Potable Water Offshore 4th edition
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The guideline details the NIPH advice for technical design and operation of offshore potable water systems, and to some extent the guideline is also relevant for ships.
The guideline is based on regulation requirements, and contains information on management systems, water quality, technical design and also operation, control and maintenance of potable water systems. The preface details the changes that have been made from the 3rd edition, but some of the more important are:
- The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) potable water regulations for mobile offshore units was revised the 4th December 2015, and the guideline refers to regulation changes for tank and piping design, seawater inlet design, risk assessment and lists for approved potable water additives.
- There is no longer a Norwegian approval system for tank coatings. The NMA has replaced this with stricter requirements for how to choose and document application of coatings.
- The section on Legionella prevention has been supplemented with information on risk assessment and treatment methods.
- The NIPH no longer work for the County Governor of Rogaland, but we still work for the NMA.