Information from this project will help to improve the use of Smittestopp during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Smittestopp is a bluetooth based app that helps identify potential exposure to COVID-19, especially with unknown contacts such as in public transport or supermarkets. The app does not collect any information and therefor we are setting up this project to assess the impact of Smittestopp.
We used a questionnaire for people who have recently been tested for COVID-19. This questionnaire included information regarding reason for testing, test results as well as the use for Smittestopp. We have now received well over 9000 responses. Thank you for your contribution!
We will now start analysing the data.
Information from this project will help to improve the use of Smittestopp during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Project leader
Elisabeth Henie Madslien, Avdeling for smittevern og beredskap, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Project participants
Camilla Mauroy, Avdeling for smittevern og beredskap, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Svanhild Schipper Kjørsvik, Avdeling for smittevern og beredskap, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Hinta Meijerink, Avdeling for smittevern og vaksine, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Project owner/ Project manager
Norwegian Institute of Public Health