Questionnaires in NorFlu
The NorFlu study has collected information from study participants through a series of questionnaires. Here is an overview of the questionnaires that participants have received to date.
Please note that the Norwegian and English forms on this page should not be completed by participants - only forms sent from the NIPH with a bar code can be registered in the database.
The questionnaires were sent to participants in Norwegian. Only the questionnaires during pregnancy have been translated for those who wish to see the questions in English.
Data collection of the 9 year questionnaire is planned during the autumn 2019, whereas data collection of previous questionnaires is complete.
Questionnaire about health in pregnancy
The Norwegian version of the questionnaire was sent out from about the 27th week of pregnancy until birth, during 2010. Participants were recruited and completed the questionnaire at different stages of pregnancy. Mothers were asked about their mental and physical health during pregnancy.
Questionnaire about influenza and vaccines in pregnancy
The Norwegian version of the questionnaire was sent out at the same time as “Questionnaire about pregnancy and health.” It was related to influenza, vaccines and use of medicine(s) during pregnancy.
- NorFlu questionnaire influenza and vaccines in pregnancy (pdf)
- NorFlu spørreskjema om influensa og vaksine (pdf)
Questionnaire about mother and child 6 months after birth
This Norwegian version of this questionnaire contains questions about the last period of pregnancy in addition to health information of the mothers and their children until 6 months after birth.
- NorFlu questionnaire 6 month after birth (pdf)
- NorFlu spørreskjema om mor og barn når barnet er 6 måneder (pdf)
Questionnaires about the mother and child at 18 months, 36 months, 7 years and 10 years
Questionnaires were sent to participants when the children turned 18 months, 36 months, 7 years and 10 years. The questionnaires cover general health and infections, development, language and social skills. These are not yet available in English.