UNITED4Surveillance (EU4Health Joint Action)
The general objective of the project is to strengthen infectious disease surveillance systems at the national level, with improvement of integration, interoperability, and digitalization of data sources. We focus on outbreak detection/laboratory-based reporting, hospital surveillance, and One Health surveillance.
UNITED4Surveillance is an EU4Health Joint Action with over 40 partners from all across Europe. The Joint Action started in January 2023 and will run until 31 December 2025. The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is coordinating this project.
The global crisis generated by the COVID-19 outbreak has revealed an urgent need for improvement in public health preparedness and pandemic response at the European level. UNITED4Surveillance will contribute to implementation of the new Health Security framework under the EU regulation on serious cross-border threats to health (2022/2371). This Joint Action will also support implementation of the long-term strategic framework for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in 2022–2025. The focus will be on integrating existing and new data sources for more comprehensive EU/EEA infectious disease surveillance, prevention and control. In doing so, UNITED4Surveillance will contribute to surveillance capacity-building within Europe and beyond, working to improve global health security.
The general objective of the project is to strengthen infectious disease surveillance systems at the national level, with improvement of integration, interoperability, and digitalization of data sources. We focus on outbreak detection/laboratory-based reporting, hospital surveillance, and One Health surveillance. UNITED4Surveillance will propose a Roadmap to implementation of integrated surveillance at member state and Union level which will
- contain gaps and needs analysis;
- integrate (inter)national polices;
- identify and pilot promising approaches;
- disseminate best practices;
- share experiences and knowledge through capacity building.
Role of FHI: FHI is contributing to multiple work packages and is co-leading WP4 and co-task lead for task zoonotic influenza.
WP2 Outbreak Detection (PoC Umaer Naseer).
WP3: Hospital Surveillance (PoC Rossa O'Donnell/Trine Paulsen. In collaboration with the Norwegian Directorate of Health (AE).
WP4: One Health (PoC Solveig Jore). In collaboration with the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (AE).
More about UNITED4Surveillance: https://united4surveillance.eu/project/project-summary/
Project leader
Anders Bekkelund, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Project participants
Rossa Proinnsias O'Donnell, Strategy and Portfolio Management, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Alexander Josef Theo Wetzel, Strategy and Portfolio Management, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Elisabeth Henie Madslien, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Mohammed Umaer Naseer, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Nina Therese Aasand, Infection Control Registries, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Lin Cathrine T. Brandal, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Olav Hungnes, Virology, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Andreas Rohringer, Virology, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Trine Hessevik Paulsen, Infection Control and Vaccines, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Elina Marjukka Seppälä, Infection Control and Vaccines, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Margrethe Larsdatter Storm, Infection Control Registries, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Solveig Jore, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ragnhild Tønnessen, Infection Control and Vaccines, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Jose Antonio Baz Lomba, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Christina Møllebro, Health Data and Digitalisation, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Nina Håheim, Infection Control Division Management, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Tricia Lynn Larose, Norwegian Directorate of Health
Carl Andreas Grøntvedt, Husdyr, vilt og velferd, Norwegian Veterinary Institute
Anna Karin Germundsson Hauge, Avdeling for analyser og diagnostikk, Norwegian Veterinary Institute
About the project
Project owner/ Project manager
Norwegian Institute of Public Health