Pneumococcal carriage among Norwegian children
In this study we determine the prevalence of pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage among children attending day-care centres in and around Oslo, Norway four years after switching from the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) to the 13-valent PCV. Furthermore, we investigate which variables determine the presence of pneumococcal carriage. The study invited all children attending 40 day care centres. A nasopharyngeal swap was collected together with questionnaire data. The results are compared to data obtained in similar studies performed before widespread childhood vaccination with the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV; 2006), 2 years after the implementation of vaccination in the childhood vaccination programme (2008) and 2 years after switch from the 7-valent PCV to the 13-valent vaccine (2013). Results are useful for policy making – both, for the childhood vaccination programme as well as for vaccine recommendations for risk groups
Project leader
Anneke Steens, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Project participants
Didrik Frimann Vestrheim, Avdeling for vaksineforebyggbare sykdommer, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Dominique A Caugant, Smittevern, miljø og helse, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Martin Steinbakk, Avdeling for resistens- og infeksjonsforebygging, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ingeborg Aase S. Aaberge, Smittevern, miljø og helse, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Astrid Louise Løvlie, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Lotta Linnea Siira, Avdeling for vaksineforebyggbare sykdommer, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Regional committees for medical and health research ethics
Project owner/ Project manager
Norwegian Institute of Public Health