Hospital or surgeon volume and quality of care for cancer surgery
Mapping review
Sys. lit. search with subs. sorting of possible relevant publications on patient volume and quality of care in cancer surgery, and the importance of treatment of cancer patients in multidiscip. teams.
Key message
The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services was commissioned by Norwegian Directorate of Health to conduct a systematic literature search with subsequent sorting of possible relevant publications on patient volume and quality of care in cancer surgery, and the importance of treatment of cancer patients in multidisciplinary teams.
We developed a strategy for a systematic literature search. The search was carried out in seven international literature databases (Medline, Embase, Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews, Dare and PubMed) in November 2014. Two authors screened the identified references and assessed their relevance relative to the inclusion criteria based on title and abstract.
In addition, we searched after public reports and guidelines on the website of the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for Health Services, SBU (Sweden), Danish Health and Medicines Authority (Denmark), FINOHTA (Finland), NICE (England), GIN (Guidelines International Network) and AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US).
- We identified a total of 1114 references, of which there were 50relevant publications. Volume and multidisciplinary teams were identified in 44 and 5 studies, respectively. One study was about both volume and multidisciplinary teams.
- The relevant publications were sorted into groups based on different types of cancer surgery as cancer generally, cancer of the central nervous system, cancer of the upper and middle gastrointestinal tract (oesophagus, stomach, liver and pancreas), the lower gastrointestinal tract (colon and rectum), lung cancer, urological cancer, gynaecological cancer and pediatric cancer.
- We identified 15 possible relevant publications in search of public reports and guidelines.