Systematic reference list
Mapping the new ownership and management forms in the care sector based on interaction, user management and co-operation
The purpose of the report was to answer the following question: In what way and how widely used are user involvement and cooperative ownership and management in the care sector in Norway and internationally?
Key message
The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services was commissioned by the The Ministry of Health and Care Services to conduct a systematic literature search with subsequent sorting of possible relevant publications. These publications would then be a part of the background material for the description of different ownership and management models.
The purpose of the report was to answer the following question: In what way and how widely used are user involvement and cooperative ownership and management in the care sector in Norway and internationally?
The report is supposed to be a part of the background material for an official report (NOU) on "Innovative care", with suggestions for new solutions to anticipated future care challenges.
We developed three search strategies: a systematic literature search, Snowball sampling, and internet search on the Google search engine. The systematic literature search was performed in February 2010. It was searched in MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, British Nursing Index, Cochrane Library, CRD Databases, SveMed +, ISI Science / Social Science Citation Index, Open Sigle and BIBSYS. Two researchers went independently through all the identified publications and assessed relevance according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
- We identified a total of 3361 unique articles through the systematic literature search. Of these, 13 could be relevant and was therefore ordered in full text. 5 of the 13 articles met the inclusion criteria.
- Snowball sampling and internet search on the Google search engine identified 25 relevant hits that fulfilled all inclusion criteria.
From this result, we have described 3 different models - Cooperatives, Independent Living Program (ILP), and permanent homes for the disadvantaged - people who for various reasons have difficulties both to find å place to live, and to keep their homes over time.