A software module for power analysis and sample size calculations in genetic association analysis
Research findings
Researchers at the Centre introduce a new and complete tool in Haplin for power and sample size calculations in genetic association studies.
In a recent paper published in BMC Bioinformatics, researchers at the Centre for Fertility and Health introduce a new and complete tool in Haplin for power and sample size calculations in genetic association studies. The tool is readily applicable to data in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study or Harvest, using a standard case-control design or case-parent triads. The power calculations can be performed for a wide range of genetic effects and etiologic scenarios, including child (offspring) effects, parent-of-origin effects and effects of maternal genes, as well as for gene-environment interactions.
A power analysis demonstrates the possible scope of a study and is therefore useful for study planning as well as for the interpretation of findings in the final analyses. No prior experience with R is needed, and researchers can easily apply the Haplin functions using arguments and parameter values relevant to their own data in MoBa or Harvest.
Haplin power analysis: a software module for power and sample size calculations in genetic association analyses of family triads and unrelated controls. Gjerdevik M, Jugessur A, Haaland ØA, Romanowska J, Lie RT, Cordell HJ, Gjessing HK. BMC Bioinformatics 2019;20:165. (Published April 2 2019)