New Tools - Developing tools for food system transformation, including food summary scores for nutrition and sustainability
The NewTools project aims to facilitate transformation of the Norwegian food system by involving stakeholders representing all key parts of the food chain and providing tools for development and communication supporting the actual transdisciplinary workflow.
The NewTools project aims to facilitate transformation of the Norwegian food system by involving stakeholders representing all key parts of the food chain and providing tools for development and communication supporting the actual transdisciplinary workflow. It is a collaborative project aiming at
1) creating an efficient platform for sharing data, methods and knowledge;
2) collaborate to develop key indicators to be used as tools for transformating the food system.
Main indicators will be summary scores for foods, one for nutritional value and one for sustainability, which can be used in a number of ways besides food labelling, guiding consumers to choose healthy and sustainable foods. Along with the indicators, the processes of working with and applying the scores can function as new tools e.g. for new food product development, improvement of existing products, public food procurement and political decisions. The project will build on, and facilitate the establishment of, a common understanding among a range of actors involved in desirable food system transformations, enabling processes of the type “farm to fork to farm”. It will provide reliable data and use quality-assured methodology to create a solid and lasting foundation for transformation work. An immediate application is as part of the Norwegian response to EU’s Farm to fork (F2F) initiative. F2F proposals include a food labelling framework that covers the nutritional, environmental and social aspects of food products. Constituting a consortium with broad representation, including research institutions, governmental agencies, production-, processing- and distribution actors, consumer representatives such as the Norwegian Consumer Council, retailers, labelling experts and NGOs, the knowledge created and shared will contribute to the tools needed for significant transformations towards a more resilient and sustainable food system.
Project leader
Knut Inge Klepp, Mental and Physical Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Project participants
Laura Terragni, OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
Anne Lene Løvhaug, Department of Nursing and Health Promotion, OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
Marianne Morseth, Department of Nursing and Health Promotion, OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
Lene Frost Andersen, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo
Hanne Møller, NORSUS: Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research
Anna Woodhouse, NORSUS: Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research
Erik Svanes, NORSUS: Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research
Hanne Fjerdingby Olsen, Institutt for husdyr- og akvakulturvitenskap, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Kaja Lund-Iversen, Researc Administrative Support, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Helle Margrete Meltzer, Food Safety, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Anne Lise Brantsæter, Food Safety, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Marianne Hope Abel, Physical Health and Ageing, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Arnfinn Helleve, Mental and Physical Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ingun Rolfsrud, Researc Administrative Support, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Mari Mohn Paulsen, Food Safety, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Paule Bhérer-Breton, Institutt for husdyr- og akvakulturvitenskap, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Anna Amberntsson, Food Safety, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
About the project
Project owner/ Project manager
Norwegian Institute of Public Health