International Survey of People Living with Chronic Conditions (PaRIS survey)
The PaRIS survey is an initiative by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to promote a patient-centered healthcare system.
The PaRIS survey is an initiative by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to promote a patient-centered healthcare system. The survey will provide information on how the healthcare service and system works for people with chronic conditions in the OECD countries, as a basis for dialogue, learning and improvement. The survey consists of two questionnaires in two samples:
The survey consists of two questionnaires in two samples:
- A questionnaire for patients aged 45 or over with one or more chronic conditions who have seen a provider in primary health care at least once during the last six months before the survey in one of the participating countries;
- A questionnaire for providers/GPs (health personnel in the primary healthcare service) of these patients about the organization of their practice.
More information about the survey can be found here:
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) conducted the field trial in 2022, in close collaboration with the OECD and their research consortium. In the spring of 2023, the main survey is planned to be carried out in the participating countries.
Project leader
Øyvind Andresen Bjertnæs, Health Services, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Project participants
Ingeborg Strømseng Sjetne, Health Services Research, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Mona Haugum, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Elma Jelin, Health Services Research, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Rebecka Maria Norman, Health Services, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Hilde Karin Hestad Iversen, Health Services, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Inger Opedal Paulsrud, Health Services, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Lina Harvold Ellingsen-Dalskau, Health Services, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
About the project
Project owner/ Project manager
Norwegian Institute of Public Health