Use of e-cigarette in Norway. Exploring the culture and use of e-cigarettes in an Norwegian context
The main objective for this PhD-project is to explore the evolving vaper culture and use of e-cigarettes in Norway.
The main objective for this PhD-project is to explore the evolving vaper culture and use of e-cigarettes in Norway. The study will be inductive and use qualitative methods to explore how users of e-cigarettes, also called vapers, understand their use of e-cigarettes, also called vaping, in regard to e.g. identity and motives of use. The Norwegian context concerning e.g. marked situation, political and normative climate on e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes, as well as online trading and virtual vaping communities, will be subjects to interest in the process.
We have three broad research questions:
1. How do vapers describe their use of electronic cigarettes?
The aim of the first research question is to explore when-, were-, why- and how- users of e-cigarettes use the product. Particular emphasis will be on detecting rituals- and
patterns of use.
2. How do users of e-cigarettes compare vaping to smoking?
As the majority of the established vapers are former smokers, the second research question aim to explore the transition from smoking to vaping. This questions also open up for the symbolic meaning of vaping and smoking. It is of interest to investigate how increasing stigma attached to regular smoking effect their experience and understanding of use of e-cigarettes.
3. How do vapers understand and negotiate their identity as vapers?
The purpose of the third research question is to identify if there is various groups, subculture and identities among users of e-cigarettes. In addition, investigate characteristics and how different groups differ from, - or relate to- each other.
Project leader
Rikke Iren Tokle, Avdeling for rusmidler og tobakk, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Project participants
Karl Erik Lund, Avdeling for rusmidler og tobakk, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
About the project
Project owner/ Project manager
Norwegian Institute of Public Health