Rehabilitation of children with myelomeningocele (MMC)
Mapping review
A systematic literature search on rehabilitation of children with myelomeningocele (MMC).
Key message
TRS National Resource Centre for Rare Disorders at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital HF, asked The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services to do systematic search on rehabilitation of children with myelomeningocele (MMC).
Methods and results, part 1
We searched Norwegian Electronic Health Library (, G-I-N (Guidelines International Network), NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence), NGC (National Guidelines Clearinghouse, USA), Best Practice, Clinical Evidence and UpToDate for guidelines and clinical encyclopaedia, as they are most likely to provide clinically useful information.
In May 2010 links to UpToDate og Best Practice were given to the TRS National Resource Centre for Rare Disorders at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital HF.
Method and results, part 2
In october 2010, systematic search was performed in Cochrane Library/CRD, PRE-MEDLINE, MEDLINE and EMBASE for topics that was not fully described in UpToDate, Best Practice and guidelines.
A total of 281 references were identified. The whole search result was divided into groups of: exercise (no. 58), cognition (no. 73), urology/bowel (no. 46), other (no. 68) and not relevant (no. 36). References and abstracts were handed over in February 2011.