designated responsibilities and deliverables.
WP 1: Project management and coordination
WP 1 aims to establish and maintain a robust management structure to ensure that all CO-CREATE work and deliverables are realized on schedule, within budget and within all relevant ethical and legal framework.
WP 1 leader is Knut-Inge Klepp (Norwegian Institute of Public Health).
WP 2: Policy assessment and monitoring
WP 2 aims to develop a policy monitoring tool for physical activity, building on the existing NOURISHING framework of World Cancer Research Fund International, and conduct global scans of implemented policies promoting healthy diets and physical activity. Furthermore, WP 2 will develop an index to benchmark and assess the overall policy status with regards to physical activity in Europe.
WP 2 leader is Ioana Vlad (World Cancer Research Fund International).
WP 3: Obesity rates and energy balance related behaviours
WP 3 aims to establish the state of the art in terms of existing evidence regarding effective measures to prevent overweight and obesity among adolescents. This WP will also investigate changes in overweight and obesity rates and energy balance related behaviours across countries over time, and specifically study the relation to relevant policies.
WP 3 leader is Arnfinn Helleve (Norwegian Institute of Public Health).
WP 4: Obesity system mapping
WP 4 aims to identify the key factors driving obesity in adolescents and generate system maps to identify the key opportunities for policy interventions to tackle the problem of adolescent obesity. The views of the adolescents themselves, as well as academic experts and policy makers will be included.
WP 4 leader is Cecile Knai (London School for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine).
WP 5: Youth Alliances for Overweight Prevention Policies
WP 5 aims to inform and develop novel, context specific and evidence-based policy options for obesity prevention through involvement and participation of youth from diverse background across Europe. Transferable Youth Alliances for Overweight Prevention Policies will be established in several countries to allow for exchange of knowledge between researchers and adolescents, integrating experiential, scientific and political knowledge to promote upstream prevention overweight prevention across Europe.
WP 5 leader is Christian Bröer (University of Amsterdam).
WP 6: Dialogue forums
WP 6 aims to bring together adolescents, policy makers and businesses to produce actionable commitments to enable healthy nutrition and physical activity habits for obesity prevention. A model for dialogue forums, scaled and owned by adolescents themselves, to drive and engage this constructive multi-actor dialogue will be developed.
WP 6 leader is Claire Bouillon (EAT Foundation).
WP 7: Evaluation of CO-CREATEd policy interventions and methodology
WP 7 aims to evaluate the CO-CREATion, using process, output and impact data. Evaluation will be conducted using both quantitative and qualitative data, as well as an adaptable systems dynamics core model to simulate potential effects of obesity related policy interventions.
WP 7 leader is Nanna Lien (University of Oslo).
WP 8: Open science and fair data management
WP 8 aims to ensure high level quality of data collected in the project through systematic and documented data management, including procedures for sampling and collection of data. Included is also the management of open research data in line with the EU Open Research Data Pilot.
WP 8 leader is Oddrun Samdal (University of Bergen).
WP 9: Dissemination, communication and exploitation of project results
WP 9 aims to develop a plan for dissemination and communication of project activities and results, and exploitation of key results beyond the project period. This WP will ensure continuous dissemination and communication of project results to various stakeholder groups, including academia, policy makers, businesses and youth themselves.
WP 9 leader is Tim Lobstein (World Obesity Federation).
WP 10: Ethics requirements
WP 10 will monitor and advice on the proper implementation and follow up of project adherence to best practice research ethics, and monitor that the project obtains all legal permissions in a timely manner.
WP 10 leader is Isabelle Budin Ljøsne (Norwegian Institute of Public Health)